All Other Degenerative Diseases
This Site 
There are only three causes of cancer:
Standard American Diet (which is totally acidic.)
Outside poisons (toxins, smoking, wireless radiation,
improper dental procedures, mammograms, chemo and radiation
trearments, and
Unresolved emotional issues
here and
here and
here and
here and
Read this
scientific paper from Dr. Robert O. Young.
Ivermectin success stories. But,
read this first.
Read about high dosage melatonin for cancer.
Also here.
the success stories and testimonials of the plant based food/alkaline
Here and
and Here
Here and
Here and
Here and
Here and
Here and
Here and
Here and
Here and
Here and
Here and
Here and
Here and
Here and
Here and
Here and
Here, and
Here and
Here (on Facebook). Read how these people successfully
treated their cancers with similar diets
Here and
Here. Read Internet search sites
Here and
Dr. Young's links
here and
here and
Read about MasterPeace Zeolite here.
Read EVERYTHING on our
Watch this
video on biofeedback with Kerry Cassiday. And
Learn about the
Borax/Boron conspiracy
Read what
C.O.W.S. stands for.
Watch this
Dr. Young
and also this
Watch Dr. Mick Hall's video
and here.
Cancer: The Forbidden Cures.
here to determine if you actually have cancer. Biopsies
are not the only way to go.
Read how the cancer industry
"looses track of cured cancer
is not something you get. It is something you do
(every time
you eat a predominance of acidic foods and beverages.) Cancer
is not a noun but an adjective that describes what is
happening to body cells in an acidic environment due to an
acidic lifestyle and diet.
Stop doing
grows only in an acidic environment, not an alkaline
environment, by Dr. Robert O. Young.
his latest video here.
Turn your body alkaline by eating 80% alkaline foods
and 20% acidic foods. Most people eat the exact opposite.
Read how people have tried
cannabis CBD oil (THC free) in conjunction with an
alkaline diet. And here.
Read the
Do's and Don'ts of the Alkaline Diet.
How to Measure Your pH.
Watch Dr. Young's video on nano bots.
Take these steps, too. Dr. Young says, "The saliva pH is
an indication of alkali reserves in the alkalophile glands and
the urine pH is an indication of the pH of the fluids that
surround the cells or the Pishinger’s space."
Address your emotions that can cause your body to
become acidic, which in turn can lead to numerous types of ailments
and disease.
Alkalizing Nutritional Therapy in the Prevention and Reversal
of any Cancerous Condition. (Slow to load.)
Read the FREE book,
The Alkaline Diet and Lifestyle.
Dr. Young's Books and
Read 25 Cancerous Causing Acidic Foods.
Read the
36 Top Alkaline Myths.
Alkalizing Nutritional Therapy in the Prevention and Reversal
of any Cancerous Condition.
Why An Alkaline Approach Can Successfully Treat Cancer -
Check out our section on the herb
artemisia, used in conjunction with alkalinity.
Watch the
Root Cause
movie. Read
Here and
(on Facebook) and buy it
Here. The three dental organizations have banned it.
Independent thinking dentists endorse it.
cured in 3 minutes.
Prostate Cancer Protocol. And
watch this video.
DMSO dosages for cancer. And
here and
Frankincense and DMSO for cancer.
Free DMSO book here.
Books on DMSO and Cancer
Books on Hydrogen Peroxide and Cancer
Prefer an alternative cancer treatment center instead?
Check this one out.
these videos.
Check out Dr. Lodi and
Dr. Sebi (and
here) and Dr. Kelly
Dr. L Wilson provides a
different cancer approach.
Watch these
YouTube videos on Rife and breast cancer.
Read about the
Therapy and it's
10 glasses of juicing per day regimine (that is almost
impossible for just one person to achieve.) Read about the
dangers of their recommended coffee enemas by Dr. Robert
O. Young. Check out the
scarcity of cancer testimonial healings (since the
Read about EFT and cancer
Read about a prostate cancer diet
Watch this video about chlorine dioxide
here and
Read about
castor oil treatment here.
Read about
akaline cancer treatment markers here.
Watch this video on
dosage ozone treatments. And
here. And
here. And
here. Read the
testimonials here.
