In a hurry to alkalize?
There are many bottled green drinks and powders
which have mostly alkaline ingredients in them. I
recently bought Trader Joe's POWER OF SEVEN
green drink for $5 (they have several other types
and flavors,
too.) I was amazed at at how fast it gave me an
instant energy boost, and how it helped another
health issue, too.
Thinking of taking any
preventive or recommended vax shot - or worse,
giving it to your child?
Click here first, then
we eat, drink and what we think determines the
alkalinity of our body tissue, which our blood
stream draws from in emergency situations. The pH
of the blood must always be maintained at around 7.365 at
all times
or death will result.
Here is how to alkalize.
Pathogens cannot live in
an alkaline environment. Most people are acidic, the
result of eating the Standard American Diet (SAD,)
lack of exercise, negative thinking, taking drugs,
vaccines, and from environmental poisons.
The alkaline lifestyle is the next and final step
up from the vegan/plant diet.
Those who claim that the
keto diet (can someone please produce a
testimonial website that proves that the ketosis
theory actually works? Here is one for
alkaline/cancer,) the fruitarian
diet (Dr.
Robert Morse, who offers no free detailed
diet (meat is the first thing that needs to be
eliminated for any kind of health issue. Where was
animal meat in the Garden of Eden?), and a
host of other diets a mile long have resolved
their particular health issues is explained by one
of two factors: First, some individual positive
component of the new diet was instrumental in the
resolution. Second, some negative component of
one's previous diet has been eliminated by the new
diet, alone effecting a healing change. Most of
today's popular diets are
not healthy and
will create a long-term problem of one sort or
another if continued.
Viruses and germs
do not
cause disease (and
here and
Those terms were purposely distorted in order to justify the
$550B dollar mass marketing of dangerous
and ineffective drugs, antibiotics and
vaccines by
the (allopathic) pharmaceutical companies.
Likewise, all epidemics and/or pandemics are the
result of vaccines, poor medical treatment,
pesticides, environmental issues, like clean water
and proper sanitation.
And now also through the 5G radiation,
which is being blamed on the present
Any cellular form in the
blood stream other than a normal blood cell is
the result of the biological transformation the
red blood cell
– or of parasites entering the blood
stream. Both of which are due to the
over-acidification of the blood and/or body
Any communicable
spreading of disease is a result of bacteria,
fungus and/or yeast physically transferring to another
person. Or, it is a result of the already internal acidic
environment of that person, usually from eating
the same acidc foods as others nearby.
There are no disease-causing viruses.
The stomach
does not digest food.
It alkalizes food to be directly absorbed further
down the gut directly into the blood stream.
Stomach acid is the result of eating to much
acidic food that the stomach is unable to
alkalize. Digestion begins with chewing your food
well with your teeth.
It is impossible to be over-alkaline. And
Eating and drinking
organic alkaline foods (vegetables) and beverages
and thinking positive thoughts is the key to all
disease prevention and natural immunity. Minerals,
healthy oils, liquid chlorophyll, pure and ionized water,
natural salt, exercise, sunshine and a positive
attitude are the only supplements needed (AKA,
C.O.W.S. Protocol.) Popular
supplements such as vitamin C, probiotics, and
apple cider vinegar
are all acidic and are counter-productive, long
term. Oh, and
you can't be too
alkaline. People who claim that do not know
how the stomach works.
Again, it
is impossible to be over-alkaline.
The alkaline lifestyle
has withstood the test of time. Hundreds of
success stories from around the world
are conveniently linked on this page and the
cancer page for
verification. Read about Dr. Robert O. Young's
For those who are of the
mindset to shoot the messenger first and ask
questions later, please be advised that Dr. Young
DID NOT invent the concept of alkalinity, nor is
he the only proponent of it. The late
Dr. Sebi
was a major proponent as well as the late
Dr. Ben Johnson, and current health
Dr. Axe,
Dr. Robert Morse,
Dr. Leonard Coldwell,
Dr. Bernardo,
Dr. Galina Migalko,
Dr. Ed
Beyer, and
Dr. Darin Ingels (who successfully treated his
own Lyme disease with an alkaline diet.) Many more
are listed
Dr. Otto Warburg was awarded two Nobel Peace
Prizes for his alkaline related discoveries. And
yes, we know there are a ton of people out there
that will tell you it's all a bunch of hogwash.
But curiously, none of them have any links to anyone
they have supposedly healed. Read
Young's latest articles and posts here. Last
but not least, this is also what is sometimes
referred to as the Daniel Diet,
mentioned in the Bible. If you are on
Facebook, watch the reels of Barbara O'Neill.
Otherwise, look her up
What you should
eat (according to Dr. Robert O. Young): Eat more foods that are high in
potassium, such as avocado, sprouts, and kale.
Avoid all processed and refined foods, such as
white breads, pastas, and sugar. Eliminate all
red meats and lean meats, pork, poultry, fish,
processed soy, and all legumes. Increase plant
based proteins from avocado, hemp and sprouted
organic soy. Use healthy oils in foods, such as
cold pressed olive oil and avocado oil.
Eliminate trans fatty acids, found in commercially
baked goods such as cookies, crackers, cakes,
French fries, onion rings, donuts, processed
foods, and margarine. Eliminate all grains from
the diet. Eliminate all corn products.
Eliminate peanuts. Eliminate all forms of
vinegar. Eliminate all forms of mushrooms.
Eliminate coffee, black teas and other stimulants,
alcohol, and tobacco. Eliminate sport drinks,
energy drinks and soft drinks. Drink 4 to 6
liters of 9.5 alkaline water daily based upon 1
liter per 30 kg of weight. Add 10 grams of
Miracle Green Powder with 5 drops of
pH Miracle
Puriphy in each liter of water. This will help
build healthy stem cells and blood in the crypts
of the small intestines and reduce latent tissue
acidosis which is the cause of All sickness and
disease, including
Atherosclerosis and Coronary
Artery Disease.
Recipes here and
here and
here and
here. (Note: I
personally drink the biblically mentioned spring
water, but previously drank the recommended
alkaline water. I also add
Trace Mineral Drops from the Great Salt Lake.)
Do you think chickens are
healthy? Did You Know if you still eat chickens,
you are actually eating baby chicks who are about
48 days old. Healthy chickens can live to be 15
years old or more. Chicken is one of my top ten
acidic foods to never eat. Next time you
consider eating a chicken egg and making it part
of your body think about the following: 1) The
main purpose of a chicken egg is to create a new
chicken. 2) Eggs come from a chicken’s period.
3) Each egg once physically disturbed from shaking
to cracking creates over 37,500,000 bacteria
and/or yeast. (Source USDA) 4) The ingestion of
a chicken egg activates the immune response for 3
to 5 hours in order to clean-up the toxic mess.
5) According to Dr. Livingston Wheeler, a medical
doctor and cancer research scientist, eggs contain
the progenitor cryptocide which causes cancer.
6) Eggs are one of my top 10 acidic foods to never
eat. This includes the egg white or plasma. 7)
Chickens do not have a urinary tract system so the
absorption of acidic waste or urine may be pushed
out into the connective tissue or muscle. But
that’s what makes them so juicy! Enjoy eating
chicken urine with your chicken period. 😎
Chicken flesh when ingested produces 4 cancer
causing poisons of nitric, uric, sulphuric and
phosphoric acids, if not eliminated via the four
channels of elimination may cause sickness and
disease. 9) All the scientific reasons NOT to
FLESH! 10) Eggs are more toxic and poisonous
then smoking cigarettes. 11)
Eating eggs leads to plaque in your arteries.
Eating chicken and eggs causes cardiovascular
disease, colon cancer, diabetes and prostate
We recommend these
vitamins and mineral supplements (but have no
connection to them):
Trace Mineral Drops. Also, for unprocessed
Redmonds Real Salt or Celtic Salt. Sea salt or
Himalayan salts can sometimes not be as safe or
pure, especially if they are very inexpensive. And
for baking soda,
Red Mill only.
Need some quick
relief for whatever is ailing you right now?
Drink water with baking soda and
lemon juice. (For
proper medical advice, consult a licensed medical
Alkaline LifeStyle & Energy Psychology Coach
Here are some basic 101 nutritional info
the hours of 7pm and 11am... our body is in
clean and repair mode.
2. Between the hours of
7pm and 11am ... DO NOT FEED IT!!! Especially
before you go to bed!!! STOP polluting it
please. 3. Green powder and green juices
and green shakes are not alkaline... they are
electron rich. Juice at best is 6.8 pH. We
take these to nutritionally feed us. 4. We
alkalize with .... Alkaline mineral salts and
baking soda... both are alkalizing...both with
a pH of about 9 or more ... NOT greens. And
even if greens were ... they are still food...
meaning daylight nutrition.... when our body
needs it and uses it. 5. Our body... our
fluids... our organs .. our tissues need to be
soothed all night long in salt water.... NOT
FOOD.... as they begin to clean themselves and
regenerate. Doing this is a full time job for
"FOODS". This causes stress and confusion for
the body and fermentation in the bowels. 6.
When we wake in the morning our body wants to
flush out its night work through urine and
bowels. To release all the toxins from the day
before. Healthy bowels moves 3 to 5x a day!
7. Autophagy is a natural innate process our
body uses to heal itself... it means no
food.... it does it every night while we
sleep! Try a 24 dry or water fast and feel the
change. 8. Before bedtime I take 1tsp of
baking soda or alkaline mineral salt shooter.
Meaning 4 oz of water with 1 tsp. of either of
the forementioned salts. Here is a link to
order your alkaline salts.... green powder and
much more... 9.
When I wake in the morning I repeat point
number 8. 10. Then I begin my green water.
I drink 2 one liters of them before noon. And
I may have a green shake between 11am and noon
if I feel hungry. So I have given my body at
least 12 hours or more of cleaning and healing
between the hours of 7pm to 7am... if not
longer. WARNING: Oh and never ever put
alkaline water into a metal container.
Alkaline water molecules are super "friendly"
and any metal molecule will adhere to it thus
making it toxic. And never mix greens with
fruits (except lemons and limes) as it
promotes fermentation and bloating. I hope
this helps you. If you would like a private
consultation to discuss your personal goals
please call or msg me. ♡♡♡ Donna
1. Cucumbers
contain most of the vitamins you need every
day, just one cucumber contains Vitamin B1,
Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin
B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron,
Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc.
2. Feeling tired in the afternoon, put down
the caffeinated soda and pick up a cucumber.
Cucumbers are a good source of B vitamins and
Carbohydrates that can provide that quick
pick-me-up that can last for hours. 3.
Tired of your bathroom mirror fogging up after
a shower? Try rubbing a cucumber slice along
the mirror, it will eliminate the fog and
provide a soothing, spa-like fragrance. 4.
Are grubs and slugs ruining your planting
beds? Place a few slices in a small pie tin
and your garden will be free of pests all
season long. The chemicals in the cucumber
react with the aluminum to give off a scent
undetectable to humans but drive garden pests
crazy and make them flee the area. 5.
Looking for a fast and easy way to remove
cellulite before going out or to the pool? Try
rubbing a slice or two of cucumbers along your
problem area for a few minutes, the
phytochemicals in the cucumber cause the
collagen in your skin to tighten, firming up
the outer layer and reducing the visibility of
cellulite. Works great on wrinkles too!!!
6. Want to avoid a hangover or terrible
headache? Eat a few cucumber slices before
going to bed and wake up refreshed and
headache free. Cucumbers contain enough sugar,
B vitamins and electrolytes to replenish
essential nutrients the body lost, keeping
everything in equilibrium, avoiding both a
hangover and headache!! 7. Looking to fight
off that afternoon or evening snacking binge?
Cucumbers have been used for centuries and
often used by European trappers, traders and
explores for quick meals to thwart off
starvation. 8. Have an important meeting or
job interview and you realize that you don't
have enough time to polish your shoes? Rub a
freshly cut cucumber over the shoe, its
chemicals will provide a quick and durable
shine that not only looks great but also
repels water. 9. Out of WD 40 and need to
fix a squeaky hinge? Take a cucumber slice and
rub it along the problematic hinge, and voila,
the squeak is gone! 10. Stressed out and
don't have time for massage, facial or visit
to the spa? Cut up an entire cucumber and
place it in a boiling pot of water, the
chemicals and nutrients from the cucumber will
react with the boiling water and be released
in the steam, creating a soothing, relaxing
aroma that has been shown the reduce stress in
new mothers and college students during final
exams. 11. Just finish a business lunch and
realize you don't have gum or mints? Take a
slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of
your mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds to
eliminate bad breath, the phytochemicals will
kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible
for causing bad breath. 12. Looking for a
'green' way to clean your taps, sinks or
stainless steel? Take a slice of cucumber and
rub it on the surface you want to clean, not
only will it remove years of tarnish and bring
back the shhine, but is won't leave streaks
and won't harm you fingers or fingernails
while you clean. 13. Using a pen and made a
mistake? Take the outside of the cucumber and
slowly use it to erase the pen writing, also
works great on crayons and markers that the
kids have used to decorate the walls!
Dr. Young answers critics charges on a
variety of health issues
here and
here. Watch theYouTube video of
the 7 stages of acidity
here. Read Dr. Young's,
Several years ago I had
the beautiful experience
speak freely at the
Martin Luther King Jr.
Memorial Chapel in
Atlanta, Georgia on the
campus of Morehouse
College by Professor Dean
Lawrence Carter, Jr.
(below I am pictured with
Professor Lawrence Carter,
Dean of the Martin Luther
King Chapel at More House
College, Atlanta, Georgia.)
When introducing me to
speak at the Martin Luther
King, Jr. Memorial Chapel,
Dr. Carter stated, “Dr.
Robert O. Young is the
Martin Luther King Jr. of
the 21st Century.” It was
one of my greatest
memories to stand at the
same pulpit where Martin
Luther King, Jr., Ikada,
Ghandi and Mandela
delivered powerful
messages of freedom, love
and light. There in front
of thousands, I was
blessed to have the
opportunity to share my
message of freedom, love
and light. A message that
has now blessed the lives
of millions around the
World. Thank you God for
the blessing of service in
my life. Thank you all for
the opportunities you have
given me to serve you, my
brothers and sisters – my
Dr. Robert O. Young
am very excited to introduce you to the work of the
leading nutritional microbiologist in the world today —Dr.Robert
O. Young.
Over the past two and a half decades, Dr. Robert O. Young
has been widely recognized as one of the top research
scientists in the world. Throughout his career, his
research has been focused at the cellular level. Having a
specialty in cellular nutrition, Dr. Young has devoted his
life to researching the true causes of “disease,”
subsequently developing The New Biology™ to help people
balance their life.
Dr. Young’s scientific findings
have led him to a new science he calls The
New BiologyTM.
In contrast, the ‘old’ biology (based on the work of Louis
Pasteur in the late 1800s) stems from the idea that
disease comes from germs and bacteria which invade the
body from the outside.
Simply put, the New Biology states that there is only One
Sickness and One Disease, and that this one
‘sickness’ is the over-acidification of the body due
primarily to an inverted way of living, thinking, and
This over-acidification leads to the over-growth in our
body of micro-organisms (such as yeast and fungi) whose
poisons produce the symptomologies that medical science
refers to as “disease”.
Based on Dr. Young’s theory,
there’s only one sickness, and there can therefore be only
one remedy and treatment, and that is to alkalize
the body and
break the cycle of imbalance, thus allowing us to
experience the energy, vitality and true health we’re all
meant to have.
What’s more, Dr. Robert Young is
a man for whom I have immense respect and admiration. If
you are familiar with my work (through my books, eBooks,
and seminars), you know that I’m definitely not one who
easily buys into “miracle cures” — nor am I easily swayed
by other people’s opinions or anecdotal reports. I’m
extremely wary of exaggerated health claims provided by
individuals or enterprises that stand to make huge profits
from the proliferation of those claims.
But the more I expanded my research into this New
BiologyTM, the more I was dumbfounded by the mountains of
evidence showing that this therapy has already been used
by so many health practitioners who have adopted Dr.
Young’s protocol to heal cancer and every conceivable
My skepticism turned to conviction when I realized that
this cure is . . .
…the only healing therapy that finally eliminates the REAL
cause of cancer!
Specifically, my skepticism
melted away when I saw the overwhelming evidence
consisting of thousands of people that were healed of
cancer once and for all.
This is BY FAR the simplest, most effective and most
powerful therapy for curing cancer and creating optimal
health. It is also the secret that both the American
pharmaceutical industry and the medical establishment
don’t want you to know.
That’s because this simple cure for virtually all diseases
threatens the livelihood and the trillion-dollar earnings
of the pharmaceutical and health care industries — not to
mention the medical centers and physicians that make a
great living from providing expensive drugs, complex
medical procedures and long hospital stays.
The simple protocol which is detailed in this book
represents the biggest threat to the revenues of the
pharmaceutical and medical industries.It’s a bigger threat
than all the alternative healing therapies, nutritional
supplements, natural foods and products COMBINED.
I believe it’s the definitive answer to the cause,
prevention and cure of cancer and of a great many diseases
that plague the world today.
Therefore I am deeply honoured, thrilled and excited to
introduce you to a research scientist who is not only a
genius in his field, but a man with an immense heart. Dr
Young is a man who truly cares deeply, and I am certain
his knowledge and caring can make a difference not only in
your life, but in the lives of all your family and loved
ones. So let the journey of transformation begin!
The pH miracle for cancer by Dr. Robert O. Young
We’re very, very grateful to be
able to share this research — this New BiologyTM — what I
(Rob) refer to as a new way of living, a new way of
eating, a new way of thinking.
Some of the questions we’ll be covering in this chapter
What is cancer?
What’s the cause of all
cancer? (Is cancer a mutant cell, a virus, a mould? Or
is cancer an acidic liquid?)
Is cancer a noun or is it
actually an adjective that explains what’s happening
to the cell?
Are tumours bad or good?
What role does the lymphatic
system play in all this?
The focus will be on the
alkaline pH of the body. The key I believe is to obtain
sustainable energy.
Most of the last 25 years of my research has been focused
on what is happening to the cells as it pertains
specifically to the environment around those cells. And I
love this quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson: “What lies behind
us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to
what lies within us.” So the focus of my research has been
on specifically what lies within us and, more
specifically, how the internal fluids affect the health,
energy, and vitality of the human cell. Dr. Benjamin Rush,
eminent physician and signer of the Declaration
of Independence, said: “Unless we put medical freedom
into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine
will organize into an underground dictatorship. To
restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny
equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of
medical science. All such laws are un-American and
As I think about my vision, the relative purpose of
medicine I believe must include not just the treatment but
also the prevention of illness and the promotion of health
and fitness, rather than just focusing all of our
attention on a specific diagnosis or even the treatment of
disease. Because disease is an illusion, in reality
disease is the body trying to prevent fermentation or
break down of the tissue. It’s the body in preservation
mode trying to maintain the homeostasis of the internal
fluids of the body, which are alkaline. I believe that the
ultimate purpose of medicine is to help people discover
something fundamental within themselves. And that is an
awareness of the true source of wellbeing, the true source
of joy, the true source of contentment that we all seek
which lies in one’s mind and in one’s heart — which are
the emotions and the spirit. And this is important so that
we can all begin to be free from the process of grasping
for happiness on a physical world.
To support this approach, this theory, I believe we must
begin to embrace a more spiritual vision of ourselves and
of humanity as a whole, while at the right time providing
great love, care, and attention to the physical body.
Then, and only then, will medicine (or the treatments that
medicine is current performing) help people discover this
non-physical, spiritual dimension of themselves. And when
this happens I believe that we can live and work with less
fear. Rather than working in fear we can work in its
opposite — we can work in faith. We’re going to have less
stress grasping to preserve the physical body at all
costs, then I believe we can truly be happy, energetic,
and free.
Last year Shelley and I (Rob) had the opportunity to have
a wonderful experience with Dr. Carter who is the caretaker
of the estate of Martin Luther King and also the protégé
of M. L. King, and there he honoured Shelley and I. And
the most important thing that I learned about Dr. Carter
was his openness to not just thinking outside the box,
because we talk a lot about thinking outside the box, I
would like to suggest rather than thinking outside the box
as we contemplate these new theories that I am going to be
presenting to you on the pH Miracle for cancer, but making
the box bigger. We don’t have to think outside the box, we
just need to make the box bigger to allow new
technologies, new biologies, new protocols that are
effectively making the difference, specifically in the
prevention and treatment of cancer.
“We must be the change we want to see.”
– Ghandi
If we want to see the cure for cancer, I believe we must
be change we want to see.We’ll have to look at it
differently, not outside the box but inside the box making
it bigger. Expanding our views and our perspective as it
relates to cancer.
Now before we start exploring the pH Miracle for cancer, I
must start up by saying what is a pH miracle. And I would
suggest that a pH miracle is a natural phenomenon that is
not understood currently by medical researchers,
specifically in the cause and effect relationship. What is
the cause? Is cancer a cause for disease? I say no, cancer
is the body attempting to maintain homeostasis and cancer
is the body in preservation mode trying to maintain the
alkaline design of the human organism. So first we must
understand that cancer is unequivocally not a
disease, but a symptom or better yet an effect of
gastrointestinal and metabolic acids that have built up in
the blood and then these acids are thrown off into the
tissues poisoning and suppressing our immune system making
it increasingly difficult to maintain the alkaline pH of
the internal fluids of the body. So these acids destroy
the white cells’ ability to remove acids and the cells
which they spoil.
What I’m simply suggesting is that cancer is not a cell,
but an acidic liquid that spoils our cells that make up
our tissues and organs when those acids are not properly
eliminated through urination, perspiration, respiration or
defecation. Let’s now look at the current medical
definition of cancer. What is it? Cancer is a group of
diseases characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread
of abnormal cells. If the spread is not controlled it can
result in death. Cancer is caused by both external
factors, some of which are known and are common in our
society such as tobacco, chemicals, radiation (from our
cellular phones) and internal factors: hormone imbalances,
immune deficiency and gene mutations — which is what
they’re suggesting. These factors may act together in a
sequence to promote what is called carcinogenesis. This is
the classical definition of cancer, taken directly from
the American Cancer Society.
So what is being suggested by current medical science is
that the cancer is some mutating cell that — a
transmutation of the genes — triggered by internal or
external factors, this is true but what is not understood
is these internal or external factors are the acids
themselves. So when we’re dealing with any symptom or an
effect, we need to look at the cause. Whether externally
or internally, the focus traditionally has been to look at
the matter rather than look at the environment around the
matter. And to understand the cause is very simple just
like the treatment. And the New Biology®explains the cause
and effect of all sickness and disease and specifically
cancer as well as how to improve the quality and quantity
of life without chemical therapy, radiation or surgery.
Let me give you an example. Enervation (ie, lack of
energy), muscle weakness, you’ve probably seen the
commercials on television, it’s a new disease they call
restless legs syndrome (RLS) for which there are drugs
that supposedly treat the syndrome. They want to put
everything in a disease modality — a nice little box —
that has a specific treatment. Yet restless legs syndrome
is weakness or loss of electrical power. It’s not a
disease. But by causing a flagging of the toxic
elimination from the tissue, the blood becomes charged
with these metabolic acids and when it’s charged with
these metabolic acids the blood has to purify itself by
throwing these metabolic acids into the tissues to
maintain its delicate pH balance of 7.365. This is what I
call the body in preservation mode which leads to what I
refer to as latent tissue acidosis. This is poison in the
blood, and if that poison is not eliminated through
urination, perspiration, respiration or defecation, the
body has to purify itself so it throws this poison into
the connective tissue. This is the disease, or is it? Not
even skin challenges when the acids accumulate beyond the
toleration point a crisis takes place which means that the
poison or the acid is being eliminated through the skin.
Looking at the 2006 statistics for cancer, this year in
America we’re looking at 1,400,000 new cases of cancer. By
the way, this statistic doesn’t even include skin cancer
which is actually bigger than lung cancer, breast cancer
or prostate cancer. And prostate cancer is known to be the
leading cause of death in men while lung cancer being the
leading cause of death in women. And yet when we look at
cancer, the new incidents of cancer and the new diagnoses
are skin cancers because skin is the third kidney — the
elimination organ. And if acids are not properly
eliminated through the elimination channels, then those
acids are thrown out into the tissues and this is what’s
not currently recognized by medical science.
This is the reason why the blood maintains its pH by
either eliminating acid through urination or throwing it
into the colloidal tissue which leads to this crisis, this
poisoning, this elimination through the skin, again the
third kidney! And this is not a disease. The only disease
is systemic, because acids flow out through your whole
body. They are the waste products of metabolism. Our
bodies are like cars, they’re constantly on though 24/7
and they require energy and when energy is being used, a
waste product like carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide or
lactic acid is being created. So acid is constantly being
created which has to be eliminated. So when energy is
being used to think, to move, to breathe, at the same time
an acid is being created and acid needs to be eliminated.
If the acid is not eliminated, it is thrown out into the
colloidal connective tissue. It is our tissue that becomes
the colloidal acid catcher in order to maintain the purity
of the blood. The blood has to maintain the purity and
this is why the blood has a constant pH. If it varies of
even just one point you can have ill effects. The proper
balance is 7.365. If it starts dropping or if it starts
going up, the body will do whatever it can to maintain
that delicate pH. This is very significant in order to
understand cancer and why it’s not a cell but the spoiling
of the cell and tissue by metabolic acids which are not
properly eliminated through elimination because we have
enervation, we don’t have the energy to move the acid out
to maintain the purity of the blood, so it is then sent
out into the colloidal connective tissue.
When this elimination takes place through the mucus
membrane of the nose for example it’s called a cold —
catarrh of the nose. And when these crises are repeated
for years the mucus membrane thickens and ulcerates, and
the bones enlarge, closing the passages. At this stage hay
fever, asthma develops. When the tonsils or any other
respiratory passages become the seat of the crisis of
acidity (because the acids were not properly eliminated)
then we have tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, asthma,
pneumonia, and cancer. You see, it’s progressive, it’s the
same thing. All that’s happening is different progressions
of the same thing — just different levels of states of
acidosis. When this acid is located in the cranial cavity
we have dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, muddle
thinking, forgetfulness. If the acids accumulate in the
digestive area, we end up with irritable
bowel syndrome, gastro intestinal problems, stenosis,
colitis. And when the acids locate in the pelvic tissue,
or in the breasts, we end up with micro calcifications as
the body, in preservation mode, is using one of these
alkaline buffers such as calcium to neutralize the acids
and that’s why we have these micro calcifications in the
pelvic area and in the breast. This always precedes the
rotting of the tissue. Even in prostate cancer.
Hence all cancers are the expulsion of acids from the
blood and then the tissue at different points and are
essentially the same character evolving from the same
cause, namely systemic acidosis — a crisis of toxaemia.
The description can be extended to every organ of the
body: the lung, the liver, the pancreas, the bowls, the
brain, including the largest organs which has the highest
incidents: the skin. Any organ that is enervated below the
average standard (from stress of habit, from overstress at
work, from worry, anxiety, fear, injury, etc.) may become
the location of the crisis of systemic latent tissue
acidosis. The symptoms presented differently depending
upon which organ is being affected. Which is what makes it
appear as if every symptom complex is a separate and
distinct disease. But we need to not think outside the
box, we need to think inside the box, we just need to make
the box bigger.
I give thanks to this new light shed upon nomen culture
naming disease by the philosophy of The New Biology, every
symptom complex goes back to the one and only cause of all
so called cancers, namely systemic latent tissue acidosis.
To find the cause of all symptomologies — lung cancer,
breast cancer, brain cancer, bowl cancer, prostate cancer
— we start with colds and catarrh, and watch the pathology
and is it travels from irritation to catarrh to
inflammation to induration to ulceration and then to
cancer: nothing more than rotting tissue. And what is
causing the transformation (and not gene transmutation) is
the spoiling of the cell due to the acids.
Have you ever opened a refrigerator and smelled the
spoiling foods at the back? These are the acids! It’s not
some germ, it’s not some virus, it’s not some mold that’s
breaking this down, it’s the acids that are breaking the
tissue down and giving rise to the symptomology. Mold is
like a smoking gun, the bullet being the acid. And yet
it’s not the bullet or the acid that kills, and surely not
the smoke or some gene mutation, or some bacteria or
virus, but it is the person himself or herself that is
pulling lifestyle and dietary trigger which then releases
the acid that then tenderizes or spoils the tissue in the
weakest parts of the body.
Nature’s order is interfered with by innovating habits
until acidosis is established. A vaccination as evidenced
by the Spanish flu epidemic or an infection, in truth it’s
literally an out-fection from the same source causing the
most vulnerable organ, specifically the bowls, to take on
organic changes. The organ however has nothing to do with
the cause, and directing treatment to the organ is
actually compounding the problem. You cannot treat disease
when in reality disease is the body in preservation trying
to re-establish homeostasis in a state of systemic
acidosis that’s localized at the weakest part of the body.
When we realize that breast cancer is the leading cause of
death in women and that these fatty tissues (breast areas)
are being used by the body to bind or collect the acids in
order to protect the organs that sustain life. And by the
way when one does a mammogram and sees these
microcalcification of the breast, this is an indication of
a state of acidosis — the body’s defensive mechanism to
relieve or remove or neutralize acidity that hasn’t been
properly eliminated though urination, perspiration,
respiration or defecation.
If we’re dealing with prostate, we’re dealing with
localized acidity. If we’re dealing with lung cancer,
we’re dealing with localized acidity that can be caused by
external or internal forces but everything comes from
within. As we take in tobacco smoke, there are acids and
toxins and poisons — one being sugar which breaks down to
acetaldehyde which tenderizes this tissue. Tobacco smoking
is not an addiction of nicotine, it’s an addiction of
sugar which causes excess acidity in a localized area. So
cause is constant, ever present, always the same, only the
effects change. To illustrate, a catarrh of the stomach
presents first irritation, then inflammation, then
ulceration and finally induration and cancer. Cancer is
not at the first, it’s the culmination of deteriorating or
broken tissue spoiled by an overacidic stomach.
