"Golden Age" is a biblical concept that has happened
historically — and will happen
again in the "end-times". While we are
not yet
in the end-times, society is slowly beginning to wake up
to the fact that only a small percentage of mankind is
really necessary to do all of the "work" that
needs to be done. Automation and technology is increasingly taking over
almost all sectors of our society.
this resulting lack of work to be performed, the
rest of mankind will need to be provided with a portion of the world's
collective wealth in order to comfortably survive. People will no longer have to be
burdened with eight hours of work per day in order to
"just get by." With this much free
time on their hands, the collective and creative juices of
mankind combined with a redistribution of the world's wealth will
result in astonishing accomplishments. This will, no
doubt, lead to the epitome of mankind's achievements, as
the Bible has prophesied. Some will even say
that the prophesied "second coming" must have
already occurred, as life will be so good.
page will list the few articles and videos that
address this prophetic and sociological issue. At present
(2014), half of the U.S. population that
work, does
work. In a decade or two, the number that working is expected to be
cut in half. More are actually on welfare
than are working.
Here is what will happen at the
of the Golden Age - 666.