Read about the Bengston Research Healing Method
Read these
Testimonials from Using the Tenns Machines
for Pain.
Finally, read Dr. Youngs most thorough analysis of
what is really wrong and what the body needs.
This information is provided for
educational use only. It is not provided in order to diagnose,
prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition
of the body. Responsibility nor liability will be incurred to
any person or entity with respect to any loss, damage, or
injury caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly
by the information contained above. Consult your health care
professional if necessary.

is one of the leading health problems of our day. Ten
thousand people needlessly die of cancer every week. The
cancer rate is expected to rise
by 70% by the year 2035. Most
oncologists will never tell you that there are 350 ways
to treat cancer, one of which is to simply change your
diet. Instead, they immediately suggest
surgery, radiation and chemotherapy (although 75%
of them would never do chemotherapy themselves)
— all choices of
last resort, depending on the severity and progression
of the cancer.
you study all of the non-allopathic theories on cancer, you will find
that they all fall into two basic groups:
who believe that cancer is something you "get," caused
primarily by either mysterious toxins that have invaded your body, or a
"lack" of one or more nutrients that require a
special treatment or protocol to overcome.
distorted and undocumented webpage concerning Dr. Otto Warburg's
Nobel Peace Prize discovery of cancer not being able to survive in
alkaline environment (sugar free) can be found here.
who believe that if your body becomes too acidic, by eating too much
acidic foods (especially sugar,) you become a
breeding ground for whatever disease happens to develop, one of
which may be cancer. Environment, food, vaccine and water toxins may also play a part in this.
The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded in 1931 (and
recommend the second theory. Why? Because when people change their
lifestyle and become alkaline, their problems tend to vanish. You don't
need scientific studies to prove it. See the success stories at the
top of the page.
Many pH
articles are available
the biggest obstacle people have in understanding cancer treatment is
why their local doctor isn't telling them these things. I would advise
reading the history
of medical research and drug companies for a thorough understanding
of the cancer situation today.
of our readers have written to thank us for providing
these links, which were life-saving to them. If you've
had experience with any alternative treatments, please
let us know. Be
sure to read all of the books, watch all of the videos and read all of
the articles below.
cause of cancer was discovered by Otto Heinrich Warburg
in 1923. Protection from this fatal disease is very
Very small number of people in the world know
about this, because this truth is unfortunately hidden
from the public.
In the year
1931. German scientist Otto Heinrich Warburg (1883.
-1970. ) received the Nobel Prize for finding the root
cause of cancer. Dr. Warburg discovered that cancer is
the result of an anti-physiological lifestyle.
anti-physiological diet (mostly acidic food) and
physical inactivity the body creates an acidic
environment poorly supplied with oxygen.
Cellular acidity
squeezes oxygen, and the lack of oxygen in the cells
creates an acidic environment.
Dr. Warburg
said: "Lack of oxygen and acidity are two sides of the
same medal: if one has one, he has the other".
If you have too
much acidity, you will automatically lack oxygen in your
body; if you lack oxygen you will have an acidic
organism. An acid environment is an oxygen-free
"If you take
away 35% of its oxygen from a healthy cell, you can turn
it into a cancer cell in just two days," claimed the dr.
"All normal
cells have an absolute need for oxygen, but tumor cells
can live without it. That's a rule without exceptions".
Tumor tissues
are acidic, while healthy are alkaline.
In his work
"Tumor metabolism", dr. Warburg has shown that all
cancerous forms meet two fundamental conditions: blood
acidity and hypoxia (oxygen deficiency).
He found that
tumor cells are anaerobic (they do not breathe oxygen)
and that they could not survive in the presence of high
concentrations of oxygen.
Tumor cells can
survive only with glucose and in an environment without
cancer is nothing but a defense mechanism, which our
cells use to survive in an acidic environment without
the presence of oxygen.
Healthy cells
live in an alkaline environment full of oxygen, which
allows them to function normally. Tumor cells live in an
acidic environment with low oxygen.
The acidity and
alkalinity of the organism depends on food
After the
digestive process is completed, the food, depending on
its nutritional profile, creates conditions of acidity
or alkalinity in the body.