Most Americans are challenged with the symptomology of
indigestion which can include acid reflux, bloating,
heartburn, burping, diarrhea, or even constipation. The
proper way to study disease is to study health in every
aspect. Disease is perverted health. Cancer is perverted
health — any influence that lowers energy becomes disease
There’s an important question now to answer. Why do we
crave sugar? It’s interesting when doing an MRI or a CAT
scan. What is used but radioactive sugar that is taken up
by the acidic cells — not cancer cells because we don’t
have cancer cells, we have acidic cells or cancerous
cells: cells that have been spoiled by the environment in
which they live. So sugar cravings are the body’s needs
for sustainable energy. And energy can only be transported
through a matrix of salt. Therefore sugar cravings are the
body’s needs for salt, not sugar. And I suggest that sugar
is an acid of cellular transformation — a waste product —
not a product of energy by a by-product of what the body
truly uses which is electrical potential in the form of
The body doesn’t use carbohydrates, the body uses
electrons to run. The body is electrical. And sugar is
nothing more than a waste product of cellular breakdown
and transformation. Isn’t that what happens to the banana?
As the banana moves from irritation to inflammation to
induration and then to cancer, going from green to yellow
to brown getting its “liver spots” the same way you get
liver spots, through excess fermentation and rotting. We
do not say the banana has cancer, we say the banana is
spoiling. In the same way we shouldn’t say that the lung
has cancer but rather that the lung is spoiling — it is cancerous.
Cancer is not a noun but an adjective expressing the
process of cellular transformation. Again, sugar is the
waste product. In fact, that’s why it gets sweeter and
sweeter as it ferments. Consistently in my research I see
that we have a release of sugar from the breakdown of
tissue. And to overcome sugar craving we don’t have to eat
sugar, we need to eat more salt. And the secondary
metabolites of this primary acid or sugar are acetaldehyde
and ethanol alcohol. So cravings are the body’s signal
that the body needs more sustainable energy. We need
energy to remove the acids of metabolism — the body
utilizing electrons for energy purposes. Food, drinks,
sun, minerals, vitamins, drugs… are common choices made by
us to achieve sustainable energy, but yet what we’re
looking for are the electrons from these sources. And our
choices will determine whether or not our cravings will
lead to true sustainable energy which maintains the
integrity of the fluids of body and therefore the
integrity of the tissues, or gives us false energy which
creates this over-acidic state that leads to latent tissue
acidosis which begins the process of spoiling of the
Sugar stimulates and gives the body a deceptive quick-fix
— it’s illusionary — whereas salt provides the matrix and
gives our body the rise in sustainable energy, over a long
period of time, without the high and extreme lows that
come from eating an acid — whether it be sugar or any
other acidic foods or drinks.
It is the skin that suffers, because if the body can’t
eliminate the acids that are created through energy
consumption, it throws them out of the tissues and into
the lymphatic system, and that’s why the lymphatic system
is so critical in the prevention of cancer and in the
treatment of cancer, because it is the lymphatic system
that is the vacuum cleaner of the acids that are in the
interstitial fluids of the body, pulling these acids out
in order to maintain the integrity of the tissue through diaphramic
breathing and perspiration (that is if
we’re perspiring, which is one of the most important
things we need to do on a daily basis). If we can’t
eliminate our acids through urination then our body
urinates through the skin — which is why there is over a
million cases of skin cancer a year in the United States
and probably you didn’t even know that. It’s not talked
about. Why? Because the etiology of skin cancer is not
understood. It is unknown. Scientists don’t know what
causes basal cell carcinoma, melanoma, they do not
understand it because they don’t understand latent tissue
acidosis and the importance of the lymphatic system as the
vacuum cleaner to move the acids out via the kidneys and
through perspiration. But we’re not exercising, and this
is why obesity and a lack of exercise have been associated
with cancer — yet when we’re moving our body we’re moving
the acids out of the tissue because the lymphatic system,
unlike the circulatory system, does not have a pump (the
heart), it actually flows through movement.
It is the diaphragm muscle that acts as a pump for the
lymphatic system that moves the acids through the system —
out through perspiration or back in the general
circulation to be eliminated through urination.
If you don’t want cancer, if you wan to prevent it, you
have to pee or eliminate your acids through urination or
perspiration. And if you are a cancer sufferer you have to
pee your way to health. Because cancer is not a cell, but
a poisoning acidic liquid. A cancer cell is a cell that is
spoiled or poisoned by the metabolic acids and
gastrointestinal acids that are produced internally, or
may be breathed in. That’s when the body goes into
protection mode by forming fibrous materials which
cross-link to encapsulate the spoiled cells and thus
forming the tumour. Hence tumour is the body’s protective
mechanism to encapsulate spoiled or poisoned cells from
excess acids which have not been properly eliminated
through urination, perspiration, defecation, and
respiration. The tumour is the body’s solution to protect
healthy cells and tissues. So the tumour is not the
problem. Let the tumour go. Let it do its job. The focus
must be placed not on the tumour but on the environment around
the tumour which is full of acids, and one of the common
acids which is in higher concentration around all tumours
that are in an acidic body is lactic acid, because lactic
acid is a by-product of sugar metabolism when we’re in a
state of oxygen deprivation. So cancer is a system acidic
condition that settles in the weakest parts of the body,
not a local problem that metastasizes. You see metastasis
is localized acids that spoil other cells much like a
rotten apple spoiling the bushel of other healthy apples.
There is no such thing as a
cancer cell.A
cancer cell is in reality acancerouscell,
it’s anadjectiveexpressing
the spoiling cell that’s spoiling in an over-acidic
environment. A cancerous cell was once a healthy cell that
has been spoiled from an over-acidic lifestyle and diet
and the body’s inability to move these acids through the
proper channels of elimination.The
only solution to the
acidic liquids that poison our body cells causing the
effect that medical doctors call cancer,is
to change the environment.
It has to be a contextual approach.We
must maintain the alkaline design of the human body.This
has been the great discovery of the 21stcentury—
that the human organism is alkaline by design (every
part that makes up every anatomical element that makes up
our genetic material that makes up our cells, every single
part has to be bathed in an alkaline fluid which needs to
be changed every 48 hours).
Early in the 19thcentury,
beginning on January 17, 1912, a famous French
physiologist of the Rockefeller Institute and Nobel Prize
winner, Dr. Alexis Carrel, removed a very small piece of
heart muscle from an unhatched chicken embryo — still warm
and living — and placed it in fresh nutrient solution in a
glass flask of his design. He transferred the tissue every
forty-eight hours, during which time it doubled in size
and had to be trimmed before being moved to its new flask.
And every time he moved it he would put it into an
alkaline saline solution with the appropriate alkalizing
minerals. Thirty years later the tissue was still growing.
Keep in mind that the average chicken lives for 5–7 years.
So after getting bored of singing “Happy Birthday” to the
chicken heart for over thirty years he decided to pull the
plug and not change the fluids every 48 hours and the
heart died.
This is a very important discovery which very few people
know about because it answers the question about why cells
live. You see, the life expectancy of the human cell is
infinite. It just becomes compromised. Once we understand
that matter cannot be created nor can it be destroyed it
can only change its form or function, then we realize that
the environment is everything, the terrain is everything,
and the cell is subservient to that. The secret to Dr.
Carrel’s chicken heart surviving for thirty years lies in
this knowledge, this new biology, this new way of living
and thinking as we expand the box not think outside the
box, that the cell is only as healthy as the fluids it is
bathed in. The heart is only as healthy as the cells. If
you have lung cancer, that is an expression of the
environment. And the cell as it’s breaking down is the
smoke of the gun.
Carrel’s experiment brought us to the modern new biology,
the new understanding, the new expansion, and the new
definition of cancer — that the composition of our body
fluids that bath the outside of our cells must be
controlled very carefully from moment to moment and day to
day with no single important constituent varying more than
a few percent. This can be controlled and you can do it
In 1932 Otto Warburg received his Nobel Prize in medicine
for discovering the cause of cancer. He described it as a
cell changing its mode of respiration, its mode of
metabolism — from respiration to fermentation. He
suggested that cancer was the result of acidic
environment, a state of oxygen deprivation. Warburg also
wrote a paper entitled, “The Prime Cause and Prevention of
Cancer.” He states: “There is no disease whose prime cause
is better known. Over acidity.”
When we understand this we
realize that all conditions of cancer potentially can be
reversed if the treatments are focused on the fluids not
the cell. Therefore it doesn’t matter what the cancer is,
because cancer
is not the cause but the effect of an over-acidic
lifestyle and diet which is the
cause. It’s the person
pulling the lifestyle and dietary trigger.
After 25 years of doing blood research, after looking at
thousands and thousands of cancer patients, I’ve never
seen healthy blood or an alkaline environment — whether
testing the pH of the saliva, or the urine, or the blood,
or the sweat, or the tears — they are all acidic in an
over-acidic environment. And after 25 years I’ve learned
that the human organism is alkaline by design and acidic
by function, and if we but maintain this alkaline design
of our body through an alkaline lifestyle and diet we will
prevent all cancers. For the cure of cancer is not found
in its treatment, because again cancer or a cancerous
condition is the body in preservation mode trying to
maintain alkalinity, so the cure is going to be found not
in its treatment of the tissue but in maintaining the
alkaline design of the human fluids of the body. As Thomas
Edison said: “The doctor of the future will give no
medicine, but will involve the patient in the proper use
of food, fresh air and exercise.”
begin, the "C" in the C.O.W.S. acronym stands for
Chlorophyll, Clay and Cleansing.
You take chlorophyll to build the
blood, clay to buffer metabolic and dietary acids and you
cleanse the bowels with mineral salts of sodium
bicarbonate and magnesium oxide.
The "O" stands for oil and
The oil should be
unsaturated from hydrogen ions, such as hemp, flax,
pomegranate, olive and avocado oil which are some of my
favorites. You can increase oxygen by exercising, deep
breathing, taking antioxidant supplements (Co-Q-10,
Glutathione) and using bicarbonate of salts. A person who
is 70 kilos or 154 pounds should ingest at least 100 grams
daily of unsaturated oil. You would ingest more
unsaturated oil if you weigh more and less if you weigh
"W" stands for water that is saturated with hydroxyl ions
or electrons.
A person who is 70 kilos or 154
pounds should drink at least 4 liters of 9.5 pH/-150 mV
alkaline water daily. You can also add 2 ounces of pure
organic chlorophyll to each liter of water and/or organic
low heat dehydrated antioxidant fruits, vegetables and
grass powder.
And finally, the "S" stands for
salt and sunshine.
One of the most important things
that one can do for incredible health and energy is put
alkalizing mineral salts back into the diet. Ingesting
whole unprocessed colloidal mineral salts are critical for
a healthy bowel, blood, heart, brain and body. The body
cannot live without mineral salts. Salt is necessary in
order to transport energy to the cells.
The body uses salt to maintain its
alkaline design by buffering metabolic and dietary acids.
I suggest eating at least 10 to 12 grams of natural
mineral colloidal sea salt a day for a body weight of 70
kilos or 154 pounds. To energize the body and to
strengthen bones, muscles and the nervous system I
recommend at least 30 minutes of direct sunshine daily.
The "pH Miracle Lifestyle and
Diet" leading to health, energy and vitality is as simple
as eating like C.O.W.S.
When testing saliva or urine...
the roll pH paper in my experience and those of
my clients...
gives more accurate readings
(than the stiff, cardboard strips sold in most stores.) The goal is to have both at
7.2 to 7.4 or higher.
Saliva indicates the level of your
alkaline reserves plus shows me your quality of thoughts...
feelings and emotions. (Acidic, aka fear based, or alkaline,
aka love based.)
Urine indicates the quality and
health of your organs and tissues and if they are
being bathed in alkaline fluids or eroded by acidic
Here's how to test each...
To Test Saliva: 1. Gather
saliva in your mouth. 2. Tear about an inch of test
paper off and insert into the saliva on your tongue
(do not touch your lips as it can alter the results.) 3. Leave in for about 5 seconds to saturate paper and
remove. 4. Read results immediately as the air
affects the results. 5. Always test saliva at least
20 minutes away from food or beverage consumption. 6. Never put saliva on a spoon or into a glass to test
as results will not be accurate.
To Test Urine: 1. Always
test first morning urine before eating or drinking
anything for true accurate results. 2. Tear an inch
of test paper off and place directly in urine stream. 3. Read results immediately as the air affects the
Editors Note:
pH readings may
skew to the high side if one
is alkalizing primarily with
baking soda, as opposed to natural salt,
liquid minerals, and/or Dr. Young's
this came up... Here are my responses...
some basic 101 nutritional info....
1. Between the hours of 7pm and 11am...
our body is in clean and repair mode.
2. Between the hours of 7pm and 11am ...
DO NOT FEED IT!!! Especially before you
go to bed!!! STOP polluting it please.
3. Green powder and green juices and
green shakes are not alkaline...
they are electron rich. Juice at
best is 6.8 pH. We take these to
nutritionally feed us.
4. We alkalize with .... Alkaline
mineral salts and baking soda are
both alkalizing...both with a pH of
about 9 or more ... NOT greens. And
even if greens were ... they are
still food... meaning daylight
nutrition.... when our body needs it
and uses it.
Our body... our fluids... our organs
.. our tissues need to be soothed
all night long in salt water.... NOT
FOOD.... as they begin to clean
themselves and regenerate. Doing
this is a full time job for them and
WITH "FOODS". This causes stress and
confusion for the body and
6. When we wake in the morning our
body wants to flush out its night
work through urine and bowels. To
release all the toxins from the day
before. Healthy bowels moves 3 to 5X
a day!
Autophagy is a natural innate
process our body uses to heal
itself... it means no food.... it
does it every night while we sleep!
Try a 24 dry or water fast and feel
the change.
8. Before bedtime I take 1tsp of
baking soda or alkaline mineral salt
shooter. Meaning 4 oz of water with
1 tsp. of either of the
forementioned salts. Here is a
link to order your alkaline salts:
9. When I wake in the morning I
repeat point number 8.
10. Then I begin my green water. I
drink 2 one liters of them before
noon. And I may have a green shake
between 11am and noon if I feel
hungry. So I have given my body at
least 12 hours or more of cleaning
and healing between the hours of 7pm
to 7am... if not longer.
WARNING: Oh and never ever put
alkaline water into a metal
container. Alkaline water molecules
are super "friendly" and any metal
molecule will adhere to it thus
making it toxic.
I hope this addresses the confusion
and confirms what you innately
already knew. Thanks for all you
messages... questions and concerns
Donna Porteous -
Alkaline Life-Style & Belief
Transformation Coach.
Saturated fat doesn't cause cardiovascular
Sodium doesn't cause hypertension.
Cholesterol doesn't cause a stroke or
heart attack.
Dysbiosis doesn't cause gastrointestinal
SIBO doesn't cause gastrointestinal
Wheat and gluten do not cause
gastrointestinal disease.
Wear and tear doesn't cause arthritis.
Auto-immune disease isn't your body
attacking itself.
Your genetics aren't to blame either.
There Are Only 3 Causes of Disease...
1. DEFICIENCY (of sun, clean air, good
nutrition, clean structured water, physical activity, quality
sleep, love & nature)
2. TOXICITY (from poisoned food and water,
environmental toxicity, processed & refined food, heavy metals,
drugs, electromagnetic frequencies etc)
3. TRAUMA (physical or emotional)
There aren't thousands of different
diseases, there is only one, it's called allostasis. Allostasis is
the body in an active state of returning to homeostasis.
Disease is the body in a state of healing
(returning to homeostasis). Suppressing symptoms is never the
answer because the symptoms are the cure.
It's not so long ago humanity was healthy.
The picture below is from Bondi beach in the 1970's. Not an
overweight person in sight. It seems like we have been fooled into
thinking that disease is just a normal part of life. It's not.
It's time for a health revolution. It's
time for us to take control and power back over our own health."
Yesterday I was asked about added supplements for cell
detoxification such as NAC and glutathione... both being
powerful anti-oxidents.
Here are my thoughts...
I dont take either products you originally asked about.
Once upon a time I tried them for a bit. I have found that
when we do our nutrition correctly and incorporate all we
need... my body performs brilliantly. Now when someone is
recovering and rebuilding from issues they are helpful for
a time.
My personal goal is to be all I can and experience
optimal vitality without filling my body and relying
on "supplememts". For most it can become costly and
then they become enslaved to a "program". That doesnt
suit me either. It's a personal choice. There is so
much we can do to achieve states of euphoric without
relying on soooo many "products". That being said the
liquids as opposed to tablets or capsules... if
anything liquids would be what I would use if I wanted
to take anything other than real nutrition.:)
I truly believe... have experienced and witnessed that
when we get the basics (nutrition/chlorophyll/healthy
oils/alkaline water/sea salt/sunshine)... beliefs..
thoughts... feelings... prayer... meditation...
appreciation ... gratitude... chakras and energy work)
correct... our body performs miracles.
Remember the 80/20 rule... its the Pareto Principle...
20% ritual gives 80% results... keep the basics and
build a habit.
It's not about being perfect or exact or a fanatic.
Trust your body... it knows what to do all the time
and keep the 7 channels of elimination flowing.... yes
that's right... there are 7!!! They eliminate the
toxins and the rest is all about joy and play. It's
how we are wired.
Favorites · 3h · Alkaline LifeStyle & Energy Psychology Coach Donna Porteous From the Alkaline Kitchen... Time to Spice it Up Mexican Fiesta Green Shake Part One: Salsa (Can be stored covered in a fridge for up to 48 hrs.) 5 finely diced tomatoes 1 finely diced Spanish onion 1 large bunch chopped cilantro 1 finely diced orange coloured bell pepper 1 finely diced jalapeño pepper 2 finely diced habanero peppers 2 finely diced cloves of garlic 1 fresh squeezed lemon and 1 lime 2 oz of your favorite oils (one of or a combo of... avocado, hemp, grapeseed and UDO'S 3/6/9 oil) 1/2 tsp tumeric powder 1/4 tsp cayenne powder 1/2 tsp ginger powder 1 tsp of dill 2 tsp Redmond's Real sea salt Next Blending: Add salsa to a blender (use as much or as little as you wish) Next Add to Blender: 2 handfuls of spinach 2 English cucmbers 1-2 avocado (depending on desired thickness) 1 cup alkaline water Liberally add Ultra Concentrated Liquid Chlorophyll (10 drops). I use Land Art brand (alcohol, paraban and glyserin free) Blend till smooth I use the insta pot blender (very similar to a vitamix at a fraction of the price... $129). It does the best job. Garnish with celery, aspargas, slice of lemon or lime...
On average greens have double the amount of
healthy digestible protein per 100g compared to eating
flesh! Think about it... where do cows get their protein
from.... grasses... greens... they eat first hand protein
and so should we. Now let's stop saying proteins and call
it by what we are really needing.... amino acids. We need
22 amino acids to make the various complex forms of
protein for our body and our body makes all but 9 of those
amino acids.... and those 9 we get from greens. We dont
need to eat flesh to get at best 2nd hand source of
proteins.... that means our body has to then break it down
so we can have access to the amino acids. The average
person ONLY needs .8 g of protein for every 2.2 lbs of
body weight.... meaning a 150 lbs human only requires 6.8
g approximately 2 tbls daily. And in actual fact we dont
run on proteins... we run on electrons... greens....
grasses... salts. We only require proteins for bodily
chemical commands of action Let's just eat properly from
the start.... greens.... veggies... grassess. Keep it
simple. I hope this helped ♡♡♡Donna Porteous
"The moment you change your
perception is the moment you re-write the
chemistry of your body" ~ Bruce Lipton ~
"Everything is Energy
and can neither be created nor destroyed but
can be transformed " ~ Albert Einstein ~
"There are 2 food
groups; alkaline (healing and regenerating) or
acidic (degenerating). 95% of all sickness and
disease is determined by what you eat, what
you drink and what think. 5% of all sickness
and disease is determined by your genetics and
triggered by what you eat, what you drink and
what you think. Therefore all sickness and
disease is determined by what you eat, what
you drink and what you think." ~ Dr.
Robert O Young ~
FYI.... Days to Heal
the Body... 120 RBCs 90 skeleton 60
Brain cells and tissue 49 bladder 45
liver and DNA cell material 30 skin and
hair 5 stomach lining 48 hours eyes 8 months heart And every approximately 7
years we are completely brand new!
Favorites ·
1h Your Alkaline
LifeStyle & Energy Psychology
Coach Donna Porteous
Recently I was
asked... "how can I increase my energy and
strengthen my immune system". My answer was a
high quality green powder... A good green
powder is one that is 100% vegetables from
above the ground. It must not have acidic
products mixed in with it.... that would be
counter productive to achieving long term and
lasting healing and vitality. Acidic products
often mixed in green powder are ... (avoid
these items) 1. Chlorella
(ocean fungus) ... toxic 2. Spirulina
(ocean fungus)... toxic 3. Stevia (often
mixed and diluted with other items). Skip all
sweeteners! 4. Fruits (other
than cucumber, tomato, lemon, lime) All others
are acidic plus and add digestive
complications when mixed with other foods. 5. Mushrooms
(fungus) 6. Corn (100%
acidic) 7. Chocolate and
other flavorings... real or not... all are a
acidic 8. Probiotics,
Prebiotics and Digestive Enzymes (all are
acidic and have acidic toxic long term
effects) 9. Aloe Vera (has
a very short term effect with long term acidic
results... very similar to items listed in #9) 10.
No root vegetables as they convert to sugars. 11. No fermented
products 12. No added
starches such as rice or peas. 13. No added so
called "proteins" like whey (highly toxic),
nor pea protein (high sugar)... For these reasons
I am very choosie with the greens I use in my
green water drinks and greens shakes!!! I
desire long term lasting pro-health results
with zero acidic side effects. Oh, and a greens
that you dont need like 5 tbls per serving....
One tsp of Terra Life is powerful enough 4x a
day for the average person.. Here is what I use
and a link for you to order from... About 140 scoops
per 1lb container and using 4 scops per day...
its a huge value ♡♡♡ As always I am
here for your questions 🙂.
the excess and overload of acid are thrown out into the
body tissues or intestitium, this can easily lead to all
sorts of symptomologies: lupus, fibromyalgia, Lyme,
arthritis, muscle pain, fatigue, tiredness, obesity,
cancerous breasts, cancerous prostate, cancerous stomach
and/or bowels, indigestion, acid reflux, heart burn, heart
attacks, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, dementia,
autism, and the list goes on and on.
percent of all sickness and disease is caused by what
you eat, what you drink and what you think. 5 percent of
all sickness and disease is genetic and triggered by
what you eat, what you drink and what you think.
Therefore, 100 percent of ALL sickness and disease is
caused by what you eat, what you drink and what you
And what we call disease, are symptoms
produced by the forced vicarious
elimination of acids from the
interstitial fluids of the Interstitium
through the mucous membrane.
When the elimination takes place through
the mucous membrane of the nose, it is
called a cold–catarrh of the nose. And
where these crises are repeated for
years, the mucous membrane thickens and
ulcerates, and the bones enlarge,
closing the passages.
At this stage, hay fever or asthma
When the throat and tonsils, or any of
the respiratory passages, become the
seat of the crises of acidity, we have
croup, tonsillitis, pharyngitis,
laryngitis, bronchitis, asthma,
pneumonia, etc.
When the acids locate in the cranial
cavity we have dementia, Parkinson’s,
Alzheimer’s, muddle thinking,
forgetfulness, and even depression.
When the acids locate in the
gastrointestinal tract we have IBS,
gastrointestinal dysmotility, autonomic
dysfunction, carotid stenosis and
ischemic colitis.
When the acids are expressed through the
skin we have psoriasis.
When the acids locate in the liver,
pancreas, breast, bowels, bladder,
prostate, uterus or brain tissue we have
microcalcifications of these acids that
then leads to tumors and liver,
pancreas, breast, bowels, bladder,
prostate, uterus or brain cancer.
Read, learn and
understand the science of the stomach’s true
The following scientific
discourse are twenty-five important points to
understand concerning the the real purpose of
the stomach, the physiology of digestion, the
creation of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and
hydrochloric acid (HCL) in the stomach lining,
the ingestion of protein, dairy, cheese and
sugar in any form and how acid/alkaline
biochemistry, physiology, and anatomy relate to
health, sickness, and disease.
contemporary medical doctors and scientists as
well as alternative health practitioners and lay
people DO NOT understand how acid/base are
created in the body and the onset of latent
tissue acidosis in the colloidal connective
tissue or the “Schade”. Welcome to the 21st
century and Dr. Young’s “New Biology.”
How is acid/base created
in the body?
1) The parietal or cover
cells of the stomach split the sodium chloride
of the blood. The sodium is used to bind with
water and carbon dioxide to form the alkaline
salt, sodium bicarbonate or NaHCO3. The
biochemistry is: H20 + CO2 + NaCl = NaHCO3 +
HCL. This is why a call the stomach an
alkalizing organ NOT an organ of digestion. The
stomach DOES NOT digest the food or liquids you
ingest it alkalizes the food and liquid you
2) For each molecule of
sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) made, a molecule of
hydrochloric acid (HCL) is made and secreted
into the so-called digestive system –
specifically, the stomach (the gastric pits in
the stomach) – to be eliminated. Therefore HCL
is an acidic waste product of sodium bicarbonate
created by the stomach to alkalize the food and
liquids ingested.
3) The chloride ion from
the sodium chloride (salt) binds to an acid or
proton forming HCL as a waste product of sodium
bicarbonate production. HCL has a pH of 1 and is
highly toxic to the body and the cause of
indigestion, acid reflux, ulcers and cancer.
4) When large amounts of
acids, including HCL, enter the stomach from a
rich animal protein or dairy product meal, such
as meat and cheese, acid is withdrawn from the
acid-base household. The organism would die if
the resulting alkalosis – or NaHCO3 (base flood)
or base surplus – created by the stomach was not
taken up by the alkalophile glands that need
these quick bases in order to build up their
strong sodium bicarbonate secretions. These
glands and organs are the stomach, pancreas,
Brunner’s glands (between the pylorus and the
junctions of the bile and pancreatic ducts),
Lieberkuhn’s glands in the liver and its bile
with its strong acid binding capabilities which
it has to release on the highly acidic meat and
cheese to buffer its strong acids of nitric,
sulphuric, phosphoric, uric and lactic acids.
5) When a rich animal
protein and dairy product meal is ingested, the
stomach begins to manufacture and secrete sodium
bicarbonate (NHCO3) to alkalize the acids from
the food ingested. This causes a loss in the
alkaline reserves and an increase in acid and/or
HCL found in the gastric pits of the stomach.
These acids and/or HCL are taken up by the blood
which lowers blood plasma pH. The blood
eliminates this increase in gastrointestinal
acid by throwing it off into the Pishinger’s
6) The space enclosed by
these finer and finer fibers is called the
Pishinger’s space, or the extracellular space
that contains the fluids that bath and feed each
and every cell while carrying away the acidic
waste from those same cells. There is no mention
of this organ in American physiology text books.
There is mention of the extracellular space but
not of any organ that stores acids from
metabolism and diet, like the kidney. I call
this organ the “pre-kidney” because it stores
metabolic and gastrointestinal acids until they
can be buffered and eliminated via the skin,
urinary tract, or bowels.
7) After a rich animal
protein or dairy product meal, the urine pH
becomes alkaline. The ingestion of meat and
cheese causes a reaction in acidic fashion in
the organism by the production of sulfuric,
phosporhoric, nitric, uric, lactic,
acetylaldehyde and ethanol acids, respectively,
but also through the formation and excretion of
base in the urine. Therefore eating meat and
cheese causes a double loss of bases leading to
tissue acidosis and eventual disease, especially
inflammation and degenerative diseases.
8) During heavy
exercise, if the the resulting lactic acid was
not adsorbed by the collagen fibers, the
specific acid catchers of the body, the organism
would die. The total collection of these fibers
is the largest organ of the body called SCHADE,
the colloidal connective tissue organ. NO liquid
exchange occurs between the blood and the
parenchyma cells, or in reverse, unless it
passes through this connective tissue organ.
This organ connects and holds everything in our
bodies in place. This organ is composed of
ligaments, tendons, sinew, and the finer fibers
that become the scaffolding that holds every
single cell in our bodies in place. When acids
are stored in this organ, which includes the
muscles, inflammation and pain develop. The
production of lactic acid is increased with the
ingestion of milk, cheese, yogurt, butter and
especially ice cream.
That is why I have
stated, “acid is pain and pain is acid.” You
cannot have one without the other. This is the
beginning of latent tissue acidosis leading to
irritation, inflammation and degeneration of the
cells, tissues and organs.
9) The more acidity
created from eating meat, cheese, milk or ice
cream the more gastrointestinal acids are
adsorbed into the the collagen fibers to be
neutralized and the less sodium bicarbonate or
NaHCO3 that is taken up by the alkalophile
glands. The larger the potential difference
between the adsorbed acids and the amount of
NaHCO3 generated with each meal, the more or
less alkaline are the alkalophile glands like
the pancreas, gallbladder, pylorus glands,
blood, etc. The acid binding power of the
connective tissue, the blood, and the
alkalophile glands depends on its alkali
reserve, which can be determined through blood,
urine, and saliva pH, including live and dried
blood analysis as taught by Dr. Robert O. Young.
The saliva pH is an indication of alkali
reserves in the alkalophile glands and the urine
pH is an indication of the pH of the fluids that
surround the cells or the Pishinger’s space.
10) The iso-structure of
the blood maintains the pH of the blood by
pushing off gastrointestinal or metabolic acids
into the connective tissue or the Pishinger’s
space. The blood gives to the urine the same
amount of acid that it receives from the tissues
and liver so it can retain its iso-form. A base
deficiency is always related to the
deterioration of the deposit ability of the
connective tissues or the Pishinger’s space. As
long as the iso-structure of the blood is
maintained, the urine – which originates from
the blood – remains a faithful reflected image
of the acid-base regulation, not of the blood,
but of the tissues. The urine therefore is an
excretion product of the tissues, not the blood.