Simply put, the
organism's alkalinity depends on what we eat.
The acid or
alkaline state is measured on a PH scale from 0 to 14,
where 7 is a neutral zone. 0 to 7 is sour and 7 to 14 is
Our cells, in
order to function successfully, need to have a slightly
alkaline pH of slightly above 7.
In a healthy
individual, the pH of blood is between 7.40 and 7.45.
Blood is
constantly regulating itself so that it does not fall
into metabolic acidity.
However, some
foods acidify the blood and contaminate the body.
Foods that
acidify the body:
Refined sugar
and all its derivatives. It is the worst of all, because
there are no proteins, fats, vitamins or minerals, only
refined carbohydrates, which harm the pancreas. His pH
is 2.1 (very acidic).
Products of
animal origin - milk and cheeses, cream, yogurt, etc.
Refined flour
and all its derivatives such as pasta, cakes, biscuits,
All industrial
processed and canned food, containing preservatives,
artificial colors, flavors, stabilizers, etc.
Antibiotics and
all medicines in general
All raw
vegetables. Someone is sour in taste, but in the body it
changes and becomes alkaline.
Fruit. For
example, a lemon inside the body has a very high level
of alkalinity. (Don't be fooled by its very sour taste).
Almond. They are
very alkaline.
Whole grains:
the only alkalizing grain is millet. All the other
cereals are slightly acidic, but the ideal diet needs a
certain percentage of acidity so it's good to eat some
cereals. All cereals must be eaten cooked.
Honey has a very
high alkalinity.
Green plants contain chlorophyll which is very alkaline.
Water. It is
important for oxygen production. Always stay well
hydrated, drink water in small sips throughout the day.
Working out.
Exercises help maintain the alkalinity of the body
because they give oxygen to the whole body. Sedentary
lifestyle is ruining life.
doesn't cure but exacerbates the acidity of the body
acidifies the body to the extent that it has to reach
for the organism's alkaline reserves, in order to
neutralize the acidity by sacrificing minerals (calcium,
magnesium, potassium) embedded in bones, teeth, limbs,
nails and hair.
For this reason
we notice changes in people receiving chemotherapy,
among other things hair loss.
Other medicines
also aggravate the acidity of the body, so it is good to
avoid them as much as possible.
As emphasized,
it is completely impossible for cancer to appear in a
person who eats healthy, drinks plenty of clean water
and exercises.
To eat right,
ensure yourself 60% alkaline diet and avoid mostly
acidic products such as soda, sweets, fast food.
Do not abuse
salt and use it as little as possible.
If you are ill,
it is ideal for your diet to be 80% alkaline.
If you have
cancer, the advice is to alkalize your body as much as
possible. You can achieve this with diet, exercise,
avoiding stress and an extra intake of chlorophyll.
"All so-called
natural deaths are nothing but the terminal point of the
body's saturation with acidity," said George W. Crile,
from Cleveland, one of the most renowned surgeons in the
"The countless
names of diseases are not important, but the fact that
they all derive from the basic cause: too much acidity
in the body. " - Dr. Theodore A. Baroody, the book
"Alkalize or Die" ("Alcalize or Die"):
acidity of the organism is the cause of all degenerative
diseases. If a balance disorder occurs and the body
begins to store acidity and toxins in a greater extent
than it can excrete, then diseases occur".



Cancer Cured in 3 Minutes - Awesome Presentation by
Gregg Braden.
Old Girl Raises PH levels And Shrinks Cancer Tumors By 75 %
With Diet
Cancer Causing Products in the Average Home
17 Anti-Vaccination Celebrities
Acidic Cancerous Symptomologies of the BREAST TISSUES
24 Cancerous Causing Acidic Foods and Beverages
Americans Eat Every Day! - Dr. Robert O. Young.
25 Cancerous Causing Acidic Foods and Beverages
Americans Eat Every Day!
- Dr. Robert O. Young.
36 Top Alkaline Myths
Of Physicians in The World Refuse Chemotherapy for Themselves
98 Million Americans Given Cancer Virus Through Polio
People Who Cured Their Cancer Naturally
Cancer Advances That Actually Make Cancer Worse
Acids - Metabolic and Dietary Acids are the Fuse
that Ignites Inflammation that Causes Cancer!