So when you are testing the pH of the urine, you
are testing the pH of the tissues.
11) A latent “acidosis”
is the condition that exists when there are not
enough bases in the alkalophile glands because
they have been used up in the process of
neutralizing the acids adsorbed to the collagen
fibers. This leads to compensated “acidosis.”
This means the blood pH has not changed but
other body systems have changed. This can then
lead to decompensated “acidosis” where the
alkaline reserves of the blood are used up and
the pH of the blood is altered. Decompensated
“acidosis” can be determined by testing the
blood pH, urine pH and the saliva pH. The
decrease in the alkaline reserves in the body
occurs because of hyper-proteinization, (eating
Meat and Cheese!) or too much protein, and
hyper-carbonization, or too much sugar. This is
why 80 to 90 year old folks are all shrunk up
and look like prunes. They have very little or
no alkaline reserves in their alkalophile
glands. When all the alkaline minerals are gone,
so are you and your battery runs down. The
charge of your cellular battery can be measured
by testing the ORP or the oxidative reduction
potential of the blood, urine or saliva using an
ORP meter. As you become more acidic this energy
potential or ORP increases.
12) If there is not
enough base left over after meat and cheese or
surgary meal, or enough base to neutralize and
clear the acids stored in the connective
tissues, a relative base deficiency develops
which leads to latent tissue acidosis. When this
happens the liver and pancreas are deficient of
adequate alkaline juices to ensure proper
alkalization of the food in your stomach and
small intestine.
13) Digestion or
alkalization cannot proceed without enough of
these alkaline juices for the liver and
pancreas, etc., and so the stomach has to
produce more acid in order to make enough base,
ad nauseam, and one can develop indigestion,
nausea, acid reflux, GERD, ulcers, esophageal
cancer and stomach cancer. All of these symptoms
are not the result of too much acid or HCL in
the stomach. On the contrary, it is the result
of too little base in the form of sodium
14) Therefore the
stomach is NOT an organ of digestion as
currently taught in ALL biology and medical
texts, BUT an organ of contribution or deposit.
It’s function is to deposit alkaline juices to
the stomach to alkalize the food and to the
blood to carry to the alklophile glands!!!!
15) There is a daily
rhythm to this acid base ebb and flow of the
fluids of the body. The stored acids are
mobilized from the connective tissues and
Pishinger’s spaces while we sleep. These
acids reach their maximum (base tide)
concentration in this fluid, and thereby the
urine (around 2 a.m. is the most acidic). The
acid content of the urine directly reflects the
acid content of the fluid in the Pishinger’s
spaces, the extracellular fluid compartments of
the body. On the other hand, the Pishinger’s
spaces become most alkaline around 2 p.m. (the
base flood) as then the most sodium bicarbonate
(NaHCO3) is being generated by the cover cells
of the stomach to alkalize the food and drink we
have ingested.
16) If your urine is not
alkaline by 2 p.m. you are definitely in an
ACIDIC condition and lacking in alkaline
reserves. The pH of the urine should run between
6.8 and 8.4 but ideally 7.2 or greater.
17) After a high protein
meal or meat or cheese, the free acids formed
such as sulfuric, phosphoric, uric, and nitric
acids stick to the collagen fibers to remove
them from the blood and protect the delicate pH
of the blood at 7.365. The H+ or proton ions
from these acids are neutralized by the next
base flood, the sodium bicarbonate produced
after the meal. The H+ or proton ion combines
with the carbonate or HCO3, converts to carbonic
acid, H2CO3, which converts to CO2 and H2O. The
sulfuric and other acids from proteins are
neutralized as follows where the HR represents
any acid with the R as its acid radical (SO4,
PO4, or NO3) HR + NaHCO3 <=> H2O + NaR (Ca, Mg,
K)+ CO2.
18) Medical doctors and
savants are not taught in medical school and
therefore do not understand or recognize latent
tissue acidosis. They understand and recognize
compensated acidosis and decompensated acidosis.
In compensated acidosis, breathing increases in
order to blow off more carbonic acid which
decreases PCO2 because of the lowered carbonate
or HCO3. When the breathing rate can no longer
get any faster and when the kidneys can no
longer increase its’ function to keep up with
the acid load, then the blood pH starts to
change from a pH of 7.365 to 7.3 then to 7.2. At
a blood pH of 6.95 the heart relaxes and the
client goes into a coma or dies.
19) Metabolism of a
normal adult diet results in the generation of
50 to 100 meq of H+ or proton per day, which
must be excreted if the urine acid-base balance
is to be maintained. A meq is a milliequivalent
which is an expression of concentration of
substance per liter of solution, calculated by
dividing the concentration in milligrams per 100
milliliters by the molecular weight. This
process involves two basis steps; 1) the
reabsorption of the filtered sodium bicarbonate
or NaHCO3 and, 2) excretion of the 50 to 100 meq
of H+ or proton produced each day by the
formation of titratable acidity and NH4+ or
ammonium. Both steps involve H+ or proton
secretion from the cells of the kidney into the
20) Sodium bicarbonate
(NaHCO3) must be reabsorbed into the blood
stream, since the loss of NaHCO3 will increase
the net acid load and lower the plasma NaHCO3
concentration. The loss of NaHCO3 in the urine
is equivalent to the addition of H+ to the body
since both are derived from the dissociation of
H2CO3 or carbonic acid.
21) The biochemistry is:
CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 = HCO3 + H+. The normal
subject must reabsorb 4300 meq of NaHCO3 each
day! The secreted H+ or proton ions are
generated within the kidney cells from the
dissociation of H2O or water. This process also
results in the equimolar production OH- or
hydroxyl ions. The OH- ions bind to the active
zinc-containing site of the intracellular
carbonic anhydrase; they then combine with CO2
to form HCO3- ions which are released back into
the kidney cells and returned to the systemic
circulation. Second, the dietary acid load is
excreted by the secretion of H+ or proton ions
from the kidney cells into the urine. These H+
or proton ions can do one of two things: the H+
or proton ions can be combined with the urinary
buffers, particularly HPO4, in a process called
titratable acidity (The biochemistry is: H+ +
HPO4 = H2PO4), or the phosphate buffering system
or the H+ or proton ions can combine with
ammonia (NH3) to form ammonium as follows: NH3 +
H+ = NH4.
22) This ammonia is
trapped and concentrated in the kidney as
ammonium which is then excreted in the urine.
23) In response to acid
load, 36% of the H+ or proton goes intracellular
in exchange for the release of Na+ (sodium) into
the blood stream. 15% of the acid goes
intracellular in exchange for K+ (potassium) –
common in diabetics. 6% of the H+ or proton or
acid goes directly into the cell to be buffered
by intracellular processes. 43% is buffered
extracellularly as NaHCO3- or sodium bicarbonate
combining with H+ or proton to form H2CO3 or
carbonic acid which breaks down to CO2 or carbon
dioxide to be released by the lungs. 10% of CO2
or carbon dioxide is excreted through the lungs
and 90% is used by the body to reabsorb alkaline
minerals and make sodium bicarbonate for
buffering gastrointestinal and metabolic acids.
The biochemistry is: CO2
+ H2O = H2CO3 = HCO3 + H+.
24) Of all the ways the
body can buffer metabolic and dietary acids, the
excretion of protein (the eating of meat and
cheese) generated acid residues is the only
process that does not add sodium bicarbonate
back into blood circulation. This creates a loss
of bases which is the forerunner of all sickness
and disease. In the long run, the only way to
replace these lost bases is by eating more
alkaline electron-rich green foods and
long-chain polyunsaturated fats. Eating meat and
cheese is definitely hazardous to your health.
That is why I say, “a cucumber a day keeps the
doctor away while eating meat, cheese and even
an apple creates more excess acid in the
colloidal connective tissues, leading to latent
tissue acidosis.
25) With over 30 years
of research and testing over 500,000 samples of
blood and over 1,000,000 samples of urine and
saliva I have come to the conclusion that the
Human Body is an acid producing organism by
function – yet, it is an alkaline organism by
design. Eating animal protein, especially meat
and cheese and sugar from any source are deadly
acidic choices – unless you interested in
becoming sick, tired and fat over time.
Bottom line – the pH
Miracle Lifestyle and Diet is a program that
focuses on the foundational principal that the
body is alkaline by design and yet acidic by
function. This make this program the ultimate
program for preventing and reversing aging and
the onset of sickness and dis-ease. I would say
that the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet is the
diet for a longer healthier life.
Please remember this
very important truth, hydrochloric acid in the
stomach is not the cause of digestion but the
result of digestion. Start alkalizing today and
begin improving the quality and quantity of your
life today.
The human body does not digest food. Not the stomach or
the small intestine.
There is only one instrument in
the human that breaks down food and that is your teeth.
While you are breaking down your food with your teeth
the salivary glands are secreting sodium bicarbonate to
alkalize the food to an ideal pH of 8.4. The whole
process of the salivary glands to the pylours glands and
cover cells of the stomach is to alkalize the food
ingested in preparation to be biological transformed
into stem cells in the crypts of the small intestines.
The small intestines DO NOT digest food and therefore
needs NO probiotic. In fact probiotics just like
antibiotics destroys the alkaline state of the small
intestines. The purpose of the small intestine is to
take the liquid alkaline food at a pH of 8.4 and
transforms this liquid chyme into embryonic stem cells
and then to new red blood cells. These new red blood
cells are the primary cells that become ALL other cells
in the body, including liver, pancreas, kidney, spleen,
lung, heart, brain, muscle, bone and skin, etc.
To learn more about the
physiology of the body read Sick and Tired, and the
pH Miracle revised and updated by Dr Robert Young. or
Magnesium - The Miracle
Magnesium chloride is the
miracle mineral for improving inflammation,
circulation and elimination.
Magnesium chloride regulates
body temperature to
providing increased amounts of calcium in the
following nuclear transformation equation: Mg + O =
Citric acid or Vitamin C
is a waste product and a mycotoxin or acid from
mold. The only benefit of taking vitamin C is to
break down undigested animal proteins in the
nine yards of the intestines. To take vitamin C
long term will cause damage to the intestinal
vill or root system of the small intestine. This
will impact the production of healthy stem cells
that become the new red and white blood cells
and then the new body cells.
Stop taking vitamin C, it
is toxic to the body in high doses and start
taking alkalizing magnesium chloride which will
help to reduce and eliminate inflammation and
improve circulation and elimination.
To learn more about Dr
Robert Young and his New Biology read the pH
miracle books:
Other Seafood (apart from occasional oily fish
such as salmon)
Ice Cream
Almond Milk
Fresh Vegetable Juice
Green Drinks
Herbal Tea
Lemon Water (pure water + fresh lemon or lime)
Non-sweetened Soy Milk
Pure Water (distilled, reverse osmosis,
Vegetable Broth
White Pasta
White Bread
Wholemeal Bread
Soy Sauce
Condiments (Tomato Sauce, Mayonnaise etc.)
Artificial Sweeteners
Fizzy Drinks
Fruit Juice
Dairy Smoothies
Traditional Tea
Any Sprouted Seed
Buckwheat Groats
Caraway Seeds
Cumin Seeds
Fennel Seeds
Hemp Seeds
Sesame Seeds
Sprouts (soy, alfalfa, mung bean, wheat,
little radish, chickpea, broccoli, etc.)
All fruits, aside from those listed in the
alkaline column.
Cashew Nuts
Pistachio Nuts
Stick to salads, fresh vegetables and healthy
nuts and oils. Try to consume plenty of raw
foods and at least 2-3 liters of clean, pure
water daily.
Steer clear of fatty meats, dairy, cheese,
sweets, chocolates, alcohol and tobacco.
Packaged foods are often full of hidden
offenders and microwaved meals are full of
sugars and salts. Over cooking also removes
all of the nutrition from a meal.
Ammonia - Ammonia is trapped and concentrated in the
kidney as ammonium which is then excreted in the urine.
here for liver detox.
Here and
here for the ammonia buffering system and how it
Lyme Treatment - Don't know what to do next? Read this
free book,
The Alkaline Diet and Lifestyle. Then read
Dr. Robert O. Young's book, The pH Miracle. Then watch the videos above and
below. Then change your diet to the recommended alkaline
diet listed above and take the recommended
LIFE liquid vitamins are the best on the market and assimilate
into your blood stream within minutes. Check the ingredients
- Dr. Robert O. Young says, "Sodium is the foundational
element of life that connects the physical to the
spiritual giving rise to the soul. Without salt there is
no life" and ""Salt is the glue that connects the spirit
body with the physical body. When there is no salt there
is NO LIFE to the body and the spirit body or HALO
leaves and returns to the World of Spirits." ~ Robert O.
Young ~
Suffering from upset stomach,
nausea, acid reflux, GERD, Gout or heartburn? Try adding
these alkalizing foods and nutritional supplements to
your diet!
Vitamin C - Why high dosages seem to work. It
produces hydrogen peroxide, which in turn helps
alkalize the body.
here and
here. Read about
hydrogen peroxideshould
not be used.
13) Lyme Disease is caused by a spirochete bacteria or
a tick bite. Once again this is
medical science at its best trying to keep the germ and
infection theory alive. There is NO bacteria or
spirochete bacteria that causes Lyme Dis-ease. Lyme
dis-ease is nothing more than the blood trying to purify
itself from excess metabolic and/or dietary acid by
removing these acids out into the colloidal connective
tissues. Simply put Lyme’s dis-ease is nothing more than
a person who is adsorbing and absorbing their own urine
into the colloidal connective tissues. The irritation
and inflammation and then degeneration one feels is all
caused by dietary and/or metabolic acid that has NOT
been properly eliminated through the four channels of
elimination – urination, perspiration, defecation and
respiration. My recommendation for so-called Lyme
Dis-ease is an alkaline lifestyle and diet with at least
2 hours of exercise daily. In other words “get off you
fat or skinny ac-id! and Go To Health!”
Note that Dr. Wilson recommends coffee enemas
(very dangerous) and does not understand the
function of the stomach (most don't,) but
otherwise offers much good advice.
The popular Keto diet includes dairy and meat, both of
which are highly acidic and cancer causing.
The latest excuse Lyme
victims are being given to not alkalyze
the body is the
"Leaky Brain
Syndrome" or "Ammonia on the Brain" theory. In
a nutshell, the theory claims that ammonia
collects in the brain of Lyme patients in large
quantities. And it just loves an alkaline
environment. So, before one switches to an
alkaline diet to change the tissue of the body to
an alkaline one, one needs to get rid of that
pesky ammonia that somehow got trapped in the
brain. If you don't, well, the disease will only
get worse, because ammonia just loves alkaline
Of course there is no
science to prove any of this. Amazingly, the
stated manner of detecting where and how much
ammonia is in the brain is to ask your muscle.
Yes, muscle testing, also cloaked with the
scientific name of Direct Resonance Testing (DRT),
is the preferred methodology. Check out the
validity of this type of testing in this humorus
Kinesiology YouTube video.
So, how do we get rid of
this mysterious brain ammonia, according to the
proponents? The prescribed treatment is an equally
mysterious "natural formulation," where the exact
ingredients are kept a secret. Without these
special formulations, one shouln't even think of
alkalyzing by eating alkaline foods.
What does America's number
one bio-chemist and promoter of the alkaline diet,
Dr. Robert O. Young, have to say about ammonia?
process of testing for ammonia can be determined
by testing the blood and interstitial fluids which
makes up to 80 percent of the body fluids. Lyme
disease is an inflammatory or acidic condition of
the interstitial fluids and can be determined
Once again, increased amounts of ammonia is
the result of cellular breakdown due to metabolic
acidosis of the interstitial fluids and not some
phantom disease called Lyme*. Using muscle
response testing to determine increased levels of
ammonia anywhere in the body is unscientific and
can be influenced by the illusions of the
Doctor Young goes on to
You have to detox the primary brain, which is
the small intestines first, and then the blood,
before the brain in your head. Everything is
controlled in the brain of the intestines where
you have more brain cells greater than in the
head. This is the place where stem cells are
With that said the greatest source of ammonia
is produced by those who eat animal flesh. We
measure the levels of ammonia in the interstitial
fluids and in the kidneys.
And for those eating an alkaline diet, as
described in the pH Miracle Protocol, this is the
lifestyle and diet for health and fitness and
especially longevity.
There you have it. Dr.
Young's additional articles on ammomia can be
here. His videos, links and articles are
throughout this page.
*Dr. Young believes that
there is only one disease - acidosis, and only one
cure - alkalization.
1. All large animals (elephant, rhino,
girafe, cows...) get their protein from
first source.... plants. They do not eat
dead flesh to get recycled secondary
2. Animal protein
ferments and congests in the bowel and is
a major contributor to illness.
3. Dead animal
flesh as in a burger has a megahertz
of 3 or less compared to greens at 250
4. There is
approximately double the amount of
protein in 100 calories of various
dark greens compared to the same
amount of animal flesh thus why green
shakes are so effective and efficient.
5. There are 21
amino acids that we require and pur
body makes all but 9 of them which are
found abundantly in greens.
6. We live and
function on electrical potential aka
electrons... just like alkaline
batteries and NOT on protons as in
acidity aka animal products.
7. We only need
.08 grams of digestible protein for
every 2.2 lbs of body weight. So the
average 150 lb person only requires
5.45 g daily.
8. We have
evolved over the centuries. Even our
teeth are different now.
"Three good
reasons NOT to eat animal flesh:
1) Eating meat does not completely
digest so it rots in your gut causing
indigestion, excess gas, inflammation
and eventual colon cancer. 2)
Eating meat releases toxic acid
including nitric, sulphuric,
phosphuric and uric acid which all
cause inflammation and cancer. 3)
All animal meat contains one or all of
the following - tissue urine, blood,
bacteria, yeast, mold, cysts, chelated
acids or calcifications, and simple
and complex tumors".
"If you look
into the root etymology of the word
protein, you'll see that it comes of
the Greek 'proteos' which means 'first
'First source'
protein is that which can only be
gained from eating plants, which
contain the "building blocks" of what
we typically refer to as protein (i.e.
It's no
coincidence that animals that
instinctively and exclusively rely on
'first source' protein to survive, are
among the strongest on the face of the
earth, gaining their amino acids
(building blocks of muscle) from
plants to form their powerful
Cows, horses,
water buffalo, oxen, elephants are all
grass or plant eaters, and the
strongest 'pound for pound' animal of
all is the gorilla which eats nothing
but fruit, seeds and leaves and has
about 98% the exact same anatomical
structure as human beings!" thanks
Anna Leigh ~ Ujawal
how to make celery juice, why it's helpful,
how long it will take you to feel its
benefits, and if babies and pregnant women can
drink celery juice? Or are you curious about
the sodium content of celery juice or whether
it contains nitrates or oxalates? Or maybe
you'd like to add other ingredients to your
celery juice but don't know if that is
I want you to get the healing benefits that
celery juice can offer when consumed in the
right way. So below I have taken 21 of the top
questions we receive about celery juice every
day and answered them for you. I highly
recommend taking the time to read through
these questions thoroughly so you can get the
most from your celery juice.
1. What is the ideal amount of celery juice
to receive the healing benefits? 16 ounces
of straight celery juice a day is ideal for
receiving its healing benefits. Increasing
your intake up to 24 to 32 ounces a day can be
extremely beneficial for anyone suffering with
chronic illness or symptoms.
2. How much celery is needed to make 16 oz
of juice? One large bunch typically makes
16 oz of juice.
3. When is the best time to drink celery
juice? The best time to drink celery juice
is in the morning on an empty stomach before
you consume anything else other than water or
lemon water (wait at least 15 to 30 minutes
after the lemon before having your celery
juice. Celery juice is a medicinal, not a
caloric drink, so you’ll still need breakfast
afterward to power you through the morning.
Simply wait at least 15 to 30 minutes after
drinking your celery juice before consuming
anything else.
If you’re unable to consume your celery
juice first thing in the morning before food,
then the second-best option is to drink it 15
to 30 minutes before eating something or 30 to
60 minutes after eating a small snack or 2
hours after eating a heavier meal anytime
during the day. If you’re having 32 ounces a
day, you may wish to have it in two 16 ounce
servings. You can drink the first serving in
the morning on an empty stomach before eating
and the second in the late afternoon or early
evening, at least 15 to 30 minutes before
eating your next meal.
4. Which juicer do you recommend?
Masticating juicers are the best juicers for
making celery juice. Greenstar Juicer, Omega
Juicer, and Aicok Juicer are all great
depending on your budget, but any juicer will
5. Does the celery have to be organic?
Organic is best, but if you can’t get organic
don’t worry. You can purchase conventionally
grown celery. Then wash each stalk with a drop
of natural fragrance-free dish soap, followed
by rinsing in water. If you don’t have natural
clear dish soap, give the celery a quick rinse
in warm water. Making sure to rinse each
6. Can I make celery juice ahead of time?
It’s best to drink celery juice
immediately after juicing. But if you don’t
have options other wise, do not let it go past
one day (24 hours). If using this option, make
sure to seal it in a mason jar, and store in
the fridge.
7. Is it okay to add lemon or lime to my
celery juice? Celery juice works best on
it’s own. Adding other ingredients to the
juice will dilute its medicinal properties.
This includes lemon, lime, ginger, apple,
orange, leafy greens, carrot, beet, or any
other ingredient. Wait 15-30 minutes after
drinking your celery juice, before consuming
anything else.
8. Is there anything that can be added to
celery juice to make it more beneficial?
Celery juice is a healing tool for the
chronically ill. It has healed and continues
to heal millions of people worldwide. Sadly,
some individuals are now trying to take
advantage of the popularity of celery juice by
changing the recipe and adding new ingredients
so they can call it their own and profit from
it. They recommend adding ingredients like
collagen, apple cider vinegar, and activated
charcoal to celery juice, but these three
items all destroy and denature celery juice
when added to it, taking away all of its one
of a kind healing properties and bringing
ingredients into your body that don’t support
For the protection of your own health, it’s
important you are aware of how misleading and
unhelpful these trends are that compromise the
purity and power of celery juice. These trends
have been started by individuals who don’t
even believe in celery juice and the healing
properties it possesses. They never knew of
its existence as a healing tool until the
global celery juice movement I started began
to organically reach millions of people
because it is so effective at helping to heal
all kinds of health symptoms and conditions.
These financial investor created
trendsetters don’t even know what it is about
celery juice that makes it so effective, such
as its undiscovered sodium cluster salts that
destroy the cell membranes of pathogens so
they can be killed off and how the cluster
salts rebuild hydrochloric acid. Without
knowing how celery juice works and why, they
can’t know how to consume it to receive its
benefits and how vital it is to not add
ingredients such as collagen, apple cider
vinegar and, and activated charcoal.
Knowing the right way to drink celery juice
is critical for you to get its benefits. There
are some nutritional compounds that can help
activate or enhance the healing properties of
celery juice even more. Some of those
nutritional compounds include magnesium,
l-glutamine and choline for example.
9. Can I just eat celery instead of juicing
it? The reason we juice the celery versus
eating it is because juicing and removing the
pulp (fiber) is the only way to get the
powerful healing benefits for healing chronic
illness. There is a trend that is now
happening that recommends leaving the pulp in
the drink and just have blended celery versus
celery juice, which removes the fiber. Try not
to get misled by this trend. Leaving the pulp
in will keep you from receiving the unique
healing benefits of celery juice.
Eating celery itself is helpful and should
be part of your diet, but you will not be able
to consume enough celery to get the benefits
of juicing it. You wouldn’t be able to receive
the concentrated undiscovered cluster salts,
that do all of the following:
* Quickly rebuild your hydrochloric acid so
that your stomach can break down protein. If
protein isn’t broken down properly it will
cause gut rot. Strong hydrochloric acid is
important to kill off pathogens entering your
* Celery Juice increases and strengthens
your bile. Strong bile is important for the
break down fats, and for the killing off
pathogens; that have made their way into your
body. Eating straight celery wouldn’t allow
you to get enough of celery’s cluster salts;
that acts as antiseptics for pathogens.
* Celery juice restores your central
nervous system. Removes old toxins and
poisons, such as: old pharmaceuticals from
your liver.
10. Is celery juice okay to consume while
pregnant? Yes, celery juice is safe and
healthy to consume while pregnant. If you have
any concerns, you can consult your doctor.
11. Can breastfeeding women drink celery
juice? Celery juice is incredible for
breastfeeding. It can provide an abundance of
trace minerals, vitamin C and neurotransmitter
chemicals such as the undiscovered sodium
cluster salts for the baby to develop healthy,
strong organs. Celery juice also helps clean
and detoxify the breast milk, purifying it so
the baby receives the purest breast milk
12. Can babies and children drink celery
juice? Yes, celery juice is incredible for
the health and development of babies and
13. Is it normal to experience a change in
bowel movements after drinking celery juice?
Some people may experience a change in their
bowel movements when starting to consume
celery juice. This is a normal detox reaction
that some individuals who have a higher level
of toxins may experience. Celery juice will
kill off unproductive bacteria in the gut and
will also help purge the liver. This can
result in loose stools as the body pushes out
the toxins from a very toxic liver. Almost
everyone today has some degree of liver
toxicity, which, as I share in my book Liver
Rescue, can lead to countless symptoms and
conditions. The loose stools will pass as your
body heals and you may notice your bowel
movements become more regular and healthier
than ever. If you find celery juice too
cleansing, try 16 oz of straight cucumber
juice. Cucumber juice does not have the same
benefits celery juice does but it is very
gentle and a great choice until you can
restart celery juice.
14. Will I experience an increase in
symptoms after drinking celery juice?
Celery juice is very healing, and the
undiscovered sodium cluster salts will begin
to kill off pathogens like viruses such as
Epstein-Barr and Shingles, as well as bacteria
such as Streptococcus inside the body right
away. For some people, if they’ve already
experienced some symptoms on and off in their
life such as fatigue or other symptoms, it’s
possible that in some cases these people may
temporarily experience symptoms again. These
symptoms will be short and brief as the body
heals and cleans up. This is a powerful
healing step that celery juice can offer for
long term future health—WITHOUT symptoms.
However, many times when someone reports
feeling an increase in symptoms and thinks
it’s because of the celery juice, it will
actually be because of something else
happening in their body, life or diet but the
celery juice unfairly takes the blame. It’s
important to understand what else could be
happening inside the body and how dietary
choices and other lifestyle factors could be
leading to the increase in symptoms and
conditions someone could be experiencing and
how to properly support the body to heal. This
is what is covered in great depth in my books
Liver Rescue, Thyroid Healing, Life-Changing
Foods and Medical Medium. It’s never been more
critical to empower yourself to become an
expert on the true causes of your symptoms and
15. Is it normal to get bloated after
drinking celery juice? Celery juice rapidly
speeds up digestion. It does this by prompting
the liver to increase bile production, and
instantly strengthening the stomach’s
hydrochloric acid production. Which then
begins to break down old undigested rotting
protein, old rancid fats trapped at the bottom
of the stomach, and in the small intestinal
tract that have been there for decades in
everyone. Once these fats and proteins
dissolve, bloating tends to go away for almost
everyone who is dealing with chronic bloating
issues. But for some, a feeling of bloating
can occur that can be mild to severe,
depending on how toxic someone’s digestive
tract has become and how much old rotten
undigested debris is in their digestive tract.
As these individuals continue to use celery
juice the right way long term, the condition
and toxicity of their digestive tract will
improve and bloating can disappear— as long as
their other eating choices are within the
guidelines shared in the Medical Medium
16. Does celery juice contain oxalates?
There is a myth that certain leafy green
vegetables and herbs like celery are high in
oxalates and are therefore harmful. This is
completely incorrect and is preventing many
people from getting some powerful and needed
nutrients and healing properties provided by
foods deemed to be high in oxalates. Oxalates
are not the concern they are believed to be.
There are oxalates in every single fruit
and vegetable on the planet. The vast array of
nutrients in so-called high oxalate leafy
greens and celery are some of the most
nutritious available to us. Medical research
and science has not discovered that there are
anti-oxalates in fruits, vegetables, and leafy
greens that prevent the oxalates from causing
us the damage the current trend tells us they
do. In reality, these foods don’t cause us any
harm, rather they provide us with critical
healing nutrients like phytochemicals,
vitamins, and minerals.
17. Can I take celery juice powder or
celery powder instead of drinking fresh celery
juice? No, celery powder and celery juice
powder can’t replace fresh celery juice.
Celery juice powder and celery powder don’t
offer any of the benefits that 16 ounces of
fresh straight celery juice can. Selling
celery juice powders and putting celery inside
supplements is going to become a popular trend
as celery juice becomes even more well known
and people try to profit off the global celery
juice movement that is healing the chronically
ill. Try to avoid all of these fads. They are
a waste of money and they don’t offer the same
healing benefits as drinking straight, fresh
celery juice every day.
18. Are there nitrates in celery juice?
Celery and celery juice can’t contain any
nitrates that are activated or harmful unless
the celery has oxidized or been dehydrated.
The naturally occurring nitrates in celery
don’t exist when the celery or fresh celery
juice hasn’t yet oxidized. When fresh celery
juice or celery does oxidize, just like when
any herb, vegetable or fruit oxidizes, then a
naturally occurring nitrate can develop. But
this naturally occurring nitrate is also never
harmful in any way, shape or form. Celery
juice powder and celery powder have oxidized
so they can contain naturally occurring
nitrates because that developed through the
oxidation process.
These nitrates are not the same variety of
nitrates which are considered to be irritating
to some people. It’s important to know that
not all nitrates are the same, just like all
people are not the same, all water is not the
same, all sugar is not the same, and all
protein is not the same. For example, gluten
is an entirely different protein than the
protein inside meat or the protein inside
nuts. Also, the naturally occurring nitrates
that can develop in an oxidized form of celery
such as celery powder and celery juice powder
are not the same as the harmful nitrates that
are added to meat and all kinds of other
Also, nitrates are different to nitrites;
they’re not the same thing. Even celery
powder, which does contain naturally occurring
nitrates, can’t be relied upon as a method for
curing foods such as pickles or meat because
it still doesn't contain nitrites. Fresh
celery juice also doesn’t contain nitrites.
Anything naturally occurring in celery and
celery juice is not harmful. This is the same
for pure celery powder and pure celery juice
powder. However, harmful nitrates can be added
to celery powder or celery juice powder by the
company that makes it or uses it in another
product. Your fresh celery juice can not have
harmful nitrates in it unless you were to add
them in yourself.
If you don’t drink fresh celery juice
because you believe it contains harmful
nitrates, then you are unfortunately going to
lose the unique healing opportunity fresh
celery juice, which does not contain nitrates,
can provide.
19. How long does it take to feel the
benefits of drinking celery juice? It
depends on what condition the person is in.
Almost everyone feels benefits of some kind in
their first week of drinking celery juice in
the right amount and in the right way daily.
Many people even feel benefits after their
first juice. It all depends on the person and
their circumstances, such as their health
conditions and symptoms and how toxic and
overburdened their liver is with different
pathogens and poisons such as pesticides,
solvents, herbicides, toxic heavy metals, and
all kinds of other chemicals and toxins. (See
Liver Rescue for more information on what
having a toxic liver means, how common it
really is and how to heal your body). If
someone is dealing with weight issues, if they
have a lot of putrefied and rancid fats in
their colon, and/or a lot of bacteria in their
intestinal tract such as streptococcus, this
will also affect the healing timeline.
The amount of stress someone is
experiencing in their life, what else they
choose to eat and drink in addition to their
straight celery juice, and their other
lifestyle habits will also play a role in how
long it takes for someone to feel the
benefits. But most people do feel a difference
rather quickly. Some people who have been
drinking celery juice for a long time get used
to how good or how much better it makes them
feel than when they weren't drinking it. Then
they stop drinking celery juice temporarily,
like many do, and find they don’t feel as good
anymore. They realize at this point just how
instrumental the celery juice was in helping
them feel better.
It’s important to know that even if someone
doesn’t see or feel the benefits of drinking
celery juice quickly, it doesn’t mean the
benefits aren’t happening. Everybody who
drinks celery juice receives benefits
immediately, because the healing powers of
celery juice begin working immediately upon
entering the body. For some people, it can
take a bit of time to see or feel the benefits
in a tangible way they can notice, even though
the celery juice has been providing healing
benefits from the first drink internally.
20. Is there too much sodium in celery
juice? All salt is not the same, just like
all sugar is not the same. Consuming high
fructose corn syrup, which is detrimental to
health, is not the same as eating an apple,
which can bring healing to the liver and
provide a wealth of critical nutrients. So
don’t get confused by the idea that all salt
is the same, because it’s not.
If you hear someone say that there’s too
much salt in celery juice, they’re not
correct. The sodium cluster groups in celery
juice are a subgroup of sodium. Science and
research have not even discovered all the
variations of trace minerals and subgroups of
sodium that reside in celery juice. Sodium
cluster salts are healing for the body and we
can’t get have enough of them. Sixteen ounces
of celery juice on a daily basis provides
these sodium cluster salts we so greatly need.
Celtic sea salt or Himalayan rock salt are
entirely different forms of sodium. No matter
how high quality the salt, putting Celtic sea
salt or Himalayan rock salt in a drink or on
your food is not the same as consuming enough
of these undiscovered sodium cluster salts
from celery juice. Sodium cluster salts are
the only form of sodium that destroys
pathogens, helps detox the body and helps
restore electrolytes and neurotransmitter
chemicals. The sodium in celery juice is a
medicinal sodium that’s meant for your
bloodstream and your body whereas you need to
cautious of consuming too much of the type of
sodium that comes in even the highest quality
21. Can I juice celery root instead of
celery? No, celery root is a different
plant to the large bunches of celery stalks
with leaves. Juicing celery root will not
provide the same healing benefits." ~ Medical
Medium ~
Every day I am asked questions about the
alkaline lifestyle such as practices, foo,
beverages, exercises…. all toting to be
alkaline or which have an alkalizing effect
that clearly do no and are not.
Often I meet with new clients who have been
working on an “alkaline system” or who have
received “alkaline advice” or who have been
doing all sorts of “alkaline cures” and
eating alkaline, clearly were not; otherwise
their symptoms would have disappeared and
the root of their health issues would have
already cleared and healed. It’s true we are
alkaline by design and acidic by function.
There is only one sickness, illness and
disease though with many names and faces.
It’s over acidification of the body fluids,
tissues, muscles, organs and bones.
There is only one solution, reverse the
condition of over acidification by
eliminating the acidic build up in the body
through the five channels of elimination and
allow the body to restore and heal itself by
honouring the innate alkaline design of the
body, for when it is restored the body
naturally heals itself. It is obvious when
we look at our blood for the blood never
lies but our mind and traditional training
can fool us.
I am always surprised when I listen to
someone’s story and then look at their
blood. It is such an eye opener and
refreshing at the same time. So I am putting
all those questions, issues, myths and false
educational totes here for you in hopes that
you may benefit.
1. Apple cider vinegar is alkaline.
Absolutely FALSE.It
is highly acidic just like all other
vinegars and robs our body of our own
natural alkaline buffers; sodium, magnesium,
potassium and calcium. It is made from
fermenting apples. Right from get go it is
acidic because apples are too! Being a
vinegar, it is also a neuro toxin. It is
fermented which means rotten. This goes for
ALL fermented foods. They are rotten and do
not belong in our body. They may appear to
give results, but I assure you it is short
term and at a long term risk to your health.
To test this out we used pH strips to test
our saliva. First we tested our saliva base
number. It was 7.4. When we ingested the
apple cider vinegar our saliva pH in 30
seconds went highly acidic to a 4. When
tested in another 30 seconds it went highly
alkaline to a 10 (this was our body
naturally compensating for the acidic
overload and purging our buffers mostly
sodium). Then the miracle happened. In
another 30 seconds it went back to our
normal healthy 7. 4 on the pH scale,
slightly over alkaline.
So apple cider vinegar is toxic, fermented
acid and does not belong in our body. We all
know that vinegars are acidic, all vinegars!
Common sense.. grade 3 science… vinegar is
an acid.
2. Fruit is alkaline. FALSE.Traditional
fruit is fructose aka sugar which is acidic.
There are two types of food and beverages;
alkaline or acidic. This makes life very
easy and simple and true health even easier.
Sugar aka acid equals illness and disease.
There are 7 friendly fruits that either are
or have an alkalizing effect on our body;
avocados, lemons and limes (both are high is
alkaline minerals), coloured bell peppers,
tomatoes, cucumbers occasionally grapefruit.
Yep all those berries, apples, pineapples,
mangoes, bananas, grapes etc are all high
sugar and acidic. Even though they may tote
health benefits, they are 100% acidic with
damaging long term side effects. You can get
all the benefits without the acidic
toxication by eating and drinking green
coloured veggies.
However, if you are eating traditional fruit
eat it in the morning on an empty stomach
and 20 minutes away from all other food and
beverages. And never mix it with any
“healthy” item like yogurt or granola… it’s
alcohol poisoning at this point as it begins
to ferment and make acetaldehyde from
fermenting in your bowel.
3. Mushrooms are healthy for us and are an
alkaline veggie. FALSE.They
are mould and fungus and 100% acidic. Think
about how they grow and what they naturally
grow out of…. right! NO more mushrooms…
medicinal or otherwise.
4. Natural sugars are okay like honey
(regurgitated bee saliva) or maple syrup
(sap of sugar and water). FALSE.Both
are sugar and sugar to the body is sugar!
Besides maple syrup is full of mould which
often is visible in the bottle before it is
even opened. It grows in the sap and is
still in the syrup once boiled down. I can
assure you that after all the years of
tapping, boiling, bottling and selling it I
have seen my fair share of this. Yes, yummy,
natural but 100% acidic and toxic to us.
5. We need lots of protein. FALSE.The
average person only needs .8g per 2.2 lbs of
body weight daily, of a healthy digestible
usable protein. Heavier workouts and
athletes may require more.
Greens (chlorophyll) builds healthy blood
which builds healthy body cells used for
tissue, muscle, organs and bone cells. That
means with a green plant based nutritional
source, 100 calories of dark leafy greens
like kale or spinach has double the protein
per 100 calories compared to that of any
meat. It makes it.souch easy to get ample
amount when drinking green shakes. Get your
greens on and build strong healthy muscle
easier, faster and less down/burn time
because there is way less acidic build up.
6. Whey is a healthy protein source. FALSE.Whey
is a toxic acid with side effects that cause
congestion in our body systems leading to
acidic poisoning. Whey is the scum produced
from the bubbling foam from making cheese,
then skimmed off the top, dried and
processed and then packaged and sold as a
“protein” supplement. It’s scum for peets
Once again it has been funnelled into
profits and business at our health risk. All
it does is make our blood sick and
congested. So all those pre-fab shakes and
smoothies are adding to your health issues
and concerns. Healthy food has no side
effects. It also has no bar code unless it
is fresh vegetable and needed to be bagged
for the produce department.
7. Eggs are good for us. FALSE.Eggs
are full of thousands of bacteria and
acidic… looks like bugs under a microscope.
They are a chicken’s period, a potential
little chic.
8. We need dairy for calcium. FALSE.Dairy
is very dirty and full of thousands of puss
cells per liter plus it is liquid sugar and
100% acidic. It contains animal casein which
is for building animal hooves and interferes
with our human design. It is meant for
calves not humans. It is a government
By ingesting dairy in all its forms we rob
our body of minerals as it tries to buffer
the acidic liquid or cream sugar. Our body
saves us by purging calcium out of our bones
to buffer the acids from it…. thus
osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. Eat dark
leafy greens to get way more calcium and
zero negative side effects.
9. “Healthy Chocolate”, organic cocoa/cocao
has health benefits and good for us. Believe
me, I wish I could lie on this one but NOT.
It’s FALSE.All, yes
ALL chocolate has two lethal ingredients…
theobromine and methobromine and 100%
acidic. If any of it is ingested by an
animal it can kill them. It does the same to
us too. The death is just slower with longs
side effects like constipation, spastic
bowel, skin irruptions, headaches and such.
10. Nuts and seeds are good for us. TRUE and
FALSE.All food needs
to be liquefied before it goes into our
small intestinal tract. Nuts and seeds NEVER
liquefy and become lodged in our bowel to
fester and irritate us thus compromising our
gut health.
Nuts carry mould, mildew and bacteria in the
air space between the skin and the shell.
Almonds have the least amount of space and
therefore less opportunity to be
contaminated. Still drink your nuts… as in
almond milk. Best to make your own fresh but
if you buy make sure it has fewest
ingredients and no carrageenan.
11. Gluten is the culprit and dangerous for
us.TRUE and FALSE.Yes….
it makes a glue like substance inside of us
like paper mache. In fact any flour mixed
with water makes a glue like substance. But
there is so much more to it.
It’s all grains especially stored grains.
They are 100% acidic. Just like graining a
horse causes colic, ulcers and can flip
their stomach; it creates harm to us too!
Grains congest our bowel, increases our
sugar load and upsets our delicate pH.
The few exceptions occasionally would be
quinoa (actually a seed), wild rice or
basmati brown rice, buckwheat and only in
small servings. Then there are sprouted
grains, still acidic in bread form. And
different from fresh sprouts which are
healthy alkaline greens, ONLY if they are
grown and cared for properly. Otherwise they
can collect mould and mildew fairly quickly
if not attended to in a timely fashion.
12. Coffee is healthy for us. FALSE.It
is 100% liquid acid that stresses out our
body especially our liver and kidneys. It
robs our fluids, tissues, organs and bones
of alkaline minerals cause unlimited health
concerns ulcers, acid reflux, headaches,
synapses corrosion, poor eye sight and more.
13. Tea is better than coffee. FALSE.Dried
tea leaves have mould in them from the
drying process and are 100% liquid acid
affecting the same body parts as coffee. And
yes, macha green tea is acidic too as is
kombucha (fermented tea). Best to make fresh
teas from lemons, limes and fresh green
14. Too much water is harmful.FALSE.
Our body uses water to keep us internally
flowing and clean. What we don’t need gets
discarded. However the water does need to be
alkaline otherwise we are adding more liquid
acidity to our bodies and not benefitting
the way we could be thriving.
15. Pro-biotic, pre-biotic and digestive
enzymes help us and improve our health. BIG
FALSE.These three are
100% acidic. They act like Pac Man and go
into our gut to help clean it up from
build-up stuck food that is 100% acidic
anyways, by eating the chronic impacted
bowel. However, when they are done eating
the waste they continue to eat us… our
tissue from the inside out. It leads to
bowel issues and eventually causing long
term harmful side effects. It is a dangerous
way to get short term relief with long term
health issues.
Now how about those “friendly flora” aka
bacteria, that everyone natters about. Yes,
they are 100% acidic and are only present
when the bowel is congested. It’s our system
breaking down internally to save itself. It
knows what to do to keep us healthy but when
we fill it full of acidic trash it can’t
keep up and goes into holding, fermenting
and bloating mode.
No need for more “friendly flora” aka
bacteria to add to the “clutter”. It’s kind
of like stuffing an already filthy full
closest with more junk and we all know that
one day that closet is going to need to be
cleaned out if we want to continue using it.
So, clean it out properly the first time; do
a liquid green feast for 3-10 days allowing
your body to come back to harmony. This may
be required a few times. You know, like the
initial clean and then the revamp and
organization phase of a closet.
Did you know that even aloe vera juice/gel
is a “natural digestive enzyme” and if over
done can create long term issues in our
bowel. The answer is to stop putting the
acidic toxic food in, chew your food well
and drink green juice, intake healthy oils
and water to keep the bowel clean and
healthy. Remember, a healthy bowel moves 3
to 5 times daily.
16. Anti-biotics get rid of illness. TRUE
and FALSE.Anti-biotics
are 100% acidic. When they enter our body
they shock our alkaline buffering system at
an alarming rate. Kind of like adding bleach
to shock a dirty pool to clear it up! What
happens is because of an over load of
chemical acidity from the medication our
body is forced to once again rob our
tissues, muscles, organs and bones of our
very own minerals (sodium, magnesium,
potassium and calcium) to encapsulate the
acidic illness, usher it out one of our five
channels of elimination (bowels, urine,
breathe, lymphatics or glymphatics) and
restore harmony back to our body.
It’s short term relief with long term side
effects once again. When really all we need
to do it boost our own system with electron
rich alkaline foods and beverages and return
to vibrancy.
17. Salt is bad for you. TRUE AND FALSE.Typical
table salt is processed, bleached, toxic and
dangerous for our health. Coloured sea salt
is low in sodium and high in minerals.
Every one of our systems relies on the
electrical potential of salt so that we can
be healthy. Our body’s pH affects every
single system in our body. Our pH for all
our fluids, tissues and organs are alkaline
aka salty. If sea salt was bad for us the
ocean would die and so would all the
creatures including us (fyi the ocean pH
needs to be 8.3 and it has slid to 8.2) Sea
salt is life. I use Redmond’s Real Coloured
Sea Salt.
FYI… craving sugar is our body’s way of
showing us it needs sustainable energy…
SALT. Eat healthy coloured sea salt, lose
the sugar cravings and improve your health
at the same time. Here is the simple
equations of life… Salt is Sol. Sol is Soul.
Soul is Energy. Energy is Life. Life is
18. Healthy Oils…. it is good to cook with
oils. FALSE.After
reading Fats that Heal and Fats that Kill by
Udo Erasmus, I will never put any oil in a
pan again. When you heat oils past 112° they
turn rancid and are in no way healthy in
that state. One exception is coconut oil
which can be heated to 176° before it is
altered (from The Miracle of Coconut oil by
Bruce Fife) Still NEVER heat an oil. Use
water in a pan and lightly steam the food
and then top it with a healthy oil when on
your plate.
Without professional temperature control you
cannot tell if the oil turn toxic. Healthy
fats are necessary for optimal health, not
all fats are bad not even all saturated fats
are bad, for example Coconut oil is a
saturated fat but it is a medium chain fatty
acid and most all saturated fats are long
chain fatty acids and long chain fatty acids
are not good quality fats.
Remember all coconut products are now
pasteurized in North America so maybe not
the best food source. I do use it for oil
pulling in my mouth after I brush my teeth
and then spit it out. Fats help the body
stockpile certain nutrients as well. The
so-called “fat-soluble” vitamins—A, D, E and
FYI olive oil and avocados are full of
vitamin K, necessary for building our fibrin
net protein in our blood and giving it
strength. Healthy oils are needed to develop
cell membrane walls (the brain of all cells
says cellular biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton),
to nature and support brain function, our
nervous system, blood cell production, for
glowing supple skin, bowel movements and
emotions well being. We require 1/3 cup (5
tbls.of healthy oils daily) amd I male sire
to include an 2 tsp of a healthy 3/6/9 oil
as well!
19. Alkalinity helps improves health,
reverses illness and disease and improves
your sex drive. TRUE TRUE TRUE!We
are alkaline by design and acidic by our
bodily functions.
When we keep our 5 channels of elimination
(bowels, urine, lymphatics, glymphatics and
breathe) clean, clear and open we eliminate
acidic build up. There is only one disease;
over acidification of our fluids, tissues,
muscles, organs and bones. Even sexual
dysfunction is a build up of acidity.
20. Can thoughts, feelings and emotions
affect our pH? TRUE.They
release metabolic acid. In fact they can
release 2-3x more acid than a food or
beverage. Their preferred way to exit the
body is out through the connective and
lympathic system.
If not eliminated properly they can damage
our organs if it becomes chronic… fear
weakens the stomach, anger weakens the
liver, grief weakens the lungs, pissed
offness weakens the kidneys and heart break
weakens the heart. On the other hand love,
peace and joy strengthen our body parts and
immune system! So manage yourself well. It’s
a lifestyle and not solely about nutrition.
You see we are alkaline by design and when
we tend to that and nourish it, we flourish.
We are acidic by function and when we take
care of our five channels of elimination and
discard our metabolic acid waste from
functioning, we flourish in health and
It is quite simple; put alkalinity in and
keep our systems flowing with lots of water
and healthy oils so all of our systems get
flushed out daily! We are what we ingest.
For more pH reading please read The pH
Miracle for Living revised edition by Robert
O. Young.
This is my Travel Kit. Being prepared
and ready is key.
My basics are.... sea salt... baking
soda... green powder... chlorophyll...
spray salts... a small oil bottle...
pHlush... an avocado and cherry
tomatoes. I am always on the go...
• Square insulted travel lunch kits make
great carry cases for basics...for
everyday use and fit snugg and contained
(no spillage) in a suitcase.
• The tall insulated travel bag is
great to tote green shakes and green
drinks.... easy to wipe out inside
and black outside so they always
look clean and new.
• My water bottle is by
Rubbbermaid.. bpa free with a
screw/flip top (no spillage/no
breaking)... easy to clean.... blue
so the light doesnt reach inside as
easily (sunlight/heat on green
drinks can promote algae growth)...
plus a spot to clip on a carabiner
for easy mobility.
• 500ml and 1 liter glass mason jars
are great for juices and shakes...
for transporting, fridge storge and
to drink from even while at h♡me!!!
friend of mine, who is also a pharmacist
shared this with me. Do any of you use
this, this way? Makes sense to me. Great
info! Most doctors won’t tell you about
peroxide. Have you ever smelled
bleach in a doctor's office? NO!!! Why?
Because it smells, and it is not
healthy! Ask the nurses who work in
the doctor's offices, and ask them if
they use bleach at home. They are wiser
and know better! Peroxide was
invented during WWI.. It was used to
save and help cleanse the needs of our
troops and hospitals. Please think
about this: 1. Take one capful of
hydrogen peroxide (the little white cap
that comes with the bottle) and hold in
your mouth for 10 minutes daily, then
spit it out. (I am doing it when I
bathe.) No more canker sores and your
teeth will be whiter without expensive
pastes. Use it instead of mouthwash.
2. Let your toothbrushes soak in a cup
of peroxide to keep them free of germs.
3. Clean your counters and tabletops
with peroxide to kill germs and leave a
fresh smell. Simply put a little on your
dishrag when you wipe, or spray it on
the counters. 4. After rinsing off
your wooden cutting board, pour peroxide
on it to kill salmonella and other
bacteria. 5. If you have fungus on
your feet spray a 50/50 mixture of
peroxide and water on them (especially
the toes) every night and let dry. 6.
Soak any infections or cuts in 3%
peroxide for five to 10 minutes several
times a day. Her husband has seen
gangrene that would not heal with any
medicine but was healed by soaking in
peroxide. (There is controversy about
this amongst health professionals.)
7. Fill a spray bottle with a 50/50
mixture of peroxide and water and keep
it in every bathroom to disinfect
without harming your septic systems like
bleach or most other disinfectants will.
8. Tilt your head back and spray into
nostrils with your 50/50 mixture
whenever you have a cold or plugged
sinus. It will bubble and help to kill
the bacteria. Hold for a few minutes,
and then blow your nose into a tissue.
9. If you have a terrible toothache and
cannot get to a dentist right away, put
a capful of 3% peroxide into your mouth
and hold it for 10 minutes several times
a day. The pain will lessen greatly.
10. And of course, if you like a natural
look to your hair, spray the 50/50
solution on your wet hair after a shower
and comb it through. You will not have
the peroxide-burnt blonde hair like the
hair dye packages but more natural
highlights if your hair is a light
brown, reddish, or dirty blonde. It also
lightens gradually, so it's not a
drastic change. 11. Put half a bottle
of peroxide in your bath to help get rid
of boils, fungus, or other skin
infections. 12. You can also add a
cup of peroxide instead of bleach to a
load of whites in your laundry to whiten
them. If there is blood on clothing,
pour it directly on the soiled spot. Let
it sit for a minute, then rub it and
rinse with cold water. Repeat if
necessary. 13. I use peroxide to
clean my mirrors. There is no smearing,
which is why I love it so much for this.
14. Another place it's great is in the
bathroom, if someone has been careless,
has peed on the floor around the toilet,
and it's begun to smell of urine. Just
put some peroxide in a spray bottle
spray. In the blink of an eye all the
smell will be gone and the bacteria
eliminated! (I wish I’d known this years
ago) I could go on and on. It is a
little brown bottle no home should be
without! With prices of most necessities
rising, I'm glad there's a way to save
tons of money in such a simple, healthy
manner! This information really woke
me up. I hope you gain something from
it, too.😁 Pass it on!
Clorox v/s peroxide VERY interesting and
all have satiety signals within our bodies that help us know
when we’ve consumed enough energy for our body’s needs.
With extreme dieting and acidic diets, we can mess
up those satiety signals. If this happens, we may begin to
receive inaccurate hunger signals that cause us to snack and
munch, and feel like we need more food than necessary in
order to feel full. This can lead to chronic hunger signals
that zap our energy and cause us to gain weight. Fortunately,
we can get these signals under control with simple changes in
Here are 4 steps to eliminate inaccurate hunger
Control Blood Sugar
Two major players in our satiety signals are metabolic
hormones insulin and leptin. These two are closely
intertwined. We have a lot of control over these hormones by
balancing our blood sugar levels through the foods we eat and
our lifestyle habits. To balance blood sugar:
all processed foods
wheat and grains
on whole foods such as vegetables, nuts, and seeds
healthy fat at every meal
sugar intake – even natural sugars like honey
Cleanse the Bowels
Inaccurate hunger signals can come when we aren’t able to fully
absorb the nutrition we consume. We need to continually
cleanse the bowels to eliminate wastes like plaque buildup.
Once the buildup is removed, we can enjoy renewed energy with
the improvement of nutrient uptake of the foods we eat.
We recommend pHlush
by pH Miracle. This unique pH formulation is rich in oxygen,
magnesium, and other powerful ingredients that make an
excellent cleanser for your alimentary canal. It’s gentle
and non-habit forming.
Improve Oxidation of Foods
While consuming the right foods and liquids is critical in
obtaining optimal health, the nutrient given the highest
priority by the body is oxygen. Oxygen is essential to the
life sustaining process of full oxidation–the optimum
burning of our food for satiety and energy.
We recommend Activated
Oxygen by pH Miracle. This magnesium peroxide compound,
with oxygen enhancement, is designed to release oxygen to
purify and energize all the cells in the body. This is a
fascinating product that can be instrumental in detoxifying
the entire body and boosting energy levels.
Increase Greens
Green foods contain a number of vitamins, minerals, proteins,
electrons, chlorophyll and more, but they are actually
catalysts that support chemical chain reactions within the
body. Getting an abundance of green vegetables has a balancing
effect on the entire body, and provides long-lasting
energy that naturally reduces inaccurate hunger signals.
We recommend Doc
Broc’s SuperGreens and Doc
Broc’s SuerGreens Capsules. This is the optimal way to
get your greens—the raw materials your body needs to power
your cells and therefore your entire body—in a convenient
and great tasting green drink mix. It’s smooth and
Follow these 4 steps to eliminate inaccurate hunger signals,
and then share what you’ve accomplished with others. You can
also leave a product review at to inspire others.
Pay forward the gift of natural healing to someone today!
I have been know to
call vitamin C the urine acid of citrus
fruits. Vitamin C is an acid known as ascorbic
acid that when mixed into foods and
supplements must be chemically transformed
into esters to be consumable. Vitamin C is
destroyed by exposure to oxygen, metals, light
and heat…therefore one can surely imagine what
happens to it when it is processed.
Vitamin C is believed
to be an antioxidant because oxidants (acids)
that are in the body will oxidize (take
electrons from) ascorbate first before
affecting the body’s proteins and lipids. This
leaves oxidized forms of ascorbate. Oxidized
ascorbate is believed to be relatively stable
and unreactive and is believed not to cause
cellular damage.
I have disagreed for
years and believe that over time a cumulative
affect of taking in vitamin C, especially in
unnatural and processed forms, is harmful just
like taking too many enzymes (acids) too often
and thereby tenderizing yourself. The name
‘ascorbic’ comes from its supposed property of
preventing and curing scurvy. The scientific
name of vitamin C, ascorbic acid, is derived
from the Latin name of scurvy, scorbutus.
Scurvy leads to the formation of liver spots
on the skin, spongy gums, and bleeding from
all mucous membranes. The spots are most
abundant on the thighs and legs, and a person
with the ailment looks pale, feels depressed,
and is partially immobilized.
Yet, these are all
symptoms of overacidity. In advanced scurvy,
there are open, suppurating wounds and loss of
teeth. Scurvy was at one time common among
sailors, pirates, and others who were on ships
that were out to sea longer than perishable
fruits and vegetables could be stored and by
soldiers who were similarly separated from
these foods for extended periods.
Medical science
believes that scurvy results from lack of
vitamin C, but I have gone on record to
disagree. I say that that scurvy is caused by
dehydration and a diet of dead and
animal-based foods causing over-acidification
of the blood and tissues leading to cellular
breakdown into bacteria, yeast, and mold and
the destruction of microvilli in the small
intestine much like a rotting banana or piece
of fruit getting mushy with dark spots.
The Dutch writer,
Johann Bachstrom, in 1734, gave the firm
opinion that ‘scurvy is solely owing to a
total abstinence from fresh vegetable food,
and greens which is alone the primary cause of
the disease.’
While the earliest
documented case of scurvy was described by
Hippocrates around the year 400 BC, the first
attempt to give scientific basis for the cause
of this disease was by a ship’s surgeon in the
British Royal Navy, James Lind. Again, it was
well known that Scurvy was common among those
with little access to fresh fruit and
vegetables such as remote and isolated sailors
and soldiers.
While at sea in May
1747, Lind provided some crew members with two
oranges and one lemon per day, in addition to
normal rations, while others continued on
cider, vinegar, sulfuric acid or seawater,
along with their normal rations. In the
history of science this is considered to be
the first occurrence of a controlled
experiment comparing results on two
populations of a factor applied to one group
only with all other factors the same.
Lind published his work
in 1753 in his Treatise on Scurvy which
conclusively showed that citrus fruits
prevented the disease. NOTE: These were whole
natural and unprocessed fruits and lemons that
are alkalizing and mineral rich as are limes
which we will come to in a minute.
It wasn’t the vitamin C
but rather the alkalinity, minerals, and
combination of natural electrons which were
operating. Citrus fruits were one of the first
sources of vitamin C available to ship’s
surgeons. Lind’s work was slow to be noticed,
partly because he gave conflicting evidence
within the book, and partly because the
British admiralty saw care for the well-being
of crews as a sign of weakness.
Further, fresh fruit
was very expensive to keep on board, whereas
boiling it down to juice allowed easy storage
yet destroyed the vitamins and the electrons
(especially if boiled in copper kettles). Ship
captains assumed wrongly that Lind’s
suggestions didn’t work because those juices
failed to cure scurvy while not realizing that
they were cooked and processed down and not in
their natural energetic electron rich form!
The source of sickness
and disease is the build up of acidity and
blockages, starting in the small intestine,
which is kind of like clogging the drain to
the point of overflow (cold, flu, etc).
Vitamin C produces
positive results because it breaks down
undigested matter (like chicken and pork) in
the digestive tract which improves digestion
and promotes elimination.
Human beings are
poisoning themselves with vitamin C by taking
it in excess for everything. It is totally
Again, it is like
taking an excess of enzymes (acids) and
tenderizing onesself. In my many years of
viewing people’s blood and understanding their
nutritional histories, I have never
recommended that a person needs to take
vitamin C.
The only time I would
recommend it is for supporting the bowel in
severe congestive situations. If you are using
liquid vitamin C, you are ingesting plenty and
in a form that your body can use without harm.
Plus, you get everything you need in terms of
vitamin C by eating the pH Miracle diet of
mostly vegetables, fats and low sugar fruits
wherein vitamin C naturally occurs.