Acid vs Alkaline - By Dr. Robert O. Young.
& Cancer
Alkaline Water - Why you shouldn't drink it, by Dr.
Nutritional Therapy in the Prevention and Reversal of any
Cancerous Condition - By Dr. Robert O. Young.
vs Allopathic
Alternative Cancer Cures History
Aloe Vera - Cancer treatment.
Artemisia - Cancer treatment and
here on Facebook.
Artemisia Success Stories - And protocol and
information on concentrated forms. Works on animals,
Artemisinin in Cancer Treatment - Treatment protocol
by Dr. Narendra P. Sing. PDF.
Artemisinin Suppliers - On Amazon.
Artemisinin Video - What it is and how to use it, by
Dr. Saputo. Also
here and
here on YouTube.
Soda Information - See Sodium Bicarbonate.
Baking Soda Treatments - And other modalities.
Soda and Lemon - Works for everything.
Soda & Lemon Saves Lives
Baking Soda Protocol Treatment
Baking Soda Protocol - For cancer.
Baking Soda Protocol - For everything. Video. Dr.
Causes Cancer
Black Salve
Blood Cell Analysis - Live.
Brain Cancer Testimonial 1
- Using the alkaline diet.
Brain Cancer Testimonial 2 - Using the alkaline
- Time to ditch them.
Breast Cancer Fraud and Mammograms
Examinations 1
Examinations 2 - Thermography.
Examinations 4 - Mike Adams.
Examinations 5 - Doctors removing healthy breasts
Examinations 6 - Ultrasound Is Better Than Mammography for
Women With Symptoms of Possible Cancer.
Alkaline Diet Plans - For cancer.
- For
the ultimate cancer treatment.
Budwig Diet - Incluides some dairy and meat.
Calcium Supplements - Why you shouldn't take them.
Cannabis Oil - Hemp oil (CBD) used in conjunction
with an alkaline diet. No THC and legal in all 50
states. Also here and
Articles - From Natural News.
Cancer Compass
- Testimonials.
Cancer Cured in 3 Minutes - Gregg Braden.
Cancer Cured with Sound
Cure Suppression
Death Rate
Cancer Detection - Free! And
here on Facebook. NIDI, by Sari Grove. Click
here for the Grove Body Part Chart. Click
here for Sari Grove's books and an interview with
Budget Alkaline
Cancer Causes - “It is not possible to heal while in
the same environment that made you sick”.
& Oxygen
Cancer Research - Scam or Saviour? - Facebook page.
& Sugar
Testing - Oncoblot. Blood test tells what kind of cancer
you have.
30 - Dr. Coldwell: The only answer to cancer - video.
Cancer Survivor Testimony - Dr. Robert O. Young.
Cancer Therapies - Dr. Wilson's advice.
- Vitamin D Deficiency
Cancer Statistics - A $124.6 billion dollar
CBD Papers
- On cancer treatment.
Phone Cancer
Phone Cooking
Phone Radiation Solution
Phone Tumors
for Breast Cancer - An essential oil.
Chemo Kills Up to 51% in 30 Days
Chemo Spreads Cancer
Actually Increases Cancer Growth
Makes Cancer Far Worse
Chemotherapy Dangers - And radiation.
and Radiation Dangers - Why you should avoid them, by Dr.
James Howenstine, MD.
Doesn't Work 97% of the Time
Chemotherapy - 50% death rate.
Coffee Enema - Why you should never do them even if
they make you feel good. A
liver flush is much safer and effective.
Colon Cancer Cured with Alkaline Diet
3 Man Refuses Chemotherapy & Cures Himself With Vegan Diet
Colonoscopies Are Pointless
Colonoscopy Dangers - You can die from them. And
- A natural miracle sustance for pain and healing.
Free book
Leonard Coldwell's Cancer Diet
Dr. Otto Warburg - Awarded the 1931 Nobel Peace
Prize for discovering the link between cancer and
alkalinity (and sugar.)
Dr. Warburg's Research - Under the Nazi regime.
Dr. Otto Warburg - Analysis of Dr. Warburg's work by
Dr. Robert O. Young.