Vitamin C causes diabetes,
depression, metabolic syndrome and
many other mineral deficiency
diseases. Linus Pauling's
popularizing vitamin C especially
the mega dose vitamin C craze has
led to an epidemic of diabetes
worldwide. The mechanism for this
diabetes epidemic is the chelation
of the minerals chromium,
vanadium, iodine, magnesium,
calcium, iron and others micro
minerals from the body nutrition
by vitamin C. Vitamin C chelates
minerals when taken as supplements
and causes a deficiency of key
minerals that are required by the
body to regulate sugars and
metabolism especially chromium and
vanadium. Vitamin C above 500mg
per day probably causes multiple
mineral deficiency diseases to
occur over time with diabetes
occurring first and others
The main problem with vitamin C
is that it is in most vitamin
supplements and everyone is prone
to taking this common vitamin
supplement for colds and flu. This
vitamin C consumption rapidly
depletes the bodies' supply of
chromium and vanadium which are in
short supply in the diets of the
world. People who take
multivitamins usually get chromium
but vanadium is NOT usually
supplemented in most vitamin
formulas and so sugar regulation
is quickly disrupted.
And iron deficiency anemia in
women is common due to blood loss
from women's menstrual cycle but
is probably made worst by vitamin
C supplements.
Vitamin C chelates the mineral
magnesium from the body which is
the main anti stress vitamin which
is linked to depression. Magnesium
is needed in over 800 key
metabolic processes and so health
is impaired with low levels of
this mineral which is deficient in
the American diet. Back and spine
problems can occur with poor bone
nutrition when magnesium is
deficient. And leg cramps are a
common result from this critically
low levels of magnesium in the
diet. Heart diseases are also
linked to low tissue levels of
Vitamin C chelates iodine in
the diet which is critical for
metabolic functions of the
thyroid. Iodine is present in
every cell of the body not just
the thyroid gland and is needed to
generate energy. The high number
of hypothyroid patients might be
cured in a few days time with
iodine supplements and ending
vitamin C supplements.
Vitamin C chelates calcium for
the body and so the low bone
density in women and some men with
age might be ended when vitamin C
supplements are ended. Vitamin C
chelates out most ALL minerals
from the body so the micro
nutrient minerals that are little
studied might further aid health
when vitamin C supplements are
ended. The main benefits of fruits
may not be vitamin C but rather
the dozen or so vitamin C related
compounds in fruits which are
little known or understood by the
general public. So my
recommendation is to end vitamin C
supplements as much as possible
and only eat whole fruits or drink
orange juice. Moderation is key
when taking vitamin C because it
has such a wide ranging chelation
of minerals in the body.
Most humans can not make
vitamin C in their bodies but most
all animals can make their own
vitamin C. When animals are sick
their bodies make more vitamin C
to help heal themselves. So you
might consider taking more vitamin
C for a short time if you get
sick. But I would also take a good
multi vitamin mineral supplement
to put back the minerals lost from
the vitamin C supplement.
When animals are sick they do
not eat and only drink water and
rest. This natural fasting
instinct in animals is their way
to heal but this natural instinct
has largely been lost or
suppressed in humans. Less is
more. Eat less and live longer.
All of my 150 plus articles can
be translated and reprinted
anywhere without permission. --
J.E. Ante.
Dr. Young: Maintaining the alkaline pH of the saliva, urine,
tears, sweat and blood is critical. Testing the body fluid pH
is the most important daily measurement anyone can do to
maintain health and fitness and to PREVENT ALL sickness and
disease. The beauty of the pH test is that you don’t need to
go to a doctor to do it. You can do it yourself. You can
actually become your own doctor and manage your own health
with this simple test. And if you’ll remember this rule—if
you maintain the saliva and the urine pH, ideally at 7.2 or
above, you will never get sick. That’s right you will NEVER
get sick! The key is to manage the alkaline design of the body
fluids. But, most people on the planet have a urine or saliva
pH in the six or fives. They don’t manage their pH. People
take better care of their aquariums, swimming pools, or spas,
than their own internal body fluids. Managing the pH of your
body fluids is simple. All you do is take some pHydrion paper
or litmus paper, moisten it with saliva and urine and then
check the color on the color-coded chart. The chart measures
the pH of saliva, urine, sweat, and tears in 5.0 to 8.5
increments. Ideally, you want your saliva, urine, sweat and
tears to measure at least 7.2 or b etter. Managing you body
fluid pH with an alkaline lifestyle and diet is the healthiest
advice I could give anyone on this planet. It is inexpensive.
It is simple, and it works.
Dr. Young: What happens to human health when you stay in the
acidic zone? You get sick, tired and fat. And, if you don’t
get fat, you die. When you are underweight you are living on
your own body tissue. Your body is making red blood cells out
of body cells. Why? Because you have damaged the root system
of your small intestine with acidic food, drink, enzymes,
probiotics, antibiotics and other acidic drugs. You are
constantly breaking down your own body cells in order to
maintain the level of red blood cells at 5 million red blood
cells per cubic millimeter. In order to build muscle and bones
you have to have healthy strong red blood cells. In order to
have healthy strong red blood cells you have to have a healthy
alkaline root system or intestinal villi with an alkaline
lifestyle and diet. You build healthy blood with electron-rich
green alkaline foods and drinks. When you are constantly
bombarding your internal environment with acidic foods and
drinks and damaging your intestinal villi, you set the stage
for all sickness and dis-ease.
Dr. Young: When we ingest any acidic food or drink, our body
immediately reacts to neutralize or buffer the acid. For
example, let’s say you drink a glass of orange juice. But
before drinking the orange juice you test the pH of your
saliva. After drinking the orange juice you test your saliva
pH again. You would think that drinking orange juice, which
has a pH between 2.5 to 3 and is highly acidic, would actually
cause the pH of your saliva to go down. But it does not. The
saliva pH goes up higher then when you first tested the pH.
The pH of the saliva should test out over 8. What is happening
is the salivary glands are releasing sodium bicarbonate to
buffer the acids of the orange juice. This is why the saliva
pH goes up. If the saliva pH does not go up this indicates
that your alkaline reserves are deficient. All forms of sugar
are acidic to the body. Even fruit sugars are acidic. When the
body is trying to neutralize an acid, it has to secrete an
alkaline buffer to do so. When you ingest sugar or you drink a
glass of fresh orange juice, or you take any acidic food in
the mouth, the pH will sharply go up to neutralize the acid
from that food. This is done to protect the alkaline design of
the body. When you start using up your alkaline reserves and
you do not replace those reserves with alkaline foods and
drinks, you begin to compromise other parts of the body.
Especially if, the daily diet is loaded with acidic foods and
drinks. When the alkaline reserves are deficient and the diet
is also deficient in foods or drinks that will build up those
alkaline reserves the body starts pulling alkaline minerals
from the bones and muscles. This causes deficiencies of the
bones and muscles. When your blood is compromised from a
deficiency of alkaline reserves, such as sodium bicarbonate or
the elements to make sodium bicarbonate, the body will begin
pulling calcium from the bones and/or magnesium from the
muscles to maintain the alkalinity of the blood plasma. This
is when you will start experiencing the deficiencies of
alkalinity that are expressed in the seven stages of acidosis,
going from sensitivities all the way up to degeneration.
Dr. Young: When you are alkalized you are energized. And when
you are energized you feel better and think better. You have
sustainable energy when you are alkalized. When you eat and
drink alkaline you are making energy deposits to your body,
like a bank account. You are making alkaline deposits to your
energy bank account and to your alkaline reserves or energy
savings account. The positive benefits of being alkaline are
incredible health, energy, fitness, mental clarity and
Dr. Young: The New Biology™ is important because it is based
on a foundational health principal, that the human body is
alkaline by design, but every function of the body is acidic.
So every disease is nothing more than the body trying to
maintain its alkaline design. So when we’re talking about
bone disease, the body is taking alkalinity from the bones to
maintain the alkalinity of the blood, which is the most
important organ of the body. Once the blood becomes acidic,
you will die. A drop from the normal blood pH of 7.365 to 6.9
will cause one to go into a coma and then die. The blood pH
has a very narrow range for health and vitality. The normal
healthy blood pH is at 7.365. If the blood pH drops down to
7.2, you start feeling very sick and at 6.9 you are dead. So
the body will do everything it can to maintain the alkaline
integrity of the blood, at the expense of all other organs and
organ systems. Once we understand the foundational theory of
the New Biology™, and I’ll repeat it again: the human
organism is alkaline by design, although acidic by function.
So breathing is acidic. Thinking is acidic. Eating is acidic.
Metabolism is acidic. The breakdown of the food you eat is
acidic. Everything you eat is acidic to a lesser or greater
degree. The body has to protect itself. The body protects
itself with the alkaline buffering system, which is currently
NOT understood by medical savants. Your body is looking for
energy in the form of electrons or electron-rich foods and
drinks. Health is all about energy. The New Biology™ teaches
us the foundational principles of health, fitness and energy
and how to maintain that health, fitness and energy, for a
lifetime, free from ALL sickness and disease.
Dr. Young: True immunity from ALL sickness and disease comes
from alkalinity not from white blood cells. We were all taught
in human biology that immunity is comes from white blood cells
protecting us from some invading germ or virus. White blood
cells provide NO immunity. White blood cells do not destroy
germs. White blood cells are glorified janitors that swim
around in our blood and lymphatic plasma picking up the
garbage we create from an acidic lifestyle and diet. White
blood cells are NOT soldiers, destroying some invading germ
coming in from the outside world that would make us sick. True
immunity comes to each of us by maintaining the alkaline
fluids of the body. That is where true immunity is found. The
first line of defense against sickness and disease is an
alkaline internal environment. As soon as you put something
acidic into your mind, into your mouth, into your lungs, your
alkaline buffering system is engaged to neutralizing or buffer
any acidic food, drink, or thought that might be present.
That’s true immunity. It is found in the alkaline reserves
for your body. When you have an alkaline lifestyle and diet
you are able to defend off environmental, dietary or metabolic
acids that would make you sick, tired and/or fat. Germs DO NOT
cause disease. Acids cause pain, sickness and disease. There
is a simple way to understand this principal. Let’s compare
our bodies to an automobile. When you start your car, the car
begins using energy. As the car uses energy is creates an
acidic waste product called carbon monoxide. When you turn the
car off you stop producing this acid. If you start the car
again and stuff a few socks or a potato in the tailpipe the
car will die from carbon monoxide acidosis. If you were to
stop eliminating your own acidic waste products through
urination, perspiration, defecation or respiration, like the
car, you would die too. The body has a way of protecting
itself from excess acidity. When dietary and/or metabolic
acids are not properly eliminated they get parked on your
hips, thighs, buttocks, waistline, breast and brain. The body
does this to protect and preserve the organs and organ systems
that sustain life. Your best immunity, to protect your body
from ALL sickness and disease DOES NOT come from vaccination
or medication. True immunity comes from protecting the
alkaline design of the body with an alkaline lifestyle and
diet. Once again, white blood cells, including neutrophils,
eosinophils, basophils, T and B-cells help to maintain
cleanliness, and in reality are just the janitors of your body
fluids like an automatic pool sweep. You can support your
white blood cells with an electron-rich alkaline lifestyle and
Dr. Young: Bacteria and yeast are biological transformations
of what used to be organized matter from healthy body cells.
You know if you leave food in the back of the refrigerator,
that it will spoil. And, if you leave it long enough it will
give birth to first bacteria, then yeast and finally mold. You
know that food is not infected from the outside world, but is
spoiling from the inside out. Bacteria, yeast and mold are
nothing more than a biological transformation of matter. You
can accept this. But for some reason, science has adopted a
medical philosophy or theory that somehow germs are
species-specific, as if they're individual like a cat or a
dog. There is nothing special about a virus or bacteria. A
virus is nothing more than a smaller bacterial form, from
disorganizing or transforming matter. In reality, what I have
discovered, through my work, is a virus, is many times just
crystallized acids. When you look at bacteria under the
microscope, what you are looking at are fragments of what used
to be a brain cell or a bone cell or blood cell. And, yeast is
just another transformation or evolution, very similar to
looking at a caterpillar transforming later into a beautiful
butterfly. You accept the reality that the butterfly, use to
be a different form—it use to be a caterpillar and now is a
beautiful butterfly. And yet this idea of attaching some sort
of identity to germs has become very popular over the last 150
years. And the whole focus of medical science has been trying
to figure out how to kill the virus, bacteria, yeast or mold.
And yet, in reality, the germ is nothing more than a
transformation of matter. You cannot kill matter you can only
change matter. Because matter cannot be created nor can it be
destroyed; it can only change its former function. So
therefore, bacteria, yeast and mold is nothing more than a
biological transformation of matter that has taken place
because of an environment that has become acidic. When the
internal environment becomes acidic, the body or blood cell
will change. When you take water and put it in the freezer, it
turns to ice. When you take water and put it on the stove, it
turns to steam. Nothing is ever lost, and nothing is ever
gained. The matter is still there, it just takes on a
different form. This is a law of physics. When you see
bacteria and yeast in the body, all you are looking at is the
transformation of what use to be a body cell, a red blood
cell, a white blood cell, or a heart cell, and that bacteria
or yeast is the evidence of a compromised internal acidic
environment. Germs DO NOT cause disease; they are the
expression that the internal environment is acidic. You see,
the great germ theory of medical science is a scientific
illusion. The Germ is Nothing! The Alkaline Internal
Environment is Everything!
Dr. Young: The easiest way for someone to check and maintain
the body fluid pH is to test the urine and saliva.
The best time to test the urine is in the morning, because the
morning urine is an expression of what you ate and what you
drank and how you lived your life the previous, 24 hours. The
morning urine is not a product of the blood; it is a product
of the tissues. When you measure your urine, you are measuring
the pH of your tissues. If your pH is below the ideal of 7.2,
and it measures in the 5’s or 6’s, you are in tissue
acidosis. When someone over-exercises they can go into lactic
tissue acidosis. Lactic acid from over-exercise is felt in the
connective tissues and muscles. When the muscles are sore,
that’s the tissues picking up the acid to maintain the
alkaline blood pH. The blood has to rid itself of metabolic
acids or you would die. So it throws the acid out into the
muscle tissues and you feel it as irritation or inflammation.
If the lactic acid stays in the tissues, it will spoil the
tissue cells, and the body will go into preservation mode. In
preservation mode, the body will encapsulate the cells spoiled
by lactic acid, and now you have a tumor. The tumor is the
solution to stop systemic spoiling or metastasis. When the
lymphatic system is healthy it will pull the lactic acid out
of the tissues, and eventually you will sweat it out or it
will be recycled back into the blood and you will urinate it
out. So this is very, very important. So remember, when you
are testing the pH of your urine, you are testing the pH of
your tissues.
And when you are testing your saliva, you are testing your
ability or potential to alkalize your food and drink. So when
you’re saliva pH is below 7.2, your potential for alkalizing
your food, drink and emotions is less. Your reserves are low.
You need to make a deposit to your alkaline bank account. And
that would be the same with your urine. When your urine is
acidic, you need to start alkalizing. You run the risk of
staying within an acidic zone; you run the risk of going
through the seven stages of acidosis. Starting with lack of
energy to sensitivities to inflammation, and working up to
ulceration and degeneration.
Dr. Young: Absolutely, they should be giving pHydrion paper to
their patients so they can monitor their tissue pH. Doctors
need to educate NOT medicate. My goal is to empower every
individual person on the planet to be able to take
responsibility for their own health and fitness. I’ve
expressed my theory very simply in what I call “the
fishbowl” metaphor. The fishbowl metaphor is very simple to
understand and it starts out with a question. Here is the
question. "If the fish is sick, what would you do? Would
you treat the fish or change the water?" If you said
change the water you are correct. When you put on your
common-sense hat and you ask this question, “if the fish is
sick, what would you do? Treat the fish or change that
water?” Right off the top of your head, you would say,
“Dr. Young, I would change the water.” If you ask the same
question to your doctor, what would you expect? “Well, I’d
treat the fish.” Because that’s what doctors do. That’s
their mindset. But when you realize that every cell in the
body is eternal in nature, and would live forever if you would
only maintain the correct alkaline pH, you see, there would be
no aging of the body. I mean, in a perfect scenario. But, we
don’t live in a perfect scenario. Ideally, in the perfect
scenario, the life expectancy of the human cell, that makes up
all of your organs and tissues are infinite. Every day you
either choose to live or you choose to die—either by
omission or commission. Either you do it with knowledge or you
do it with a lack of knowledge. When you have a lack of
knowledge, you live in acidic state and you can end up sick,
tired and/or fat. It is critical for me to tell you that,
“YES, testing your urine and saliva is th e most important
thing one can do to maintain the body in an alkaline state
full of health, fitness, vitality, hope, love and peace.”
You’ll be surprised at how healthy, energetic and strong you
will get, even when everyone around you is getting sick. That
just won’t happen to you anymore!
Dr. Young: If the fish is sick and the water’s dirty, do you
give the fish a pill? The answer is definitely not, because
that just contributes more to the internal environmental
pollution. Taking a pill does not clean up the water. You’ve
got to change the water and do it in a way that’s not going
to kill the fish or the body cells that make up your tissues
and organs. You have to do it in a way that’s going to be
healthful and energetic. And, there is a way to do this. The
way to do this is with an alkaline lifestyle and diet; I call
“pH Miracle Living.”
"The pH
Miracle" is a phrase that has been
coined by Dr. Robert Young. It is
what best describes his program
for alkalizing and energizing the
body back to health. In this
segment of the website we will
attempt to give you a full
understanding of what causes the
body to get "out of balance" (and
the resulting sickness and disease
of the human body) and clue you in
on what you need to do to get your
body back "in balance." The
science behind this idea is
thousands of years old. But
science, through the use of
superior technology, is able to
show us some extraordinary things
that we could never see before -
basically a "new biology." In Dr.
Young's book of the same name,
‘The pH Miracle’ describes in
detail every aspect of this new
biology. We here at will try to
decipher some of the finer points
of his program and help you
understand your body in a way you
may never have.
We know that
there is a lot of reading in this
section. Believe us, the short
time it will take you to
understand some basic functions of
your body and the subsequent
program for healing is NOTHING
compared to the life of joy and
fulfilment which can be your very
own "pH Miracle."
cholesterol counts. Forget
calories and fat grams. Forget
blood pressure, blood sugar,
hormone levels, or any of the
other markers of health you're
used to at the doctor’s office. It
turns out that the single
measurement most important to your
health is the pH of your blood and
tissues - how acidic or alkaline
it is. Different areas of the body
have different ideal pH levels,
but blood pH is the most telling
of all. Just as your body
temperature is rigidly regulated,
the blood must be kept in a very
narrow pH range - mildly basic or
alkaline. The body will go to
great lengths to preserve that,
including wreaking havoc on other
tissues or systems.
The pH
level of our internal fluids
affects every cell in our bodies.
The entire metabolic process
depends on an alkaline
environment. Chronic over acidity
corrodes body tissue, and if left
unchecked will interrupt all
cellular activities and functions,
from the beating of your heart to
the neutral firing of your brain.
In other words, over-acidity
interferes with life itself. It is
at the root of all sickness and
If that's
not enough to get you interested
in balancing your body pH
naturally, non-destructively, keep
this mind: Over-acidity is also
what's keeping you FAT!
The goal
then - and what this program
allows you to do - is to create
the proper alkaline balance within
your body. The way to do that is
by eating the proper balance of
alkaline and acid foods.
That means
80 percent of your diet must be
alkalizing foods, like green
vegetables. (That percentage will
go down somewhat once you've
successfully rebalanced yourself.)
In addition, high quality
supplements will help you achieve
and maintain pH balance.
by Dr. Robert O. Young, Ph.D.
One of my
discoveries is that there is only
one sickness, and that is the
over-acidification of the blood
and tissues caused by an inverted
way of eating and living. Our
present day civilized food with
its abundance of sugar and animal
protein, especially meat, fish,
eggs and dairy products, causes
this over-acidification of the
blood. This in turn encourages the
proliferation of microorganisms
which have a common origin and go
through various evolutionary
steps, the first one being virus,
then bacteria, then fungus and
yeast. This is called
Blood is a
living tissue just like your liver
and heart. When you take on body
fluids or blood of any other
person, when you take on a
transplant, you are literally
taking on the elements of some
foreign body.
Pleomorphic means "many forms".
Pleomorphism is the foundation of
microbiology, and it discredits
the germ theory which traditional
medicine believes in. Microforms
such as viruses, bacteria and
fungi are all the same organism at
various stages of their evolution.
The first stage of its evolution
which is the primitive stage, is
what medical science calls a
virus. Viruses are pathological.
They are actually composed of a
microzyme at the core that is
protein encapsulated. As the
biological environment becomes
overly-acidified, the primitive
stage evolves to the intermediate
stage, and this is bacterial. This
culminates in the final stage
which includes the yeasts, fungi
and moulds. These forms
proliferate and evolve in a
compromised biological environment
such as acidified blood and
tissues. Try a very simple
experiment: what happens when you
pull the plug on your
refrigerator? What appears first?
The bacterial forms, then the
yeasts, funguses and moulds, and
all of a sudden everything just
decays, which is what occurs in
these final anatomical phases.
I call
these phases the cycle of
imbalance. In the cycle of
imbalance, we have low energy and
fatigue, poor digestion, excess
weight, unclear thinking, aches
and pains, major disorders, and
these are all symptoms of this
It is very
important to have a chemical
balance between these acid and
alkaline conditions, both in the
blood and in the tissues. The acid
and alkaline conditions are
opposites, and when they are
balanced, they cancel each other
out. However, it is easy for the
body tissues to become too acidic,
and this imbalance sets the stage
for disease. In scientific terms,
the acid/alkaline relationship is
known as pH. The pH of the body
has a profound effect on the inner
environment and the microscopic
organisms. The pH of blood and
tissues should be approximately
7.3. The pH of saliva and urine
should be 6.8 to 7.0. Acceptable
medical lab parameters are 5.5 to
6.5 for the urine, but at 5.5 and
6.5 the urine is too acidic.
Is to
separate the alkalinity from the
acidity. The acidity goes out
through the urine. The alkalinity
is bound by calcium, potassium and
magnesium and taken back into the
blood to neutralize acidity in the
blood and tissues. When you
over-acidify, you are stressing
the liver, the kidneys and the
bladder, and you run out of your
alkaline reserves which are needed
to chelate or bind these acids.
Then you start getting localized
microscopic beasties get their
energy from blood sugars which our
bodies are supposed to be using,
and they grow and multiply by
eating our bodies' proteins. Their
needs can turn into our cravings.
One of the favourite foods of
these microforms is sugar. They
thrive in a declining pH which is
acidic, therefore requiring you to
eat more pastas, grains,
yeast-containing breads, potatoes
and especially high fructose
fruits and juices, and more sugar
in any particular form. Fruit is
good, but not in a compromised
biological terrain, so when you
eat fruit it becomes a food for
fungus and fermentation.
microforms then poison us with
their waste products. The waste
products are acetylaldehyde, uric
acid, alloxin, alcohols, lactic
acid, etc. Chronic fatigue is the
fermentation of our glucose in
exchange for acids. These acids
are known as acetyladehydes which
are then broken down into
secondary metabolites as alcohol.
The result is fatigue - I call it
the drunkenness disease. You have
just intoxicated yourself due to
excess acidification and you have
produced alcohol in your system.
If you are suffering from lack of
energy, all you have to do is
change the biological terrain.
organisms are indestructible - you
cannot destroy them. All you can
do is change their form, and cause
them to retrograde. Bacilli
literally evolve backwards out of
that cycle when you change the
biological terrain. We can control
them by retrograding the yeast,
fungi and moulds and their
bacteria and neutralize their
waste products through
supplementation and diet. You do
that by giving up the very foods
that you crave.
microforms of mould and fungus
mixed with the blood cells can be
seen through a microscope and
these are found in both healthy
and non-healthy individuals. Our
bodies are moulding, rotting and
basically hosting a parasite
party. Actually parasites are the
side effects of the more serious
problem of over-acidification. Why
are you so concerned about
parasites when you are being
fermented or rotted by fungi and
yeasts. I find less than 10% of
people are infected with flukes or
roundworms or flatworms, but I
find 100% of the population
infected with these higher
development fungal forms in live
blood analyses. I have yet to find
anyone free of this.
Very few
of us know that pleomorphic
bacteria, yeast and fungus and
their toxins are
characteristically present in
stored and fermented food. The
following list of foods are high
in pleomorphic bacteria, yeast,
fungus and mould, and produce
mycotoxins which cause specific
diseases and should never be
eaten. Pig meat including sausage,
bacon, salami and ham contain
fungus associated with many
cancers. Beef, lamb, chicken and
turkey contain a variety of
different fungi. You need to avoid
all mushrooms. There is no such
thing as a good mushroom.
Mushrooms disperse spores of
fungus throughout the blood and
tissues. Peanuts and cashews
contain over 25 different strains
of fungi. Dairy products including
milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage
cheese, ice-cream, and butter
contain fungi. Eggs, barley, corn,
stored grains and cereals, and
stored potatoes are fully
colonized with fungi. Alcohol
contains fungus. Tobacco contains
yeast. Yeast in any form such as
brewer's yeast or breads should
not be eaten. Sugar including
honey, maple syrup, corn syrup,
sucrose promotes the growth of
pleomorphic bacteria, yeast,
fungus and mould and suppresses
the immune system response up to
five hours. Vinegar, caffeine in
any form, and high fructose fruits
acidify the blood and tissues.
When you drink orange juice, the
sugars in orange juice are
released so quickly into the blood
stream that they cannot be
oxidized. Therefore they are
fermented and the acids that are
produced literally anaesthetize
the immune system. It shuts it
down for three to five hours.
Apple juice does the same thing.
The problem is excess sugar. Grape
juice and grapefruit juice are a
little different. Apples, oranges,
pears and bananas are more likely
to be fermented. The banana gets
liver spots the same way you get
liver spots, through excess
fermentation and rotting. If you
have spots on your hands, face or
arms, if you have moles, these are
toxins coming to the surface of
the skin. These are acids. This is
a manifestation of the one
sickness. You have to change the
inner terrain, and if you do,
these spots will either disappear
or change in colour. Hydrogenated
oils like margarine and shortening
and vegetable oils interfere with
normal biochemical processes and
increase cholesterol, interfere
with liver's detoxification system
and interfere with essential fatty
acid function.
The cycle
of balance is reflected in these
signs: energy, vitality, clear and
bright eyes, mental clarity,
concentration, a lean and trim
body. The first step is to
re-establish the internal pH which
should be slightly alkaline. The
diet should be 80% alkaline, 20%
acid. It's a 4:1 ratio. If you
have a serious disease, your diet
should be 100% alkaline, or at
least a 5:1 ratio.
We need to
eat foods which will actually heal
the body. We need to go back to
the garden and eat live foods like
leafy greens, foods which are high
in chlorophyll. For breakfast I
eat salad, for lunch I eat salad,
and for dinner I have salad. What
is good for dinner is also good
for lunch, and what is good for
lunch is good for breakfast. You
have to over alkalize the blood
and tissues. You can freely eat
dark green and yellow vegetables,
root vegetables, freshly juiced
vegetable juices, foods with high
contents of chlorophyll, nuts like
almonds or hazelnuts which are
more alkaline. Almonds are high in
oxygen especially after they have
been soaked for 12 hours. Sprouted
grains and beans like alfalfa,
mung beans, clover and radish,
seeds, essential fatty acids from
flax oil, borage oil, and virgin
olive oil, soy products like tofu,
grains from spelt, millet and
buckwheat, herbs, spices, seaweed,
lots of onions and garlic and
distilled water. Fruits like
avocados, lemons, limes and
grapefruits are low sugar,
therefore less likely to be
Obesity is
thought to be a fat problem, but
it is not. Obesity is the way your
body reacts to indulgence of foods
that create excess fermentation
and acids. The fat is retained in
order to bind the acidity
somewhere away from the organs
that sustain life. If we didn't
have fats in our diet, we would
literally be destroyed by the very
acids that we are poisoning
ourselves with. When you try to
reduce your cholesterol by using
drugs, you set yourself up for a
heart attack, because you have the
acids without the fats and the
acids will destroy the cells. Fats
bind the acids and neutralize them
to prevent them from poisoning the
cells. The same thing happens with
calcium-blocker medications. In
the United States, the FDA warns
that if you take calcium-blockers,
you are at risk for heart attacks.
Why? Because if the body does not
have sufficient fats to bind the
toxins, it will use calcium to
bind the toxins, and if you are
blocking the calcium with
medications, there is nothing to
bind the toxins and you end up
with a heart attack.
We have
stones because calcium neutralizes
excess acidity and stones are
formed. Arthritis also occurs
because calcium is being utilized
to neutralize acidity. Sugar is
metabolized by microforms,
producing the acid, which is then
bound by the calcium and we get
calcium deposits in our joints. We
also get calcium deposits in the
brain or in the breast. Calcium
deposits always precede the tumour
because it is the first line of
defence in neutralizing
over-acidification. Osteoporosis
is a body response which occurs if
there is not enough dietary
calcium. It pulls calcium from the
bones to neutralize the acidity.
If we then take more calcium, as
supplements, we get more calcium
deposits, we get more stones, and
we end up with breast cancer or
prostate cancer.
Cancer is
not a virus; it is an acid problem
produced by a mould. It is an
infection due to excess
fermentation in the weakest parts
of the body. What causes cancer in
cigarettes is the yeast and sugar
they use to accelerate the
fermentation process in the
tobacco leaves. Cancer is not a
localized problem that is
metastasizing. Cancer is a
systemic problem that has
localized. We know through
research that the supplementation
of hormones can be a risk factor
for breast cancer. When you
supplement hormones, those
hormones are subject to
fermentation in a body that is out
of balance, and when hormones are
fermented, they produce an acid
which has to be eliminated. These
acids are then stored in areas of
fatty tissue and what more perfect
place to put it than the breast.
How can emotion or fear cause
rotting processes? Biologically,
it's simple. Emotions create
acidity through the release of
hormones that are then fermented
which produces the acid. And we
then start craving the foods we
should basically avoid.
someone has cancer, excess
proteins are found in the urine
because cells are being lysed or
destroyed, and those proteins are
then being thrown freely into the
blood stream and then through the
elimination, show up in our urine.
Robert O. Young Ph. D., D.Sc.
the past decade, Robert O. Young
has been widely recognized as one
of the top research scientists in
the world. Throughout his career,
Robert Young's research has been
focused at the cellular level,
with a specialty in nutrition.
Robert Young's research findings
have been published in noted
He is also
a keynote speaker at medical and
health gatherings all over the
world. He has appeared as a guest
on many national radio and
television shows. On April 22nd
2002 he appeared on the Early Show
with his wife and co-author
Shelley Redford Young. Among his
accomplishments: Developer of a
new theoretical paradigm called
the Mycozymian Theory; a
biological process called
Pleomorphism; and the discoverer
of the etiology of diabetes,
cancer, and atherosclerosis.
Robert Young has devoted his
career to searching for and
finding the missing pieces
necessary to complete the larger
picture of health.
Shelley Redford Young, L.M.T.
Shelley is
a licensed massage therapist with
a passionate interest in optimum
nutrition. With Dr. Young she
speaks to audiences around the
world on the basic requirements of
a healthful diet, sharing her
delicious, alkalizing, vegetarian
Dr. Robert
O. Young is a pioneer of analyzing
living blood cells. He has spent
years researching diseased and
healthy cells under the
microscope. He found that
unhealthy cells - that is the
cells of unhealthy people - appear
dark and misshapen, while healthy
blood cells are round and vibrant
in colour, practically glowing in
Dr. Young
set out to find what caused this
'inner light.' He discovered the
essence of life is derived almost
exclusively through plants, and
that every cell in the body needs
the light derived from green
plants. The greater the amount of
green foods consumed in the diet,
the greater the health benefits
Dr. Young
also found that these plant foods
are cleansing and alkalizing to
the body, while processed and
refined foods can increase
unhealthy levels of acidity and
toxins. Through his findings, Dr.
Young concluded that
over-acidification of the body is
the key underlying cause of almost
all disease. Because today many of
us consume a diet primarily
comprised of acid-forming foods,
(i.e. sugar, meat, dairy, yeast
breads, etc.) rather than green
plant foods, they are sick and
tired. Dr. Young and his wife,
Shelley Redford Young, set out to
help others understand the
acid-alkaline theory. Dr.
Robert Young and Shelley Redford
are the founders of InnerLight
International, the Robert O. Young
Research Center, the InnerLight
Foundation, and Shelley Young's
Academy of Culinary Arts. In
addition, Dr. Young is the author
of "The pH Miracle: Balance Your
Diet, Reclaim Your Health" , "Sick
and Tired?: Reclaim Your Inner
Terrain" , and Shelley Young
shares her alkalizing recipes in
"Back to the House of Health" . It
is through these resources that
one can learn how to overcome
health challenges naturally and
come into balance. When the pH
level in the body is unbalanced,
almost any area of the body can be
affected; nervous system
(depression), cardiovascular
system (heart disease), muscles
(fatigue), skin (aging), etc. Even
obesity is a sign of over-acidity,
a normal body response which
protects vital organs from
damaging acids and their effects.
Conversely, in an alkaline
environment, the body reaches an
ideal weight and corrects negative
health challenges naturally.
Dr. Young
set out to harness the natural
light and energy found in green
plants and direct this energy to
individual human cells. The result
is a family of natural, plant and
mineral-based supplements, in both
capsule and liquid colloidal form.
Colloids are tiny particles,
absorbed in the mouth and throat.
These products not only increase
energy, but also help to destroy
harmful organisms that decrease
one's energy and vitality. The
electric charge and frequency of
these particles are designed to
match that of the body's cells. In
this manner, a new level of health
may be achieved; health problems,
negative symptoms, illness,
fatigue, and excess weight
evaporate away! According to Dr.
Young's program, the nutrients
found in supplements, alkalizing
foods, and water can bring the
body back into balance. These
vitamins, minerals, and herbs
infuse the body with new energy,
adjusting less energized areas to
a new level of light. Other
products spotlight energy on the
performance of specific organs.
These "targeted" products offer a
most prized possession of health.
food and water must be consumed in
order to provide nutrients the
body needs to neutralize acids and
toxins in the blood, lymph, and
tissues, while strengthening
immune function and organ systems.
For this reason, the Alkalarian
Diet was developed to guide those
who wish to regain balance and
vigour in the body. Some people
may choose to follow the
Alkalarian Diet completely, while
others slowly transition
themselves and their family. For
many, the change is not an
overnight event, but a process.
Taste buds that have been jaded by
the toxic effect of sugar, salt,
and other artificial flavors may
take some time to adjust and
appreciate the subtler taste of
vegetables. Some individuals opt
to add an alkaline food and
eliminate an acidic food each
week, until reaching the goal of
an alkaline diet.
Dr Robert
With over
twenty years of research and
clinical work, Dr. Robert O. Young
and Shelley Redford Young have
aided the healing of thousands of
people, helping them create their
own pH Miracle by healing with the
alkaline diet and lifestyle they
have developed. This alkalizing
diet, lifestyle, and scientific
approach has come to be known as
The New Biology®, based on
extensive nutritional
microbiological work.
This work
has led to the creation of several
books and cookbooks, like The pH
Miracle and Back to the House of
Health, nutritional
supplements—greens drink mix and
alkaline salts and drops—organic
foods, as well as water ionizers
and whole-body vibrational
machines, to name a few.
you're looking to lose weight,
improve your diabetes or cancer
situation, or just want more
energy, there is a wealth of
knowledge here for you to benefit
from. You'll find FREE healthy
recipes, educational videos,
scientific articles, or you can
get started with our organic green
drink and preferred alkaline water
ionizer. It's never too early to
begin feeling better—start today.
He is also
a keynote speaker at medical and
health gatherings all over the
world. He has appeared as a guest
on many national radio and
television shows. On April 22nd
2002 he appeared on the Early Show
with his wife and co-author
Shelley Redford Young. Among his
accomplishments: Developer of a
new theoretical paradigm called
the Mycozymian Theory; a
biological process called
Pleomorphism; and the discoverer
of the etiology of diabetes,
cancer, and atherosclerosis.
Robert Young has devoted his
career to searching for and
finding the missing pieces
necessary to complete the larger
picture of health.
You know that saying “it’s just the tip
of the iceberg”? I like to say, "it's
just the tip to the acid iceberg"!
I was trying to explain to the concept of
inflammation in the body, and this was the
simplest example I could come up with.
You see, most people do not understand
that ALL inflammation and its associated
pain in your joints and muscles is caused by
metabolic, respiratory and dietary waste or
acids that have NOT been properly eliminated
through the 5 channels of elimination -
urination, defecation, respiration,
perspiration or menstruation. When you feel
pain, stiffness, or swelling this is the
result of your cells being bathed in acidic
What most people don’t know is that, when
it comes to the symptom of inflammation,
joint or muscle problems are just the tip of
a very large and very hazardous acidic
It is this simple - Pain equals acid and
acid equals pain! There is no other cause of
inflammation that causes joint and muscle
An example of one of the acids which most
people are familiar with is lactic acid.
Lactic acid is an acidic waste product of
metabolism You feel it in your muscles and
joints when you exercise and the the acids
pool around the cells in the interstitial
fluids causing pain!
If you are middle-aged … If you are
overweight from acidity or sedentary,
stressed out or not sleeping well … If you
like to eat junk food, sugary desserts, or
have other bad habits then your body cells
are swimming in a pool of acids.
You should heed the warning “iceberg —
dead ahead” like you were a passenger on the
Because under the surface of that small
acid iceberg you can see with your eyes, the
process of pooled acids that cause
inflammation has likely been festering
silently for years, maybe for decades.
“I consider the process of interstitial
fluid acidity and its symptoms of
inflammation to be the #1 health issue
plaguing children, athletes, and adults as
they grow older.”
Most people don’t even know they’re on a
collision course with the part of the
iceberg they can’t see. The part where acids
affects their heart, brain, lungs, eyes,
blood vessels, and all their other organs
and cells.
You see metabolic and dietary acids are
created from what you eat, what you drink,
what you breathe, what you think, what you
feel and what you believe. There is no other
cause of inflammation. Perhaps this explains
the iceberg of acidic symptoms a bit better!
“Acids cause Inflammation that affects
your entire body — not just your joints! It
even makes you grow old before your time.”
So I want to let you in on a secret …
For decades, I have been working on a
product I developed, called iJuice Lemon
pHour Salts™ as a solution to buffer
metabolic and dietary acids to reverse the
symptoms of inflammation and pain that can
lead to heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
Now, if you’re familiar with my work, you
probably know I have devoted thousands of
hours to researching and writing about the
perils of this festering acidic process.
And because I know the dangers of leaving
acidic waste in the body fluids causing
unchecked inflammation, I developed two of
my newest acid busting, pain relieving
formulas, iJuice Lemon pHour Salts™ and
Activated Oxygen™.
iJuice Lemon pHour Salts™ and Activated
Oxygen™ are two unique proprietary blends
powerful antioxidant ingredients. Each are
strategically selected to provide maximum
benefit in promoting and maintaining an
alkaline healthy body free from the acids
that cause inflammation and pain.
These comprehensive and supercharged
1) Promote proper an anti-acidic response
throughout the entire body. 2) Buffers
metabolic, respiratory and dietary acids
that damage at the cellular level. 3)
Reduces acidic waste that causes premature
aging related to oxidative stress. 4)
Supports heart and brain health. 5) May
help support normal blood flow. 6) Helps
support healthy lipid levels already in the
normal range.
To order your acid busting iJuice Lemon
pHour Salts™ and Activated Oxygen™, and YOUR
protection against inflammation, joint pain,
acid reflux, muscle soreness, stiffness,
poor circulation and most important the
buildup of acidic waste in the interstitial
fluids of the Interstitium surrounding every
single cell in the human body, then click
here on these two links:
A Specially Formulated Magnesium Peroxide
Compound with Oxygen Enhancement and Vitamin
C with Bioflavonoids.
In our world today stress, shallow
breathing, polluted air, excess weight, lack
of exercise or poor diet can leave all of us
in a low oxygen/toxic state.
Most of us place our nutritional focus on
food and liquid, and while consuming the
right foods and liquids is critical in
obtaining optimal health, the nutrient given
the highest priority by the body is oxygen.
Oxygen is essential to the life-sustaining
process of full oxidation—the optimum
burning of our fuel/food.
This is why pH Miracle’s Activated Oxygen
is so important. Because of this innovative
breakthrough in activated oxygen technology,
you can now benefit from using a
supplemental source of oxygen in addition to
the air you breathe. pH Miracle’s Activated
Oxygen helps break the low oxygen paradigm
to energize the body, help it utilize foods
more fully, and inhibit the proliferation of
pathogenic conditions like viruses,
bacteria, fungi, etc. which can create
disease conditions.
This specially formulated Magnesium
Peroxide Compound with Oxygen Enhancement,
is designed to release oxygen to purify and
energize all the cells in the body. It also
releases ozone and peroxides to detoxify and
break down wastes, pathogens and plaque in
the gastrointestinal tract, colon, arteries
and blood. Then the magnesium helps flush
the bowels to prevent the re-absorption of
released toxins.
Activated Oxygen represents a
breakthrough in activated oxygen technology.
Now you can benefit from using a
supplemental source of oxygen in addition to
the air you breathe.
29 And
God said, Behold, I have given you every herb
bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the
earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit
of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for
30 And
to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of
the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the
earth, wherein there is life, I have given every
green [chlorophyll] herb for meat: and it was
the old saying goes, there are only two things certain in
life: death and taxes. It seems that we can't do a whole lot about
either of these eventualities. But maybe we can
determine how and when we will eventually die?
If so, just how
would you like to die? Would you like to go like most
people today, in a short lifespan (usually in the 70's
or 80's) and as a result of medical
conditions, problems and disease that make the latter
years less than enjoyable (due in part to the allopathic drugs and
treatments most people subscribe to)?
is there a way to have some
control over lives and live a full, healthy life...
right up to the very end? How, and maybe even when, and under what conditions do we want to exit this
existence? Let us explore the possibility that we can control
our health.
the bottom of this article are some links to some extensive articles on the subject
of biblical vegetarianism.
Internet search will produce many more. A quick review
of these sites reveals that the subject of biblical vegetarianism is indeed quite extensive for both pro and
con points of view.
purpose of this short article is not to reiterate the
research that these sites (and many more) have already produced. Rather,
it is to provide a definitive conclusion in light of:
Our understanding of mankind's creation and the
Garden of
Eden that God created for Adam and Eve.
Our scientific knowledge and historical
data of the eating habits of various groups and nations.
Our understanding of biblical prophecy and our final
Be aware that this
controversial issue has been going on among Christians
as far back as the original Christian ekklesias
(churches,) as revealed in the Bible. Some even
made this a requirement for inclusion within the
ekklesia and were soundly rebuked for doing so.
just what can we eat? According to the Bible, we can eat
just about anything. The only historical biblical prohibition seems
to have been the Old Testament admonition about eating
(the acidic)
"unclean meats." From our new understanding of
the "Law," however, modern day Christians
are not bound by that restriction. But before you order
that lobster and shrimp combo at your favorite
restaurant, be aware that scientific
evidence abounds that these particular foods are indeed nothealthy and should still be avoided.
what about all the other meats, fish, dairy, grains,
sugar and a whole host of other "acidic"
foods? According to the Bible, God says we can eat them,
too. God is simply giving us a choice.
Be aware that the
subject of what we eat is definitively
addressed in Romans 14:14-23. In verse 17
it says,"For the Kingdom of God is
not a matter
of what we eat or drink..."
Therefore we must be very careful how we
address this matter, both within the
ekklesia and to those who are "babes in
Christ," so as to not cause division among
our fellow brothers and sisters and/or
cause someone new to stumble. This works
both ways in matters of what is perceived
as right or wrong among the brethren, as
Romans:14 goes on to explain. We want to
emphasize that the material in this
article should not be construed as being
conditional to our eventual acceptance
into the kingdom of God.
is it healthy to eat the other acidic foods?
with the plants grown in the
Garden of
Eden, we find
that these foods (the only foods available for Adam and
Eve to eat) were mostly alkaline
plant foods.
While living in the Garden of Eden, they were promised
eternal life. Were these foods the key to that
time after Adam and Eve were forced out of the Garden of Eden
(by God, after they sinned) is
when all of the other foods and animal meats were
introduced (like the ones we all eat today.) Certain
death was also proclaimed by God at the time of their
expulsion. Is there a correlation
For those who are students of the Bible, the
prophet Daniel is noted for impressing King
Nebuchadnezzar with not only his and his friend's
excellent (alkaline) health, but their
subsequent abitilities in wisdom and judgement
that were ten times better than all of the others.
on to the New Testament, was
Jesus a vegetarian? Some
say yes. If He was, why didn't
He preach about it?
The answer is that Jesus
didn't come to reveal every last secret of the universe
(which He certainly could have.) To have done so, or to
have even made an issue of vegetarianism alone,
would have seriously distracted people from His
main message. As it was, most people didn't accept His
message anyway.
Would they have given him more credibility if He had said,
"And by the way, you all need to change your eating
habits..." Probably no one would have listened to
him about anything He had to say. It was simply not His mission to address
this issue any more than it was to address the issue of
the bloodline ruling class of the Roman empire (similar
to our ruling class of today)... or a
whole host of other equally controversial subjects. It simply would have been a
about the scientific knowledge that proves that a plant
based diet is the one that leads to a long, disease free
life? The new movies, such as Forks Over Knives, and Food
Matters (and many others) provide the scientific proof that some countries
(mainly third world nations) and some groups (like the Seventh-Day
Adventists,) are significantly healthier than the
rest of the (supposedly enlightened) world. They simply don't eat
the western style diet and are healthier because of
it. Apparently the "veggie difference" is also
reflected in our attitudes, mental health,
and our overall energy level.
Dr. Robert O. Young has proven over the last 35 years,
through his live blood cell analysis research and his
work on treating every kind of disease and health
condition by simply changing one's diet to a
plant based
diet, that the key to good health is in fact an alkalarian
diet(meaning one should eat 80% alkaline foods and
20% acidic foods.) The
evidence is there for those willing to open (and change)
their minds. Read his 2015
Thanksgiving article on how healthy eating relates
to the biblical principle of love and helping.
what of the future? Bible prophecies may
indicate a
vegetarian lifestyle before the end (of this age) comes.
This may come about because of necessity, due to the
pollution and poisoning of our livestock and fish
resources. Or maybe it will be a mass awakening to the
benefits of alkaline vegetarianism by the citizens of the world.
When the second coming does occur, the Bible
indicates that animals will now all live peaceably,
rather than attacking and eating each other as they do
now. They will all become vegetarians. And what message
will be taught regarding what to eat at that time to those
humans alive then? Go kill an innocent wild animal
(like maybe a lion, who is now peaceably cohabitating
with a lamb), that you could probably (at that time) have in your home
as a pet? No, they will be teaching vegetarianism. Or
more likely, the ultimate vegetarian lifestyle, alkalarianism.
And righteousness
shall be the girdle
of his loins,
and faithfulness
the girdle
of his reins.6
The wolf
also shall dwell
with the lamb,
and the leopard
shall lie down
with the kid;
and the calf
and the young lion
and the fatlingtogether;
and a littlechild
shall lead
them. 7
And the cow
and the bear
shall feed
; their young ones
shall lie downtogether:
and the lion
shall eatstraw
like the ox.8
And the sucking child
shall play
on the hole
of the asp,
and the weaned child
shall put
his hand
on the cockatrice'den.9
They shall not hurt
nor destroy
in all my holymountain:
for the earth
shall be full
of the knowledge
of the LORD,
as the waterscover
the sea.
Isaiah 11:5-9 (King James
do not know this, but most dinosaurs originally ate only
plant based foods. Only towards the end of their age did
they start to eat other animals... and each other.
is giving us a choice here. He says we can eat anything.
But, the real question is, "How are we glorifying
God in this lifetime, and how do we want to die?"
light of our understanding of the history of God's
creation of mankind, His plans for the future (both
right before and after the second coming,) and based on
the scientific knowledge that God has bestowed upon us in
this 21st century, it can be safely concluded that the
secret to a long, healthy life (where age 70 should be the
of our achievements,) and one that is free of debilitating
disease... is to eat the
Garden of Eden diet that God originally intended for us to
eat... a plant
based, alkaline diet.
The following
article by Robert O Young CPT, MSc, DSc,
PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner is in
response to a recent critical article
written by Joseph Mercola DO and
associates called "Alkaline Water or
Hydrogen Water - Which One Is Better for
You?" Here is the link to Mercola and
associates who attempt to sound
scientific but give NO scientific proofs
or evidence supporting their beginning
theoretical question and their
subsequent conclusion - drinking
alkaline water is bad for you and
drinking molecular hydrogen is good for
The fact
that drinking high pH water reduces
the acid or HCL in your stomach is
actually good and creating increased
HCL or so-called digestive enzymes
in your stomach is bad for your
health. The main reason is that the
stomach does NOT digest food. Its
main purpose is to alkalize food!
Now are your interested in reading
and learning more?
check out Dr. Young's biochemical
formulas in the following article
which have been published in noted
journals - The International Journal
of Vaccines and Vaccinations and The
International Journal of
Complimentary and Alternative
Please like
and share this article so we can
begin the debate from a scientific
perspective and NOT an emotional or
marketing perspective.
Also, if you
have ANY scientific biochemical
proofs/formulas please share them
for or against alkaline water or
hydrogen water.
The following list includes the biggest health,
nutritional, and medical lies, deceit, deceptions
and inventions that we have been told by a doctor,
a nurse, a scientist, a teacher, a nutritionist, a
health guru, a Pharmaceutical Company, the
American Medical Association, the American Cancer
Society, the Center of Disease Control and/or the
World Health Organization, just to name a few.
The Mexican Swine Flu Virus is a potential
pandemic and can kill you. This is a scientific
illusion. Viruses do not kill, acids kill. All
viruses are nothing more than dietary and/or
metabolic acid. The word virus in Latin means
poison or acid. All flu's or acids by definition
effect only the gastrointestinal tract due to
acidic foods and drinks ingested - not viruses. So
the Mexican Swine Flu Virus that has been reported
by the CDC to have killed over 1000 Mexicans is
the result of an excess of gastrointestinal acid
from the ingestion of acidic foods and drinks that
have not been properly buffered by the stomach
with alkaline salts or eliminated through the four
channels of elimination - lungs, bowels, bladder
and/or skin. For these unfortunate Mexicans or
others in the US or around the world that have
died, the cause of death was due to an excess of
acidic foods and drinks, including Tequila, beer,
beans, rice, corn, peanuts, yeast, soy sauce, high
sugar fruit, processed sugar, artificial sugar,
dairy products, chicken, turkey, beef and of
course the biggest acid of all - SWINE. That's
right, the acids from PORK can kill. So 1000
Mexicans did not die from a pHantom Mexican Swine
Flu Virus but they died from a dis-ease I call, "I
Ate and Drank TOO Much Acidic Crap Disease" or "I
Received An Acidic Flu Vaccine."
The simple
solution for protecting you from an excess of
gastrointestinal acid from an acidic diet and
lifestyle that can and does kill is to increase
your alkaline buffering mineral salts. All flu's
or acid outbreaks can be prevented and reversed
with sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium
bicarbonate. YES, it is that simple! You can
prevent gastrointestinal acidosis that can lead to
stomach flu, vomiting, dehydration, diarrhea,
constipation, and even death. No need to fear a
pandemic, just the acidic foods and drinks you are
ingesting and more specifically an acidic toxic
swine flu vaccine. You can protect yourself and
your family with the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet
I call, "Young Living." That is why I created the
products pHour Salts, puripHy salts, pHlavor salts
and pHlush salts. To learn more about these Young
pHorever acid protecting products go to:
2) Pandemics are caused by air-born viruses that
infect the human or animal body causing sickness,
disease and death. This line of logic is
responsible for more pain, suffering and death
than any other theory. It is based
upon the Pasteurian germ theory that germs or
pathogens cause disease. Germs DO NOT CAUSE
so-called disease is NOT something you get it is
something you do. HIV, HPV, EBOLA, HUNTA,
exists is acidic lifestyles, acidic diets, acidic
drugs and acidic vaccines. If you put
alcohol into your body you can get drunk and sick.
If you put tobacco smoke into your lungs you can
get sick and cancerous. If you elect to have
an acidic vaccine you can get sick and die!
Not from some so-called virus but from the acidic
elements of the alcohol, tea, coffee, meat,
cheese, eggs, tobacco, anti-biotic or anti-life
vaccines, etc. The key to health, energy and
vitality is to maintain the alkaline design of
your body. To poison your body with a
vaccine will not increase your health, energy or
vitality but only prove that you can poison
yourself and hopefully live through it. True
immunity comes from protecting the alkaline design
of the body. ALL pandemics are caused by MAN
and their acidic choices not some phantom virus!
The following is an historic precedent - The
year was 1921. America was entering a
decade of robust prosperity. Later called "The
Roaring Twenties", it was a time of unparalleled
economic expansion. Debt money from Wall Street
banks was plentiful and easy to obtain. The "Great
War" was over.
America was flexing her
industrial muscles. Factories were being built and
expanded in every major city. Automobiles began
rolling off Detroit assembly lines in record
numbers. The stock market began making
millionaires. People were HEALTHY and HAPPY
largely because the dreaded "world mystery
disease" (which decades later became known as the
"1918 Flu Pandemic") had disappeared. Two entire
years had passed with no dreaded "mystery deaths"
being reported. America had cause to celebrate,
and celebrate they did!
As a matter of
fact, the American Public in general was so
optimistic and HAPPY in 1921, that relatively few
people were unhealthy as well. For the first time
in decades, hospital beds were empty. The
fledgling American Medical Association, formed by
John D. Rockefeller just a few years earlier, was
worried. Business was sagging.
Profits from vaccines and drugs were spiraling.
Something had to be done, and done immediately.
False, faux epidemics of smallpox were created to
solve the problem, and keep the Medical Mafia's
cash registers ringing.
We know this
dastardly plan actually happened, thanks to a
citizen's WATCHDOG GROUP in Kansas City, Missouri
named "The Advertiser's Protective Bureau", who
filed, and successfully prosecuted criminal
charges against the Missouri state chapter of the
AMA the Jackson Medical Society. The
'Protective Bureau's" official report of this
cold-blooded plot reads as follows:
"In the
Fall of 1921, the health of the city was unusually
good, but slow for the doctors. So the Jackson
Medical Society met and resolved to make an
epidemic in the city. According to the minutes of
DECLARED IN THE CITY. (Investigation later
revealed that there was NO SIGN OF AN EPIDEMIC at
the time, in the city, or anywhere in the state or
'It was moved and seconded that a
day be set aside, termed VACCINATION DAY, on which
physicians would be stationed at ALL SCHOOLS,
clinics, public buildings and hospitals to
vaccinate "free of charge". (Vaccinations are
never "free". The taxpayers are always forced to
pay for every one of the "free" vaccines.)
The Protective Bureau proved in
court that there WAS NO EPIDEMIC before the
vaccinations!! The court records show that the
Medical Society manufactured vast amounts of
posters, fliers, newspaper stories and ads
featuring horrific and lurid pictures of diseased
children covered with massive smallpox sores and
open wounds. Some pictures actually showed
children's corpses covered with the same ugly
sores. The PANIC-DRIVEN message was clear ---
VACCINATE EVERYONE, or face a deadly public
disease. There was a "sweeping epidemic" in the
city; the disease was "highly contagious" and
would "strike anyone who was not vaccinated" was
the bill of goods sold! (Does this sound at all
familiar today 88 years later??)
Medical Mafia's propaganda blitz was successful,
and over a million previously healthy and happy
American citizens were hypnotized and terrorized
into placing the vaccine toxins into their
bloodstreams. All public school children in the
region were vaccinated while at school! Parents
who dared question the vaccination of their
children were ostracized and publicly vilified.
In the weeks and months following the "mass
vaccinations" the area's hospital beds were
filled to over-flowing with VACCINE-INDUCED
Tens of thousands of people
became ill, and many hundreds of innocents died,
and many more were permanently crippled! Of
stating how much worse the death toll would have
been without the vaccination campaign!! Untold
MILLIONS OF DOLLARS of profit was generated by
this massive "medical" fraud.
Thanks to the
massive fraud was exposed and criminally
prosecuted to a successful conviction. During the
trial, three amazing facts were proven beyond any
"reasonable doubt".
Fact 1: The poster and
advertising pictures showing the diseased and
dying children used so successfully by the
Bureau documented that they were pictures of
ENGLISH CHILDREN who were victims of
"court-proven" cases of SMALLPOX VACCINE
POISONING!! One of the pictures was of a
5-week-old baby named Mona Stevenson, of Humphrey
Street, Burnley, England. A previously healthy and
happy baby, Little Mona had been vaccinated for
smallpox at 5 weeks of age. Four weeks later, her
pox-ridden little body was placed in a tiny coffin
and buried. The horrific photos of Little Mona and
others in England had previously been published in
British newspapers where details of the resulting
CRIMINAL TRIALS were also given. The full details
of the trials, as well as the pictures, were also
included in a comprehensively large medical boot
by Edgar M Crook Shank, MD professor of
Bacteriology at the ultra-elite Kings College,
London England.
Fact 2: Vaccines containing
LIVE ACIDIC (so-called) VIRUSES/TOXINS, weakened
(i.e. attenuated) or otherwise universally causes
more diseases than the vaccine ever could prevent.
Fact 3: Vaccine-Induced-Disease (VID) is an
extremely effective socio-economic tool. It has
the potential to generate BILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF
WINDFALL PROFITS, while permanently changing the
social structures of large groups of people.
While the Protective Bureau won the criminal
court case the American people lost. The case
should have made front-page headlines around the
nation, showing the Modus Operandi of certain
corrupt "medical practitioners". How, by means of
fraud, treachery, and trickery, they made millions
of dollars in windfall profits while thousands of
innocent, trusting, and naive Americans suffered
and died. The entire sordid affair, with all its
damning details, was kept out of the American
Press. John D. Rockefeller's AMA, with its
millions of dollars of influence made sure of
Amazingly, even though thousands of
people had died or become crippled by this managed
manslaughter, the doctors involved were only given
a light penalty in the form of a token fine. The
medical establishment as a whole was not upset in
the least by the exposure and has continued
on unabated perpetuating the same crimes against
humanity creating acidic vaccine-induced-dis-eases
while fleecing the people continually until this
present day.
It is a proven (albeit
little-known) fact, EPIDEMIC/PANDEMIC
world-wide "Medical Mafia" circles. In order to
maximize profits and re-shape geographical
regions, they often manufacture a false-flag
"emergency". If there is an outbreak of mild
seasonal dis-esase from over-acidic choices, they
call it an influenza pandemic, give it a fancy new
name, and then actually CREATE THE PANDEMIC by
means of mass vaccinations using ATTENUATED, or
PURE ACID!! Remember the shocking words of the
AMA's Dr. Simon Louis Katzoff who said: " DOCTORS
Those who cannot
remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
George Santayana
Those who are ignorant of
the past, cannot be expected to remember it.
True Ott, PhD, ND
3) The Flu vaccine will
protect you from the flu virus.
This is a
falsehood. There is no such thing as a flu virus
and therefore there is no need for a poisonous
acidic flu vaccine made with chicken embryos,
formaldehyde, mercury, detergent, and alcohol. The
flu is the body in preservation mode increasing
body temperature to activate the lymphatic system
to remove excess dietary and/or metabolic acids in
the tissues via respiration, perspiration,
defecation and urination. The key to reversing the
symptoms of the Flu is hydration with alkaline
fluids and sweating with infrared sauna or
4) The 1976 "Swine Flu" Fiasco and Fraud is
Being Perpetrated Today. A solitary soldier at Ft.