Dr. Otto Warburg - Analysis by Dr. Gabe Mirkin.
Dr. Robert O.
Young's New Website
& Cancer
Ensure - Why you should never drink it.
Ensure Ingredients
Essential Oils - Can treat cancer.
- Many benefits.
Genes and Cancer - And how they are affected by the
acidity of the body.
Hair Color Dyes
- Bad news.
by wheat grass: 74-year-old man with cancer told he would be
Hemp Cancer
Treatment - Dr. Young.
Hemp Oil
- IJuice CBD Hemp Oil with Frankincense Essential.
How Long Do You Want To Live?
Hydrogen Peroxide -
BODY? - Dr. Young.
Hyperbaric Success Stories - 222 of them.
- Great movie.
- Where all the acidic toxins are being stored, until
eliminated through the channels of elimination.
Keto Diet - Highly acidic.
Not recommended.
Live Blood Cell Analysis
for Medical Professionals - Excellent documentation.
vs Conventional Cancer Drugs
Lung Cancer and Cystic Fibrosis
Causes Cancer - From 1907.
Imaging - Dr. Robert O. Young.
Melanoma - Vitamin D lacking?
The Obesity- pH
Connection - Cancer testimonials.
- Blood test tells what kind of
Cancer - Women Rejects
Chemo & Overcomes Her Ovarian Cancer With Nutrition
& Ozone Therapies
Treatments 2 - Ozone and Hydrogen
Ozone Treatment
- High dosage.
Watch this video on
dosage ozone treatments. And
Cancer - It takes two decades to grow.
Food Chart -
Excellent PDF download.
Miracle for Cancer - CDs.
Miracle for Cancer - Book by Dr. Young.
Miracle Facebook Page - Many testimonials.
Miracle Living - Highly recommended
articles, newsletter, and treatments.
Miracle Testimonials
- Dr. Young's latest lecture at Harvard University.
Line Cancer
Probiotics - And antibiotics and enzymes.
And why you shouldn't take them long term.
Cancer 1
Cancer 7
Cancer 8
Cancer Treatment Choices - Dr. Mercola endorses pH
Cancer Hormone Treatment - Spreads cancer.
Cancer Prevention
Cancer Risk/Prevention
Cancer Tests
Cancer Vitamin
PSA Test Articles
Prostate Cancer Protocol. And
watch this video.
Cancer Testimonial 1 - Listen to this recording on
Cancer by
pin 41392 #
Cancer Testimonial 2 - Listen to this recording on
Cancer by Barbara
pin 49401 #
- Over the last 25 years.
Rick Simpson Oil
Rick Simpson cured his own skin cancer called 'Basal
Cell Carcinoma' USING 100% NATURAL THC
(TetraHydroCannabinol) CONTAINING HEMP OIL. On
Facebook. Click
here for YouTube.
Root Canal
- Disease relationship. Dr. Mercola video.
Cause - Facebook page.
Root Cause
movie. The relationship of root canals and cancer. Also
Here and
Here on YouTube for 3.99.
Root Cause
Movie - The dangers of root canal surgery. Watch for
discover exact mechanism for how broccoli and crucifers
fight deadly cancers.
Smart Meter Radiation - And its affect on your
Sodium Bicarbonate Treatment - Dr. Tullio Simoncini bio.
Bicarbonate Success Stories
Stomach - Does not digest food.
here. Also, he responds to
Dr. Mercola
Stomach - Dr. Youngs articles and videos on the
stomach and digestion.
- Even natural sugar is bad - Dr. Young.
Sugar - Is there a difference between natural and
processed? Dr. Young.
Sugar Cravings - A lack of salt? Dr. Young.
Causes Cancer
Sunscreen Cancer - When used in chlorinated water.
and Cancer - Lack of vitamin D.
Supplements - Here is a link to
order your alkaline salts.... green powder and
Water 1 - Why you shouldn't drink
Water 2 - List of Dr. Mercola
article links.
1 - A Google selection of
alternative treatment testimonial sites.
Testimonials 2 - All cured with an alkaline diet.
3 - All cured with other modalities.