Dix collapses and dies following a reaction to an
"experimental" acidic vaccine while completing an
intense physical "forced march" exercise at Ft.
Dix. Immediately, the CDC swings into action,
declaring a nationwide SWINE FLU PANDEMIC is
pending. Providentially, of course, the CDC just
happens to have 200+MILLION DOSES of Swine Flu
vaccine already stockpiled, prepared with
ATTENUATED (live, yet weakened) so-called viruses
and experimental acidic ADJUVANTS.
President Gerald Ford, (with proven ties to Big
Pharma and Nixon's covert viral or acid weapons
labs also a key member of the "Warren
Commission's" obfuscation of the JFK murder) rolls
up his sleeves on national TV and dutifully takes
the vaccine. 40 million acidic vaccines are given
to naive American human guinea pigs. A rash of
auto-immune disorders (Guillan-Barre Syndrome GBS,
and lupus) as well as a large number of deaths is
immediately attributed to the acidic vaccine, and
the mass vaccination campaign is halted. (What
happened to the other 140 million vaccines, one
may ask?) In 1979, the television news magazine 60
Minutes did a documentary investigation on this
travesty-for-money scandal. Against all odds and
the threats of Big Pharma, the OBJECTIVELY FAIR 60
Minutes program aired ONE TIME. There was no
follow-up story, No criminal indictments were ever
issued. There was no MASS-MURDER-FOR-HIRE trial.
As a result, America has largely forgotten the
1976 SWINE FLU SCANDAL! Click here for ""
Part I of the 60 Minutes story; and ""
Part II.
The definition for insanity is
doing the same thing over and over again and
expecting a different result. All acids kill
and vaccines are all made from acid.
Taking antibiotics will kill bacteria.
is medical subterfuge and distortion as even the
medical community realizes that antibiotics don't
do what they are supposed to do. We say with alarm
that disease is becoming resistant to antibiotics.
They are not "resistant" because they have never
been operative or effective. Antibiotics are the
acidic waste products of fermentation. To make an
antibiotic, you need a yeast or mold and some
sugar for the yeast or mold to ferment. The
bi-product of the yeast or mold fermenting the
sugar is the acidic antibiotic. The acids from
antibiotics DO NOT KILL BACTERIA. They only force
the bacteria to change. Into what does bacteria
change? Into yeast and mold. That is why when you
take antibiotics you end up with a yeast
infection! That's the antibiotic causing the
bacteria to change from one form to another. I
call this process of change "biological
transformation" and the reason why you should
NEVER take antibiotics. Try the COWS Plan. It is
safer and more effective.
6) The stomach should be acidic and contains
hydrochloric acid or HCL to digest food.
This is one of the biggest scientific
misconceptions ever. First, the stomach is NOT and
organ of digestion. Most so-called digestion
starts in the mouth. That's why your mom said to
chew your food. The stomach is an organ that
alkalizes the food and liquids that you eat. The
stomach cells, called the cover cells, secrete
sodium bicarbonate onto the ingested food and
drink to alkalize the food, not to digest the
food. For every molecule of sodium bicarbonate
produced by the stomach for alkalizing, a molecule
of hydrochloric acid is produced as a waste
product. Hydrochloric acid or HCL never touches
the food or drink but falls into the gastric pits
of the stomach away from the food and drink as the
sodium bicarbonate rises to the top to alkalize
the food and/or liquids ingested. This is
necessary in order to prepare the food in an
alkaline state for the duodenum and the small
intestine where the liquid food is then
biologically transformed into stem cells. There is
NO part of the alimentary canal that does not
secret sodium bicarbonate for alkalizing. In
conclusion, the stomach is an organ of
contribution and alkalizing, not a digestive organ
as medical savants would have us believe. So now
you know it is a whopper of a lie.
7) A
cold is caused by a virus.
This is another
whopper--a century long distortion. A cold is the
body removing excess dietary and/or metabolic
acids through the orifices of the body to maintain
its delicate alkaline pH. Colds are NOT caused by
viruses but are caused by eating too much acidic
GARBAGE. I won't get YOUR cold if MY body is
properly alkaline. Excess acids can also be caused
by your thoughts or negative emotions which can
also give rise to the elimination of these acids
through various orifices, such as your eyes, ears,
mouth or nose.
8) Pharmaceutical drugs may
have side-effects.
What an intentional
obfuscation this is! Pharmaceutical drugs do not
have side-effects; they have EFFECTS! And lots of
them! If you take the drugs, plan on them
affecting your health in many negative and acidic
9) The brain and body runs on sugar.
This is closer to gross ignorance than a lie.
Sugar is a metabolic acid and has no value in the
body. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. The brain and body
does NOT run on sugar; it runs on electrons - just
like every other cell in the human body. Increase
your healthy brain function with more electrons
with electron-rich food and water.
NO! Cancer is not a disease of the tissues but
a disease of the fluids of the body. After a
trillion dollars spent since President Nixon
declared war on cancer, we still pretend not to
know what it is. But it has become a several
hundred billion dollar industry.....larger than
the automobile industry. Cancer is an acidic,
environmental, dietary and/or metabolic liquid; it
is NOT a cell and we ALL have some of it in our
body to greater or lesser degree. The more acid we
have in our body, the greater the risk for
cancerous tissues. Cancer therefore is a four
letter word: ACID! And cancer's fumbling, bumbling
proponents have put forth another four letter
word: MYTH.
11) HIV is a virus and causes
This is an incredible whopper! And
because the real and UNEXAMINED TRUTH has been
explained by several scientists for many years, it
is MORE than a whopper. It is now a fraud. There
is NO HIV virus. You heard me right; there is NO
HIV virus! There never has been. AIDS or immune
deficiency is caused by an acidic way of living,
eating and thinking. There is no need for drugs,
but just the need to change to an alkaline
lifestyle and diet and PRESTO.... NO MORE AIDS. It
works 100 percent of the time if you get going
before the drugs and wrong diet have taken you
right up to death's door.
12) HPV is a
virus and causes cervical cancer.
This is
also an incredible whopper! HPV does not cause
cervical cancer. Metabolic and/or dietary acid
causes cancer. HPV is another pHantom virus.
It does not exist. The cause of reproductive
cancers are from the acids you produce from what
you eat, what you think, and how you live. You
don't get cancer you do cancer. So stop doing
cancer with an acidic lifestyle and diet and start
doing "Young Living" and the pH Miracle alkaline
lifestyle and diet.
13) Lyme's Disease is
caused by a spirochete bacteria or a Tick bite.
Once again this is medical science at its best
trying to keep the germ and infection theory
alive. There is NO bacteria or spirochete
bacteria that causes Lyme's Dis-ease. Lyme's
dis-ease is nothing more than the blood trying to
purify itself from excess metabolic and/or dietary
acid by removing these acids out into the
colloidal connective tissues. Simply put
Lyme's dis-ease is nothing more than a person who
is adsorbing and absorbing their own urine into
the colloidal connective tissues. The
irritation and inflammation and then degeneration
one feels is all caused by dietary and/or
metabolic acid that has NOT been properly
eliminated through the four channels of
elimination - urination, perspiration, defecation
and respiration. My recommendation for
so-called Lyme's Dis-ease is an alkaline lifestyle
and diet with at least 2 hours of exercise daily.
In other words "get off you fat or skinny ac-id!
and Go To Health!"
14) Taking digestive
enzymes will help digestion.
This is a
major fable and fabrication to which many holistic
doctors prescribe. And it's a dangerous
one....especially for people who take digestive
enzymes all the time. Enzymes are acids from
fermentation and are poisonous. Just like Drano,
taking enzymes will eventually destroy your
alkalizing alimentary canal. One will kill you
fast and one will kill you slow! Digestive enzymes
may break down meat, but nutritional science
clearly tells us that you shouldn't be eating
meat. They will break you down too because guess
what? Your alimentary canal is meat!!
Blood is made in the marrow of the bones.
This inaccuracy and science fiction began with the
distortions of four scientists in 1952 when they
conducted starvation studies on rabbits and
pigeons and decided after autopsy that blood was
created in the bones. This is NOT correct. The
primary site of blood production is in the crypts
of the intestinal villi in the small intestine.
When acids (antibiotics, acid food and drink,
enzymes, probiotics) damage or destroy the
intestinal villi, then the body makes blood out of
various body cells such as the bones. The studies
on blood in 1952 may likely have been the correct
conclusion if the autopsies had been done on
humans--assuming the bodies had starved to death
like the rabbits and pigeons. Logically, autopsies
are done on people who have been very sick and
finally died. The body is so sick that blood has
not been made in the the intestinal villi perhaps
for some time. Now medical savants have amazingly
discovered that blood can also be made in the
liver. The truth is that it can also be made
from all the organs and all the cells once the
body is sickly enough. Hopefully, we won't be
doing autopsies on healthy bodies because they
rarely die. But if we did, we'd find out where
blood is really made in a healthy the
crypts of the intestinal villi in the twenty-seven
feet of the small intestine.
16) Germs
cause disease via an infection.
This is
another invention based on faulty scientific
premises. Germs are nothing more than the
biological transformation of organized matter
disorganizing. Germs therefore are the RESULT of
fermenting matter and not the CAUSE of fermenting
matter, just as the smoke of a fired gun is not
the cause but the evidence that the gun has been
fired. When you see bacteria, yeast or mold on
food, this is a result of food deterioration, not
a result of an infection. When I see bacteria or
yeast in the blood, I know this is a result of
blood or body cells biologically transforming and
not a result of an infection. In other words,
germs are born in us and from us. The infection
can only contribute to a state of imbalance but
CANNOT cause ANY specific disease. So stay away
from all treatment plans, traditional or
alternative that focuses on the killing germs. If
the drug or supplement will kill germs it will
also kill you.
17) High Cholesterol in the
form of low density lipoproteins or LDL's can
cause heart attacks and strokes.
Cholesterol does NOT cause heart attacks or
stokes. Not a single one. This is a distortion and
an inaccuracy based on faulty observation and
inquiry. Environmental, dietary and metabolic acid
cause heart attacks and strokes. The body releases
cholesterol or LDL's to buffer or chelate the
toxic lethal affects of acid to protect the body,
not harm the body. It is your thoughts, your words
and your deeds that create waste products or
acids. If these acids are not eliminated through
urination. perspiration, defection or respiration,
the body will release cholesterol or LDL's to
buffer these acids for protection and not for
destruction. A recent landmark study showed that
you are more likely to have a heart attack or
stroke with normal or low cholesterol then a
person with a total cholesterol over 300. Your
risk for a heart attack or stroke increases
significantly as your acid levels increase or if
you lower your cholesterol with drugs without
lowering your production of acid from the environment, lifestyle, diet and/or
18) Eating protein builds
Wrong again. This is another
fictitious distortion based on faulty observation
based on a) preconceived notions about how the
body works and b) the failure of science to
sufficiently isolate variables when making
so-called scientific observations. Tell the
strongest animals in the world--vegetarian
animals--that eating protein builds muscle. Eating
protein actually makes you weak and eventually
sick and tired from the debilitating acids of
sulfuric, nitric, phosphoric and uric acid. The
body builds muscle from blood and not from plant
or animal protein. At the Ranch we grow avocados.
We give our avocados minerals, water and sunshine
- no protein. Yet, our avocados are 80% healthy
fat and 15% protein. If you want to build muscle
you have to build blood. And to build blood you
have to eat green foods and lots of them.
I would
call this a big fat lie. A big Whopper with cheese
and bacon. No, I'm sorry fat doctors, fat farms
and fat clinics of the world. Obesity is an acid
problem, not a fat problem. The body protects
itself against acidic lifestyles and diets by
making and using fat. Think of fat as your parking
places for environmental, dietary, and metabolic
acids that are not properly eliminated via
urination, perspiration, defecation and/or
respiration. You can now say that fat is saving
your life. Thank you fat! Be glad that fat was not
accumulating inside your veins and arteries. At
least collecting on your hips and belly you could
see the fat and decide if you want to do something
about it. All you need to do is get off your fat
acid and go to health with an alkaline lifestyle
and diet. The average weight loss on the pH
Miracle Lifestyle and Diet is 1 pound a day - 30
pounds in 30 days. As you alkalize the fat melts
away with all of its acidic contents.
20) Hormone replacement therapy can help
balance your hormones.
This greedy fiction
and pharmaceutical deception is actually hurting
ever so many unknowing innocent women. The first
thing to understand is that hormones are acidic
waste products of endocrine gland function.
Balancing your hormones would be like balancing
your car's carbon monoxide exhaust. You would
never give you car more acidic carbon monoxide to
help it run better. You would change the oil, the
filter or use a more energy efficient fuel. This
is what you need to do when you have endocrine or
energy imbalance. You need to change your
lifestyle and diet to an alkaline lifestyle and
diet with liberal amounts of electron rich green
foods, lots of alkaline water and plenty of
exercise. You can easily try our Deluxe Pack to
start the process of endocrine balance and energy.
You'll see a difference in a very short period of
21) Salt will cause high blood pressure and
water retention.
This medical lie is a
whopper. Acid causes water retention and
elevates blood pressure and pulse rate. All
of your body fluids are salted with sodium
chloride. Salt is the catalyst for the
transportation of energy. You cannot have a
thought without salt. Salt is required to
keep the body alkaline and preserves it from
dietary and metabolic acid. If you are sick
or tired you are deficient in salt. If you
have sugar cravings you are deficient in salt.
If you have low energy you are deficient in salt.
If you have hormonal imbalance you are deficient
in salt. If you have high blood pressure or
if you are fluid retentive then give up your
acidic lifestyle and diet not the salt. I
recommend at least 12 to 14 grams of unprocessed
salt every day based upon a man or woman weighing
70 kilos or 154 pounds. Salt is life.
You cannot live without oxygen and you cannot live
without salt!
In Love and Healing Light,
Robert O.
Young, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Founder of 'THE NEW
LIVING'™ for Health.
As someone that
looks to improve their health we are pleased
to offer you this free audio, an excerpt of a
powerful two hour interview with Dr Robert O.
Young and Anthony Robbins. Click the link
below to listen:
So What Did The Young's Have For Thanksgiving
1) Sprouted lentil soup with green pea, celery
and carrot.
2) Coconut curry soup with broccoli and squash.
3) Baby organic kale salad with dried organic
cranberries topped with avocado, sea salt, lemon and
cold-pressed olive oil.
4) Mixed salad greens with sun flower seed
sprouts, avocado, heirloom tomato, sea salt, lemon
and cold-pressed olive oil.
5) Wheat and egg free bow-tie pasta with sesame
seeds, olive oil and sea salt.
6) Mixed cabbage salad with sea salt, lemon and
cold-pressed avocado oil from the Rancho del Sol
organic farm.
7) Sliced prisomme fruit from the Rancho del Sol
organic farm.
8) Green beans with onion, lemon, olive oil and
sea salt.
9) Steamed organic Brussel sprouts with onion,
sea salt, olive oil and lemon.
10) Fresh Young Coconut juice.
11) Fresh pressed juice from organic spinach,
cucumber, celery and some ginger.
12) Fresh Young Coconut Nog.
13) My Mother's homemade pumpkin pie without eggs
topped with whipped organic coconut cream.
14) Fresh organic seeds and nuts to sprinkle on
the food.
best part of Thanksgiving dinner was sharing this
time with my oldest son Adam and his new beautiful
wife Somone at the Rancho del Sol in Valley Center,
I think about all my many blessings I am most
grateful for the love, support and strength I
receive from God, loyal family members and friends
who truly care about me.
the Christmas Holidays approach in 2015, we now find
ourselves, as a nation and as a planet, in quite a
bit of political, economic, health and environmental
disarray. Many of us are looking for ways to make
ends meet and cut down on the stress in our lives.
So I thought I would address these issues. My guess
is that many of you feel some sort of concern about
financial issues whether it is the daily budget,
dwindling savings, credit card bills, increased
health costs, money for college bills, mileage and
gas prices for the aging family automobiles, and so
the same at the Young homestead here at Rancho Del
So, in Valley Center, California. Every year I pray
for more rain and try to figure out how to save
money on the expensive California water we need for
thousands of avocado, grapefruit, pomegranate,
prisimone, lemon, and lime trees. I am always trying
to figure out where to save money so I can use that
money to reach more people around the world with a
pH Miracle message of health, healing and
extraordinary well-being.
you read my articles on a regular basis, you will
know that I am quite positive that following a
healthy, organic, alkaline green diet with many raw,
green fruit and vegetables will save you money over
time. Whether you have 50 more years to live or 25,
most medical expenses have traditionally occurred in
the later years of life. And those medical expenses
can be a thing of the past if you will embraces an
alkaline lifestyle an diet.
your body is alkaline, and once you have rebuilt
your blood with my C.O.W.S. program (Chlorophyll,
Oil, Water and Salt), and once the pH of your urine
is around 7.4 on a consistent basis, you are well on
your way to permanently increased health, energy,
fitness and vigor as well as great financial
the #1 reason for bankruptcy in America for many
years has been medical bills. That will not happen
to you. I hear from people all the time that pretty
much the only reason they visit the doctor anymore
is to gloat a bit, to follow-up on some old ailment
now in the rear-view mirror, to lecture the poor old
besieged doctor on the importance of nutrition in
health, or exercise, or to give him/her a copy of
The pH Miracle book. By the way, if you write to me
and tell me that you really did get your doctor to
read The pH Miracle book, I'll send you a free copy
to replace the one you gave to your physician. I
will also be fascinated to hear your story. In fact,
I may share it with everybody in one of my articles
or on our pH Miracle Center YouTube channel.
people who have been following a balanced pH Miracle
alkaline/acid diet for many years tell me about all
the different ways they save money. Some people have
replaced their health insurance with a combination
of self-insurance, accident insurance, a hospital
indemnity policy, and disability program. Some
people on Medicare have not purchased the
supplemental insurance because they have not visited
their former family physician for several years and
are hoping not to for the rest of their lives.
Besides, they tell me, they aren't likely to go the
drug route anyway now that they know the cucumber
and avocado route.
have told me that they have saved money because they
no longer have doctor visits, co-pays,
pharmaceutical drugs, deductibles, tests, clinic and
lab fees, medical gadgets, lost time and sick days,
and so on. Not to mention the increased energy,
creativity, and productivity.
lets talk about stress. About two years ago, I
emailed you an article about Mother Theresa whose
level of consciousness allowed her to function in
love, joy, peace and enlightenment. Many of you said
that you enjoyed that article. Such states of
mind--whether they are linked to experiences that
are primarily sensory, emotional, psychological,
intellectual or spiritual--can only be accompanied
by an absence of stress at the physiological or body
you read my articles at:
with any consistency, then you know that there is a
solid scientific link between the mind and the body,
the psychosomatic or the "somatopsychic."
It goes both ways.
I started hearing the world psychosomatic at least
40 years ago. The mind can cause the body to suffer
and the body can cause the mind to suffer.
Therefore, it makes good sense to take care of both.
have discussed from time to time the importance of
minimizing stress in our lives. When our minds are
filled with thoughts and feelings that include the
negative perceptions and experiences of fear, anger
and sadness, we are vulnerable to the creation of
excessive bodily acid. Toxic acids are actually
secreted from various parts of the body cells
directly into the bloodstream when we are in a
negative emotional state.
the other hand, leading a life that includes more
experiences in what I might call the love zone can
be a challenge. I forget who coined the word love
zone, but this state of being includes feelings of
affection, joy, compassion, empathy, kindness,
happiness and bliss. But living in this zone--you
may have noticed--is easier said than done. The
World seems so often to pull mightily at the most
vulnerable areas of our lives. Our preoccupation
with the outer world and things over which we have
no control can keep us from entering into those
precious moments or hours in the stress-free love
is one thing in particular that we can do to help us
frequent this zone as much as possible. And I will
back into this concept with a little story which I
enjoy. I call this story, One Thousand Avocados for
God. It goes like this:
plantation owner, somewhat foolishly accustomed to
bartering with God, prayed for a good harvest. He
pleaded thusly:"Dear God, if You would please
bring me a great avocado harvest, as a service I
will give You 1,000 avocados from the harvest."
God granted him a great harvest. Thus, the
plantation owner loaded up a thousand avocados in
his wagon and had his foreman deliver them to the
temple. Along the way, the foreman was pestered by
two little beggar boys who pleaded for an avocado to
ward off their hunger. "Shoo, shoo, go
away," said the foreman, knowing that the
plantation owner had loaded exactly 1,000 avocados.
hungry little boys ran alongside the wagon and
continued to beg. Finally, the hired hand relented
and gave each of them an avocado. He thought to
himself, who would count all these avocados and know
that two are missing from a thousand? But the
plantation owner had warned the chief overseer of
the temple to count the avocados to make sure that
the foreman had not sold some along the way. He
found out that two were missing and had been given
to beggars and the plantation owner fired the
foreman. That night the plantation owner had a
dream. In his dream, God came to him and said, I
have granted your prayer for a great harvest, but
you have not kept your agreement.
plantation owner pleaded his case, But God, I took
the avocados to you just as I said. God replied,
Well, I am sorry that you are in error my friend,
because so far, I have received only two. I think
you can see why I enjoy this story. And it has many
implications far beyond the simple notion that
Divine Providence and charity are related. In fact,
we might say that Divine Providence resonates to
is a great deal of emerging evidence and a wonderful
new area of study which says that there is a human
field of energy which is very subtle, yet powerful,
pervasive and immortal.There is a field of energy
which connects every one of us to every one of us.
Some refer to this energy as levels of
consciousness--and the study of this energy focuses
especially on various states of higher
of our personal level of consciousness, we are not
only connected to this field of energy, but we are
influencing it just as it influences us in return.
There is emerging evidence, both experiential and
research, that says that as our level of
consciousness rises, our body has an increasing
ability or tendency to heal itself. There are
increasing numbers of prayer studies that show that
healing is affected by prayer.
Dr. David Hawkins book, Power Vs. Force, he
designates and describes our levels of consciousness
from low to high levels. In the pathological area,
he lists (low to high) shame, guilt, apathy, grief,
fear, desire, anger, and false pride. The ascending
corresponding emotions at those lower levels are
humiliation, blame, despair, regret, anxiety,
craving, hate, and scorn. As we pass from
pathological states into higher states of health and
well-being, Hawkins designates and defines (low to
high) courage, neutrality, willingness, acceptance,
reason, love, joy, peace, and enlightenment. The
ascending corresponding emotions at these higher
levels are affirmation, trust, optimism,
forgiveness, understanding, reverence, serenity,
bliss and ineffable.
contemplating upon these two hierarchies of human
levels of consciousness and corresponding emotions,
you can easily see the beauty that unfolds as we
achieve higher and higher levels of consciousness.
Higher levels mean less stress, or course, which
means less acid in your body. The simple question
then becomes, what is it that I can do to help
myself achieve an increasing degree of health,
happiness and serenity in my own life? As I have
written before, a healthy and peaceful lifestyle
includes choosing an alkaline and nutritional diet,
exercise, rest and relaxation, good company, doing
work which we enjoy, body massage, meditation,
sincere gratitude, a reverence for all life, and so
on. Some will argue that these conditions are
difficult to achieve in a world of economic
disarray. Just viewing the problems of hunger and
homelessness in the world is frightening. In
America, we are told that more than a million people
are now losing their homes due to mortgage default,
fifty-three million are out of work or
under-employed, and 80 million are on food stamps.
And so, how can we ascend to levels of peace in such
a world with so much apparent negativity?
else is it that we can do to ascend our own levels
of consciousness and somehow feel a greater sense of
love, the absence of fear, and more acceptance of so
many people with whom we seem to have nothing in
common, little understanding, a different set of
values, and with whom we perceive ourselves to
operate from a completely different belief system
about the world?How do we come to a sense of peace
and diminish our reflexive stress--the same stress
that causes acidic reactions in our body--to the
many seemingly unacceptable political, economic,
unhappy human elements that surround us?
believe that science will soon confirm what some
have known over the millennia. Virtually all Holy
Scripture from all the major religions are in
accordance with the idea that the highest devotion
to God--man's greatest gift to the energy field of
the world in which we are all encompassed--is
service to mankind. Research into higher
consciousness tells us that the energy of loving
service is recorded in the universe on into
as Thanksgiving comes to an end and Christmas
approaches in the problematic year of 2015 and on,
one of the greatest stress-releasing gifts we can
give to ourselves is to give the gift of service to
nothing fosters charitable feelings like charitable
actions. Nothing fosters more the acceptance of
other people than lending a helping hand. Nothing
will bring forth the peace and wisdom that we need
to create within ourselves more than providing
service to the poor, the needy, the uneducated, the
downtrodden, the sick, and the afflicted. This is
what I have dedicated my life to.
for service projects in your area and take your
family into the World to help others. And over time,
nothing will help you to diminish the stress inside
your own body more than helping to diminish the
stress in those around you. What goes round comes
round, and to whatever degree your load of avocados
means abundant energy, creativity, intelligence,
leadership, money, or time for everyone in the
World, I know that you can figure out how to deliver
more than just two avocados.
Luther King, Jr. One of the Greatest Freedom
Fighters Free at Last, Free at Last! Thank
God I am Free at Last!
Several years ago I
had the beautiful experience to have been
invited to speak at the Martin Luther King Jr
Memorial Chapel in Atlanta, Georgia on the
campus of Morehouse College by Professor Dean
Lawrence Carter, Jr. (below I am pictured with
Professor Lawrence Carter, Dean of the Martin
Luther King Chapel at More House College,
Atlanta, Georgia. When introducing me to speak
at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial
Chapel, Dr. Carter stated, "Dr. Robert O.
Young is the Martin Luther King Jr. of the
21st Century.") It was one of my greatest
memories to stand at the same pulpit where
Martin Luther King, Jr., Ikada, Ghandi and
Mandela delivered powerful messages of
freedom, love and light. There in front of
thousands I was blessed to have the
opportunity to share my pH Miracle message of
freedom, love and light. A message that has
now blessed the lives of millions around the
World. Thank you God for the blessing of
service in my life. Thank you all for the
opportunities you have given me to serve you,
my brothers and sisters - my friends.
One of my favorite
quotes of Martin Luther King, Jr. is one that
has impacted my life in so many ways, "Never,
never be afraid to do what's right, especially
if the well-being of a person or animal is at
stake. Society's punishments are small
compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul
when we look the other way." Yes, it was hard
to be incarcerated for 5 months at the East
Mesa Re-entry Facility, but I want you all to
know that I have no regrets! Today, I am so
grateful to be home with my family and
After almost 35 years
of studying and learning about acid – base
chemistry in vertebrates, and the same number
of years attempting to share what I have
observed and learned, I am enormously
gratified to see the larger scientific
community beginning to recognize and validate
my work. It has been a long journey out of
darkness. Almost every day now some new
scientific paper is published that validates
my work. Recently at a scientific conference I
heard a noted scientist say, “In certain
conditions, we believe it is better to have
the tissues properly alkalized.” He did not
give me credit, but his knowledge came from my
work. You have no idea how far the journey has
been from where I started to hearing those
words from a distinguished member of the
scientific community.
I have lived with
doubt and criticism for so long that I have
come to understand it as actually encouraging
and exciting. No one takes the time to write
to a newspaper about something that does not
interest them. When people take the time to
read, investigate and try to understand and
then to sit down and write to an editor to
complain, what they are really doing is asking
questions; asking the author to explain his or
her self; to defend their work. It is
wonderfully energetic and encouraging to see
people interested and asking questions. Asking
questions is the first step towards knowledge.
It is a sign of courage and intellectual
bravery to ask questions and seek knowledge.
We, as humans, live in
such profound darkness. Not knowing what is in
the dark is a very scary thing. We, like
children, need to know there are no boogey men
under the bed. The truth is adults are afraid
too. We tell our children there are no boogey
men, but we still look under the bed ourselves
just to be sure. The truth is we don’t know so
much more than we do know.
We live in a Universe
of what Donald Rumsfeld, the former American
Secretary of Defense, called “Unknown
Unknowns”. The more we learn, the more we
realize how much we still don’t know. Albert
Einstein once quipped, “Intelligence is a very
humbling thing. It makes us realize that what
the greatest of us knows, pales in comparison
to that which none of us knows”. Knowledge is
always being accumulated. Much of it disturbs
our serenity. We want to believe we know at
least most of what is to be known. But, alas,
we know so very little.
We are much better off
today than most humans were when they died in
their 30′s, of things like infected teeth,
which dentists today deal with so easily, and
from minor wounds, that surgeons today
routinely stitch up in minor medical clinics.
Our knowledge is greater than it was for even
our parents. We continue to learn, in spite of
our very human desire to believe we already
know most of what we need to know. Today it is
said that all of human knowledge is
compounding about every 3 years. In other
words, we will learn more in the next 3 years
than we have learned in our entire previous
recorded history. My work is in that record.
Today the medical professions, and healers
around the world are just beginning to
understand what I have been teaching for over
3 decades.
The very thing that
people complain about, is actually a result of
the broader acceptance of my work in the
scientific community. When someone writes,
"I…was shocked to discover a number of UK
companies promoting practices and diets based
on his theories.” It both excites and
encourages me that people are finally
beginning to “get it.” I can understand why
“getting it” is so unnerving. It recognizes
that all along there has been a boogey man
under the bed that we did not know was there!
The good news is, now that we know that living
an acidic lifestyle will make us sick, and
accelerate aging and hastens death, we can do
something about it! Just like now we can treat
infected teeth and stitch up wounds, that once
killed us at a very early age.
I still laugh every
now and then about a joke I heard on the old
American Hee Haw TV show years ago, “Junior”
said, “A man told me he broke his leg in two
places. I told him the thing to do was to stay
out of those places!” It’s the same with an
acidic lifestyle. If the things you are doing
are making you sick, then stop doing them!
I have had people
object to my saying that an HIV, Ebola or Zika
Virus does not cause AIDS or disease. A great
percentage of the larger scientific community
does not believe that either. I am in good
company. The way to shut us all up, is for
someone to prove that HIV, Ebola or Zika
actually does cause AIDS or disease. That
hasn’t been done, because it can’t be done.