Truth About Cancer
- Explores alternative
treatments, except for alkalinity. They promote the
theory that cancer is caused by toxins only. 15 hours long.
Truth About Cancer - A description of each episode of
their newly revised film. Their premise is that all cancer
comes from toxins or viruses, when in fact most cancer
comes from a lifetime of eating acidic foods. Curiously
missing is any mention of the alkaline protocol for
treating cancer and its significant track record.
Their distorted and undocumented webpage concerning Dr.
Otto Warburg's Nobel Peace Prize discovery of cancer not
being able to survive in alkaline environment (sugar free)
can be found here.
Imaging Videos
- The safe alternative to x-rays.
- Safe way to detect cancer and other
Tom Brady's Diet - Alikaline.
Uric Acid - Causes cancer.
- Toxic and acidic.
Virus Theory Debunked
- Dr. Young.
Viruses - Second thoughts by Dr. Robert O. Young.
C - Helpful or harmful?
Vitamin C - No proof that it works in cancer
Vitamin C - Why high dosages seem to work. It
produces hydrogen peroxide, which in turn helps
alkalize the body.
here. Read about
Hydrogen Peroxide.
D - Sunshine for congestive heart
failure and cancer.
D for Prostate Cancer
Vitamin D3
- Rat poison? And
here and
here and
and here.
Water - Dr. Young's articles on alkaline water.
Women Rejects Chemo & Overcomes Her Ovarian Cancer With Nutrition
Click to Enlarge
.jpg) |
.jpg) |
I have been known to
call vitamin C the urine acid of citrus
fruits. Vitamin C is an acid known as
ascorbic acid that when mixed into foods and
supplements must be chemically transformed
into esters to be consumable. Vitamin C is
destroyed by exposure to oxygen, metals,
light and heat…therefore one can surely
imagine what happens to it when it is
Vitamin C is
believed to be an antioxidant because
oxidants (acids) that are in the body will
oxidize (take electrons from) ascorbate
first before affecting the body’s proteins
and lipids. This leaves oxidized forms of
ascorbate. Oxidized ascorbate is believed to
be relatively stable and unreactive and is
believed notto cause cellular damage.
I have disagreed for
years and believe that over time a
cumulative affect of taking in vitamin C,
especially in unnatural and processed forms,
is harmful just like taking too many enzymes
(acids) too often and thereby tenderizing
yourself. The name ‘ascorbic’ comes from its
supposed property of preventing and curing
scurvy. The scientific name of vitamin C,
ascorbic acid, is derived from the Latin
name of scurvy, scorbutus. Scurvy leads to
the formation of liver spots on the skin,
spongy gums, and bleeding from all mucous
membranes. The spots are most abundant on
the thighs and legs, and a person with the
ailment looks pale, feels depressed, and is
partially immobilized.
Yet, these are all
symptoms of overacidity. In advanced scurvy,
there are open, suppurating wounds and loss
of teeth. Scurvy was at one time common
among sailors, pirates, and others who were
on ships that were out to sea longer than
perishable fruits and vegetables could be
stored and by soldiers who were similarly
separated from these foods for extended
Medical Science
believes that Scurvy results from lack of
Vitamin C, but I have gone on record to
disagree. I say that that scurvy is caused
by dehydration and a diet of dead and
animal-based foods causing
over-acidification of the blood and tissues
leading to cellular breakdown into bacteria,
yeast, and mold and the destruction of
microvilli in the small intestine much like
a rotting banana or piece of fruit getting
mushy with dark spots.
The Dutch writer,
Johann Bachstrom, in 1734, gave the firm
opinion that ‘scurvy is solely owing to a
total abstinence from fresh vegetable food,
and greens which is alone the primary cause
of the disease.’
While the earliest
documented case of scurvy was described by
Hippocrates around the year 400 BC, the
first attempt to give scientific basis for
the cause of this disease was by a ship’s
surgeon in the British Royal Navy, James
Lind. Again, it was well known that Scurvy
was common among those with little access to
fresh fruit and vegetables such as remote
and isolated sailors and soldiers.