Some people object to
my theory of multiforms and origins of what
are called bacteria, yeast, mold and viruses.
But, you don’t have to know or understand the
origins of these biological forms to
understand that if your body is properly
alkalized none of them can reproduce and none
of them can cause any of the ill effects
thought to be associated with them. How these
biological forms arise is, and has been for
centuries, a great debate. The proof of my
work is in the results. For at least a
century, it has been known that cancers form
and thrive only in overly acidic tissue.” I
did not develop that knowledge, I only
explained it. Don’t blame the messenger for
the message.
Diabetes is another
condition that has been largely misunderstood.
For decades the way the medical community
dealt with diabetes was only to treat the
symptoms. The symptoms were targeted, because
it was not known what caused diabetes. I like
to say, we have always known what caused
diabetes, we just did not like the answer. The
answer has always been, change your lifestyle,
and change your diet! But, we humans like our
cures to fit our lifestyles not to adjust our
lifestyles to prevent the conditions. You want
to turn diabetes around over night? Get all of
the animal proteins out of your diet, along
with all of the simple carbohydrates and
sugars, stop drinking acidic beverages, and
eating highly acid foods, add back in the
alkaline green plants and simply watch what
happens. Learn!
Here is something fun
for your family members to do. Go on the
Internet and Google “Eggs cause Diabetes.” I
have been saying that for years to howls of
criticism. Now the larger scientific community
is beginning to understand what I have been
saying, and my critics are stunned… What!?
ALL animal proteins
are acidic and cause degenerative conditions
we like to call diseases. Sorry.. it’s the
message that is not liked. I’m just the
One last thing, I get
criticized frequently because I did not
receive my Ph.D. from Harvard or Johns
Hopkins, or some other favored institution. I
wish I could have afforded those institutions,
but the schools I attended were and are fine
institutions. Snob appeal does not make a good
institution. We just love to establish ranks
of exclusions. In the U. S. to have attended a
fine engineering school you need to have
attended MIT, or Stanford… most recently
California Institute of Technology has taken
the lead, but the truth is the Indian
Institute of Technology in India is widely
recognized as the finest engineering school in
the world.
Institutions do not
make the quality of their students. The
students make the quality of the Institutions.
In fact, institutions do not “teach”
creativity or innovation. All institutions do
is teach what is presently known, not what is
yet to be discovered. More often than not,
throughout time, our greatest discoveries have
come from individuals with very little formal
education, Steve Jobs from Apple, Mark
Zuckerberg, the guy that started Facebook and
Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft.
Unfettered by dogma and entrenched lore,
visionaries look at the world with new eyes
and see things others could not or cannot see.
I am very proud of the
knowledge I was given by the institutions I
attended, but I am most proud of the work I
have done that has expanded that knowledge and
built on what was known when I was in
University… work that after 35 plus years is
finally being recognized and validated… work
that is finally reaching the victims of
ignorance, and making a difference in their
What I encourage
everyone to do, especially my critics, is to
continue to read, study, ponder, listen and
learn; take charge of your own health, do what
works! This is how I have come to all of my
conclusions… watching and studying what works,
and building on that evidence. Scholars can
argue about WHY an apple falls from the tree,
but the important thing is to note is that it
God bless you all and
God bless America with the capacity to love
one another and NEVER turn away from a soul
who is in need of a helping hand. I promise
you it will do your soul good.
What is freedom if it
is not to be free in every way, from our most
minute cell to our most expansive dreams? He
is free who can afford to let the interactions
between the cell and spirit take place in a
most harmonious and loving way. There is no
freedom in the philosophies of men. Freedom of
that sort lasts for only a duration of a
thought, of an act. To be truly free is to be
able to establish peace between all opposition
within us! To realize that the circumstances
of our lives are not important as compared to
the kindness, thoughtfulness, acceptance,
understanding, and love we show to others.
Disease, or
should we say dis-Ease, and names like diabetes,
osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis,
osteoporosis and NOW a new so-called potentially
fatal allergic dis-ease called exercise-induced
angioedema (EIA), are
misleading. Not only do they strike fear into
our collective hearts, but they misinform
patients—and everyone else—about both care and
dis-Ease prevention. There is a curious
tendency in conventional medicine to take a set
of symptoms, string them together, and give the
whole thing a name which is then called a
Did I say
“curious?” Well yes, but I might add,
disconcerting, irresponsible, self-serving,
exclusionary and just plain wrong! Once the
western medical monopoly names a symptom a
disease, they have made a major effort and taken
a major step toward baring the door for all
other adjunctive and alternative medical
professions from getting involved in its
prevention and drug-free treatment.
example, a recent article published in the New
York Daily News suggests that a UK woman, Kasia
Beaver, 33, suffers from a rare or a medically
exclusive condition called exercise-induced
angioedema or EIA. When Kasia exercises she
breaks out in hives, her eyes swell shut and her
throat narrows whenever her heart beats too
All of Kasia Beaver’s symptoms
are the result of an acidic diet and poor
elimination from her own metabolic and dietary
acidic waste products. When excessive metabolic
and dietary acids are not eliminated through
urination, defecation or respiration because of
congestion or damage to the major elimination
organ systems then the body forces them out into
the connective and fatty tissues to be
eliminated through perspiration. When dietary
and metabolic acids are being eliminated through
the pores of the skin they can burn and cuase
redness, swelling, irritation and inflammation
to the skin. But the cause of her out-breaks is
NOT exercise! Exercise is moving dietary and
metabolic acids out of the connective and fatty
tissues via the pores of the skin to maintain
the delicate pH balance of the blood and other
body fluids. It is the natural process to
eliminate dietary and/or metabolic toxins or
acids through the urinary tract system, the
respiratory system and/or the bowels. When the
body is not properly hydrated with alkaline
fluids, or there is poor circulation and the
acidic waste products of diet, metabolism, the
environment and repspiration are NOT being
eliminated through urination or defecation then
the body pushes them out into the connective
tissues to be liminted via the lymphatic system
and pores of the skin. In fact, the skin is the
largest elimination organ of the body with 3,500
pores per square inch for the elimination of
acid waste. Because Kasia was chronically
dehydrated with poor blood and lymphatic
circulation, dietary and metabolic acids would
build-up in the connective tissues rather than
properly eliminated through urination or
defecaton. When Kasia would exercise she would
then sweat acids or urine out of the pores of
her skin that would burn and causes blisters or
hives. The following pictures of Kasia shows
how urinary acids have reddened and burnt her
skin through improper elimination. A more
truthful name for Kasia’s condition would be,
‘urinating through your skin dis-ease’.
Kasia Beaver suffers hives and swelling whenever her muscles
contract to push acids out through the proes of
the skin. Like all of us we are allergic to our
own waste products. Wronfully, doctors think
running could kill her. The facts are that
running is removing acids from diet and
metabolism that is killing her. She is being
marinated in her own acidic waste products
because of an acidic lfiestyle and diet.
The article
states that doctors told an English woman to
stop working out after a peculiar diagnosis:
exercise allergy. There was no questioning by
the doctors concerning the woman’s dietary and
lifestyle habits.
The doctors based their
diagnosis on symptoms rather than causes. A
more important question to ask a patient is,
‘What are you eating and what are you drinking
on a daily basis’? I lecture all over the world
and the first question I ask the audience is,
“how many in attendance believe that what you
think, what you drink and what you eat affects
your over-all health, energy and vitality?” It
never fails that over 90 percent of the people
in attendance raise their hands in confirmation
that lifestyle and diet affects the quality and
quantiy of their life.
Kasia Beaver,
33, breaks out in hives, her eyes swell shut and
her throat narrows because she suffers NOT from
a disease but she suffers from an acidic
lifestyle and diet! The doctors suggest and
prescribe a toxic acidic drug because they
believe wrongfully that running could kill her
when in realtiy her acidic lifestyle and diet is
killing her.
In the words of Virchow,
“Doctors prescribe drugs for which they know
little, for the human body for which they know
less, for diseases for which they know nothing
at all.”
Doctors are suggesting that only
a couple of people worldwide suffer from this
potentially fatal allergic reaction called
exercise-induced angioedema (EIA) and yet people
die everyday from the acids (lactic acidosis)
caused from over-acidic lifestyles and diets,
including over-exercise.
Beaver did not
experience her first exercise-induced attack
until she was in her early 20s, about 12 years
ago. When her eyes swelled up she thought it
might have been an allergic reaction to a new
toxic chemical laden eye shadow. But her eyes
stayed swollen for three days after she stopped
applying the toxic acidic eye shadow the
swelling went away. The important thing to
understand here is acid comes in many forms and
generally make-up is highly acidic as well as
perfumes, hair dyes, shampoos, conditioners,
moisturizers – just read the labels and you will
see how acidic.
condition makes it dangerous for her to run for
a bus or chase after one of her four children
because she suffers from, “I eat too much acidic
food and drink dis-ease’!
One day after
exercising, Beaver’s mother was so troubled by
her appearance that she rushed her to the
hospital. She saw several doctors who could not
find what was wrong with her.
But her
attacks grew more severe and more frequent.
Why? Because the doctors were addressing the
symptoms NOT the dis-ease caused by a build-up
of tissue acidosis.
“It took me
years to realize that exercise was the trigger,”
she said.
Finally, a
specialist diagnosed Beaver with EIA, according
to ABC News.
“It was a
relief in a way because I could put a name to
it,” she said. “I wasn’t going mad. I’d been
tested for all sorts over the years. I thought
it could be hay fever, a blocked tear duct or
sweat gland.”
Now Beaver
takes medicine called ketotifen, an
antihistamine, that is treating the symptoms and
NOT the cause of her dis-Ease – an acidic
lifestyle and diet. The
antihistamine only covers-up the symptoms of her
true condition, ‘I eat too much acidic crap
To further
illustrate my point, I was recently at a
compounding pharmacy having my bone mineral
density measured to update my health stats. I
spotted a poster touting a new drug for
osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. It was written
by a drug company and it said exactly this:
is a disease that causes weak and fragile
bones.” Then, the poster went on to say that you
need a particular drug to counteract this
“disease”. Yet the language is all backwards.
Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and
osteoporosis isn’t a disease that causes weak
joints, weak bones, weak tissues and weak
organs. Rheumatoid arthritis is the name given
to a “diagnosis” of inflammation and
degeneration of the joints, tissues and organs.
But rheumatoid arthritis does not come from
inflamed and degenerative joints. And inflamed
and degenerative joints do not come from
rheumatoid arthritis. The inflammation and
degeneration of the joints are the direct and
indirect result of excess dietary and/or
metabolic acidity. But then they follow it up
with the fancy diagnosis of rheumatoid
arthritis. Just the name sounds scary. The drug
companies and their marketing makes it sound
like rheumatoid arthritis strikes first, and
then you get inflamed and degenerative joints,
tissues and organs. The cause and effect is all
backwards. And that’s how drug companies want
people to think about dis-eases and symptoms:
first you “get” the dis-ease, and then you are
“diagnosed” just in time to take a new drug for
the rest of your life. And, of course, you have
to keep going back to the doctor for a visit to
renew the prescription. But it’s all hogwash.
There is no such disease as rheumatoid
arthritis, osteoarthritis or osteoporosis. It’s
just a made-up name given to a pattern of
symptoms that indicates you are over-acid which
causes your joints, tissues and organs to become
weak, fragile, and inflamed.
As another
example, when a person follows an unhealthy
lifestyle that results in a symptom such as high
blood pressure, that symptom is actually being
assumed to be a disease all by itself. Then, it
is given a disease name. What disease? The
dis-ease is, of course, is “hypertension” or
“high blood pressure.” Doctors throw this phrase
around as if it were an actual dis-ease and not
merely descriptive of patient physiology.
This may all
seem silly, right? But there’s actually a very
important point to all this. When we look at
symptoms and give them disease names, we
automatically distort the selection of available
treatments for such a dis-ease.
If the
dis-ease is, by itself, hypercholesterolemia or
high cholesterol, then the cure for the dis-ease
must be nothing other than lowering the high
cholesterol. And that’s how we end up with all
these pharmaceuticals treating high cholesterol
in order to “prevent” this dis-ease and lower
the levels of LDL cholesterol in the human
patient. By lowering only the cholesterol, the
doctor can rest assured that he is, in fact,
treating this “disease,” since the definition of
this “disease” is hypercholesterolemia or high
cholesterol and nothing else.
But there is
a fatal flaw in this approach to disease
treatment: the symptom is not the cause of the
dis-ease. There is another cause, and this
deeper cause is routinely ignored by
conventional medicine, doctors, drug companies,
and even patients. Let’s take a closer look at
hypertension or high blood pressure.
What actually
causes high blood pressure?
Many doctors
would say high blood pressure is caused by a
specific, measurable interaction between
circulating chemicals in the human body. Thus,
the ill-behaved chemical compounds are the cause
of the high blood pressure, and therefore the
solution is to regulate these chemicals. That’s
exactly what pharmaceuticals do. They attempt to
manipulate the chemicals in the body to adjust
the symptoms of high blood pressure. Thus, they
only treat the symptoms, not the root cause. Or
take a look at high cholesterol. The
conventional medicine approach says that high
cholesterol is caused by a chemical imbalance in
the liver which is the organ that produces
cholesterol. Thus the treatment for high
cholesterol is a prescription drug that inhibits
the liver’s production of cholesterol (statin
drugs). Upon taking these drugs, the high
cholesterol (the “disease”) is regulated.
But what was
causing the liver to overproduce cholesterol in
the first place?
causative factor remains ignored and
unaddressed. The base cause or the root cause of
high cholesterol, as it turns out, is primarily
an over-acidic lifestyle and diet. A person who
lives an acidic life is a person who frequently
eats foods that are acidic that will inevitably
cause the body to go into preservation mode and
produce more cholesterol to neutralize the
excess acid thus showing the symptoms of this
so-called dis-ease of high cholesterol. Its
simple cause and effect.
If you eat
the wrong foods and don’t exercise, you will
produce too much acid which can cause the body
to release cholesterol from the liver to bind up
that dietary and/or metabolic acid which can be
detected and diagnosed by conventional medical
You see, it
is not the cholesterol that is bad. It is the
acid-producing food we eat and the lack of
exercise that is bad. Reduce the acid-producing
foods like beef, chicken, pork, dairy, coffee,
tea, soda pops, alcohol, etc. and start
exercising every day and you will reduce the
protective cholesterol that is saving your life
from dietary acids that are not being properly
eliminated through the four channels of
So, the root
cause of all disease, inflammation,
degeneration, the increase of blood plasma
antibodies or increase blood plasma LDL
cholesterol is actually poor lifestyle and food
choice, not some bizarre behavior by the liver.
If the disease were to be accurately named,
then, it would be called “Acidic Lifestyle and
Food Choice Dis-Ease”, or simply ALFCD. ALFCD
would be a far more accurate name that would
make sense to most people. If it’s an acidic
lifestyle and foods choice dis-ease, then it
seems that the obvious solution to the dis-ease
would be to choose a lifestyle and foods that
aren’t so acidic.
Of course,
that may be a bit of simplification since you
have to distinguish between healthy alkaline
lifestyles and foods and unhealthy acidic
lifestyle and foods. But at least the name ALFCD
gives patients a better idea of what’s actually
going on rather than naming the dis-ease after a
symptom such as hypercholesterolemia or
rheumatoid arthritis or even cancer.
The symptom
is not the dis-ease, but conventional medicine
insists on calling the symptom the dis-ease
because that way it can treat the symptom and
claim success without actually addressing the
underlying cause which somehow remains a mystery
to modern medicine. But let’s move on to some
other dis-eases so you get a clearer picture of
how this actually works.
dis-ease that’s caused by poor lifestyle and
acidic food choice is diabetes. Type 2 diabetes
is the natural physiological and metabolic
result of a person consuming refined
carbohydrates and added sugars in large
quantities, undigested proteins from beef,
chicken, and pork without engaging in regular
physical exercise that would compensate for such
dietary practices. The name “diabetes” is
meaningless to the average person. The disease
should be called “Excessive Acid Dis-Ease”, or
If diabetes
Type I or Type II were called “Excessive Acid
Dis-ease”, the solution to it would be rather
apparent; simply eat less sugar, eliminate all
animal proteins, eggs, dairy, drink fewer soft
drinks, and be sure to exercise, rest, etc. But,
of course, that would be far too simple for the
medical community. So the dis-ease must be given
a complex name such as Type I or Type II
diabetes that puts its solution or cure out of
the reach of the average patient.
dis-ease that is named after its symptom is
cancer. In fact, to this day, most doctors and
many patients still believe that cancer is a
physical thing: a tumor. In reality, a tumor is
the solution of cancer, not its cause. A tumor
is simply a physical manifestation of bound up
acidic cells so they do not spoil other healthy
cells. The tumor is the solution to cells
damaged by dietary and/or metabolic acids, not
the problem.
The truth is
cancer is not a cell but an acidic poisonous
liquid. When a person “has cancer”, what they
really have is cancerous tissues or “latent
tissue acidosis”. They are absorbing their own
acidic urine. That would be a far better name
for the cancer dis-ease: Cancerous Tissue
Dis-Ease (CTD) or “Latent Tissue Acidosis” or
If cancer
were actually called “Latent Tissue Acidosis”,
it would seem ridiculous to try to cure cancer
by cutting out tumors through surgery and by
destroying the immune or janitorial system with
chemotherapy. And yet these are precisely the
most popular treatments for cancer offered by
conventional medicine. These treatments do
absolutely nothing to support the patients
immune system and prevent the build up of acids
in the tissues.
exactly why most people who undergo chemotherapy
or the removal of tumors through surgical
procedures end up with more cancerous tumors a
few months or a few years later. It’s also
another reason why survival rates of cancer have
barely budged over the last twenty years.
(In other
words, conventional medicine’s treatments for
cancer simply don’t work).
Bottom line,
the main reason treatment doesn’t work is that
current medical science wrongly perceives cancer
as a cell when in reality cancer is an acidic
poisonous liquid, like lactic acid or uric acid.
A good part of this situation stems from the
fact that the dis-ease is misnamed “cancer” to
begin with. But it isn’t a tumor and it
certainly isn’t a dis-ease caused by having an
immune system which is too strong and that needs
to be destroyed through chemotherapy. It is
simply “latent tissue acidosis”. And if it were
called “latent tissue acidosis dis-ease” or
“urine-in-the-tissues dis-ease”, the effective
treatment for cancer would be apparent.
There are many other dis-eases that are given
misleading names by western medicine. But if you
look around the world and take a look at how
dis-eases are named elsewhere, you will find
many countries have dis-ease names that actually
make sense.
For example, in Chinese
medicine, Alzheimer’s dis-ease is given a name
that means, when translated, “feeble mind
disease”. In Chinese medicine, the name of the
dis-ease more accurately describes the actual
cause of the dis-ease which is caused by acids
or urine on the brain, whereas in western
medicine, the name of the dis-ease seems to be
intended to obscure the root cause of the
dis-ease, thereby making all dis-eases sound far
more complex and mysterious than they really
are. This is one way in which doctors and
practitioners of western medicine keep medical
treatments out of the reach of the average
person. Because, good Heavens, they sure don’t
want people thinking for themselves about the
true causes of dis-ease!
By creating a
whole new vocabulary for medical conditions,
doctors can speak their own secret language and
make sure that people who aren’t schooled in
medicine don’t understand what they’re saying.
That’s a shame, because the treatments and cures
for virtually all chronic dis-eases are actually
quite simple and can be described in plain
language: They include making different alkaline
food choices, getting more natural sunlight,
drinking more alkaline water, engaging in
regular physical exercise, avoiding specific
acidic foods, supplementing our diet with green
foods and green drinks, alkalizing nutritional
supplements, and so on.
Western medicine
prefers to describe dis-eases in terms of
chemistry. When you’re depressed, you aren’t
suffering from a lack of natural sunlight; you
are suffering from a “brain chemistry imbalance”
that can only be regulated, they claim, by
ingesting toxic chemicals to alter your brain
When your bones are brittle,
it’s not “acidic brittle bones dis-ease”; it’s
called osteoporosis, something that sounds very
technical and complicated. Or when your joints
are inflamed and degeneration, it’s not called
“acidic connective tissue disease or “i absorb
my own urine disease”, it’s called rheumatoid
arthritis. And to treat all of these acidic
conditions, western doctors and physicians will
give you prescriptions for expensive drugs that
somehow claim to make your bones less brittle or
use acidic steroids to make your joints less
inflamed. But in fact, the real treatment for
these acidic symptomologies can be described in
plain language once again: regular physical
exercise, vitamin D supplementation, mineral
supplements that include sodium, magnesium and
strontium, natural sunlight, and avoidance of
acidic foods such as soft drinks, white flour,
added sugars, dairy products that increase
lactose and lactic acid in the tissues and of
course all animal proteins which release the
poisonous acids of nitric, uric, sulphuric and
phosphoric acid into the blood and connective
tissues. All of these acids, if not eliminated
through the four channels of elimination can
only lead to one thing – acidic chronic
inflammation and then degeneration of the
connective tissues.
In fact, virtually
every dis-ease that is prominent in modern
society—diabetes, heart disease, cancer,
osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis,
osteoporosis, clinical depression, irritable
bowel syndrome and so on—can be easily described
in plain language without using complex terms at
These dis-eases are simply misnamed.
And I believe that they are intentionally
misnamed to put the jargon out of reach of
everyday people. As a result, there’s a great
deal of arrogance in the language of western
medicine. This arrogance furthers the language
of separation. Separation never results in
In order to effect healing, we
must bring together the language of healers and
patients using plain language that real people
understand and upon which real people can act.
We need to start describing dis-eases in terms
of their root causes, not in terms of their
arcane, biochemical actions. When someone
suffers from seasonal affective disorder or
clinical depression, for example, let’s call it
what it is: Sunlight Deficiency Disorder. To
treat it, the person simply needs to get more
sunlight. This isn’t rocket science, it’s not
complex, and it doesn’t require a prescription.
If someone is suffering from rheumatoid
arthritis, let’s get realistic about the words
we use to describe the condition: it’s really
Acidic Connective Joint and Tissue Dis-ease. And
it should be treated with things that will
reduce the acids that cause inflammation and
degeneration, such as nutrition, physical
exercise and avoidance of acidic foods and
drinks that strip away bone mass, cause
inflammation and degeneration from the human
body to neutralize the excess acids in the blood
and then joints, tissues and organs.
of this information, of course, is rather
shocking to old-school doctors and practitioners
of western medicine. And unfortunately, the
bigger their egos and insecurity, the more they
dislike the idea of naming dis-eases in plain
language that patients can actually comprehend.
That’s because if the simple truths about
dis-eases and their causes were known, health
would be more readily available to everyday
people, and that would lessen the importance of
physicians and medical researchers. There’s a
great deal of ego invested in the medical
community, and they sure don’t want to make
sound health attainable to the average person
without their expert advice.
Many doctors
want to serve as the translators of “truth” and
will balk at any attempts to educate the public
to either practice medicine on their own. But in
reality, health (and a connection with spirit)
is attainable by every single person that
resides on planet earth.
Health is easy,
it is straightforward, it is direct and, for the
most part, it is available free of charge. A
personal connection with our Creator is the same
if we ask humbly in prayer for a relationship
with Him, and guidance.
Don’t believe the
names of dis-eases given to you by your doctor,
including ‘exercise-induced angioedemia.’ Those
names are designed to obscure, not to inform.
They are designed to separate you from
self-healing, not to put you in touch with your
own inner healer. And thus, they are nothing
more than bad medicine masquerading as modern
medical practice.
In conclusion, all
allergies are caused from acidic lifestyle and
dietary choices and NOT from daily exercise.
Exercise does NOT KILL – dietary, metabolic,
environmental and respiratory acids kill. And
finally, if you do NOT take time for daily
exercise you will be forced to make time to DIE!
To learn
more about an alkalizing lifestyle and diet read
the pH Miracle Revised and Updated by Dr. Robert
O. Young and Shelley Redford Young or go to our
website at:
Magnesium - The Miracle Mineral
Magnesium chloride is the
miracle mineral for improving inflammation, circulation
and elimination.
Magnesium chloride regulates
body temperature to providing increased amounts of
calcium in the following nuclear transformation
equation: Mg + O = Ca.
Citric acid or Vitamin C is
a waste product and a mycotoxin or acid from mold.
The only benefit of taking vitamin C is to break
down undigested animal proteins in the nine yards of
the intestines. To take vitamin C long term will
cause damage to the intestinal vill or root system
of the small intestine. This will impact the
production of healthy stem cells that become the new
red and white blood cells and then the new body
Stop taking vitamin C, it is
toxic to the body in high doses and start taking
alkalizing magnesium chloride which will help to
reduce and eliminate inflammation and improve
circulation and elimination.
1. The birth control pill is proven
to disrupt optimal and natural mate
selection. A great way to hook up with
Mr. Wrong.
2. Tylenol is
the #1
cause of liver failure in North America.
3. Aspirin
increases bleeding in the brain and
ulceration of the intestinal track.
Bayer Aspirin is from Bayer of
course and Bayer used to be called
IG Farben, the company who ran all
concentration camps in WW II Germany
and produced the chemicals for the
eugenic extermination. They're still
at it again with the "aspirin a day"
4. Alcohol
acts like sugar and has a molecular
size so small it can enter the blood
stream through the stomach lining,
making it very effective at spiking
blood sugar levels and causing sugar
based metabolic havoc faster than
anything else measured.
5. When rats
are given a choice between cocaine
and sugar, in a stressed
environment, they always become
addicted to sugar. When the
environment is not stressed, they
become addicted to neither. This is
why the ruling elite have always
ruled by fear plus hand fed
addictive substances to the slave
class, to keep them sedated to their
pain and to keep them too confused
to do anything about it.
6. The
studies that are promoted to
encourage the population to consume
red wine, were never done on alcohol
based wine and only had to do with
the anti oxidant properties found in
the grape, as alcohol would destroy
any health benefits associated with
the grape seed or skin.
7. Vitamin C
has a half life of only 1 minute so
when you produce juice from live
vegetables and fruits, drink it
right away to maximize the benefits.
8. Teflon
pans eventually lose their non stick
coating. That non sticking coating
went partly into the food being
cooked and this chemical is tied
directly to cancer. The rest went
down the sink, to poison your water
supply with this cancer causing
Mineral-less waters like reverse
osmosis, distilled, Aqua Fina and
Dasani can act like a reverse
osmosis system in your body, sucking
valuable minerals out of the cells
and tissues, leaving the body less
able to maintain a healthy
homeostasis. Good for short term
detox. Not so good for long term
10. The body
is insulin sensitive in the morning,
meaning it will inject more insulin
into the blood stream (per gram of
blood sugar) as compared to any
other time of the day. This means
that a high carb/sugar selection in
the morning holds the most fat
storing potential, as compared to
consuming that same selection at any
other time in the day. Insulin is a
fat storing hormone. Keep fast
acting carb/sugar selections minimal
or absent during the morning, to
maximize the lean body effect.
These words were spoken
at the Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C.
by an Intelligent,
Honest and Fearless Doctor - in 1880.
"I hold these truths
to be self-evident, or, at least,
susceptible of positive proof and absolute
demonstration: That the doctrines and
theories commonly entertained among men, and
taught in medical schools and books, and
practiced by the great body of the medical
profession, and which constitute the
so-called "Science of Medicine" and on which
the popular practice of the so-called
"Healing Art" is predicated, are untrue in
philosophy, absurd in science, in opposition
to Nature, and in direct conflict with every
law of the vital organism; and that these
are the reasons, and the only reasons, why
medical science does not progress as do all
other sciences; why success in the healing
art bears no due relation to the advancement
of all of the collateral sciences, and to
the progress of intelligence among mankind;
why medical theories are ever changing; why
all of its assumed principles are in
controversy; its hypotheses in dispute, why
its fundamental rules and primary premises
are wholly overlooked or misunderstood; and
why its application to the cure of disease
and the preservation of health is so
uncertain, so dangerous, often so fatal, and
on the whole, so vastly more injurious than
useful to the world."
And this doctor knew
the fallacy of "modern Medicine" 140 years
Their title is
totally misleading. There is nothing German
about this form of healing, other than that
Dr. Hamer is a German.
They use their own
new and unknown vocabulary for many concepts
in their program, making it extra difficult
to understand their theory.
Apparently Dr.
Hamer believes in evolution, which is bound
to distort anyone's research on any subject.
They refer often to
the "psyche," which in creationist/biblical
terminology is actually the "spirit" in man,
where all knowledge and emotions are stored.
There is no online
track record of healing testimonials or
stories - after 35 years.
They do correctly
acknowledge that there are no
disease-causing viruses.
They also correctly
acknowledge that recurring disease may be
caused by emotional trauma. But they fail to
acknowledge the use of EFT (Emotional
Freedom Technique,) though ironically many
of their followers admit to using.
They do not
acknowledge the benefits of alkalinity, or
any of the alkaline researchers down through
history, including the famous German
scientist, Dr.
Otto Warburg, who won the Nobel Peace Prize
for his oxygen and alkalinity discoveries.
Nor do they
acknowledge the tremendous track records of
those patients who have alkalized and
resolved just about every disease known to
Like most other
health researchers, the subject of the
stomach is misunderstood, claiming acid is
necessary to digest food.
They specifically
state that "the theory that
a low pH level causes
cancer or any other disease is invalid."
And, "...preventing cancer (or any
other disease) through diet is impossible
because even a healthy diet cannot stop
conflicts from occurring."
The only redeeming
value of the extensive NGM information
presented by
Markolin, Ph.D. is the concept of
emotional issues being the real culprit on
many diseases, including recurring diseases
and those normally blamed on viruses (like
This information is provided for
educational use only. It is not provided in order to diagnose,
prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition
of the body. Responsibility nor liability will be incurred to
any person or entity with respect to any loss, damage, or
injury caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly
by the information contained above. Consult your health care
professional if necessary.