While at sea in May
1747, Lind provided some crew members with
two oranges and one lemon per day, in
addition to normal rations, while others
continued on cider, vinegar, sulfuric acid
or seawater, along with their normal
rations. In the history of science this is
considered to be the first occurrence of a
controlled experiment comparing results on
two populations of a factor applied to one
group only with all other factors the same.
Lind published his
work in 1753 in his Treatise on Scurvy which
conclusively showed that citrus fruits
prevented the disease. NOTE: These were
whole natural and unprocessed fruits and
lemons that are alkalizing and mineral rich
as are limes which we will come to in a
It wasn’t the
vitamin C but rather the alkalinity,
minerals, and combination of natural
electrons which were operating. Citrus
fruits were one of the first sources of
vitamin C available to ship’s surgeons.
Lind’s work was slow to be noticed, partly
because he gave conflicting evidence within
the book, and partly because the British
admiralty saw care for the well-being of
crews as a sign of weakness.
Further, fresh fruit
was very expensive to keep on board, whereas
boiling it down to juice allowed easy
storage yet destroyed the vitamins and the
electrons (especially if boiled in copper
kettles). Ship captains assumed wrongly that
Lind’s suggestions didn’t work because those
juices failed to cure scurvy while not
realizing that they were cooked and
processed down and not in their natural
energetic electron rich form!
The source of
sickness and disease is the build up of
acidity and blockages, starting in the small
intestine, which is kind of lack clogging
the drain to the point of overflow (cold,
flu, etc).
Vitamin C produces
positive results because it breaks down
undigested matter (like chicken and pork) in
the digestive tract which improves digestion
and promotes elimination.
Human beings are
poisoning themselves with Vitamin C by
taking it in excess for everything.
It is totally
Again, it is like
taking an excess of enzymes (acids) and
tenderizing onesself. In my many years of
viewing people’s blood and understanding
their nutritional histories, I have never
recommended that a person needs to take
Vitamin C.
The only time I
would recommend it is for supporting the
bowel in severe congestive situations. If
you are using Liquid Vitamin C, you are
ingesting plenty and in a form that your
body can use without harm. Plus, you get
everything you need in terms of vitamin C by
eating the pH Miracle diet of mostly
vegetables, fats and low sugar fruits
wherein Vitamin C naturally occurs.
Not part of our
alkaline community? Join us at:

Doesn't Work 97% of the Time

The popular Keto diet consists of dairy and meat, both
highly acidic. |
Cure To Cancer Video Series
To Do After Cancer Diagnosis
Sexy Cancer
Brain and
Ovarian Cancer and the pH Miracle

Click on picture for
Here is a link to
order your alkaline salts.... green powder and
more... |
Acidic Cancerous Symptomologies of the BREAST TISSUES
that Women...
NOW MEN NEED to UNDERSTAND and Do Something About...
are always working hard to take care of their family,
friends and work. But they seldom have time to think
of or take care of themselves. Too often they ignore
some of their acidic symtomologies because they don't
think it's a big deal and don't take the time to get
their breasts examined once or twice a year via
non-radioactive thermography for breast physiology and
ultrasound for breast anatomy.
Though warning signs do not always mean a cancerous
condition, women and NOW men need to pay attention to
the followoing acidic symptomologies when they are
persistent and progressive. The following 20 cancerous
symptomologies that effect women and NOW men's breasts
are those worth bringing to your doctor or health care
professional's attention.
Breast Changes
If your nipple gets scaly or starts flaking, that
could indicate Paget’s disease of the nipple, which
is linked to an underlying cancerous condition in
about 95% of cases. Any milky or bloody nipple
discharge should also be checked out. In addition,
dimpling of the skin over the breast, particularly if
it looks like the skin on an orange is most often
linked to an acidic inflammatory cancerous condition
of the breast, a rare, usually aggressive cancerous
condition characterized also by swollen, hot, red
breasts. It is important to test the nipples using
thermography to see in their is any significant
temperature differences greater than 1 degree celcius.
Abnormal vaginal bleeding
Any bleeding, staining, little drops on your
underwear, or big clots are abnormal and should be
immediately evaluated by a health professional. Around
menopause, abnormal bleeding is often tied to shifts
in the endocrine system, though more serious problems
could be the cause, which is why all abnormal vaginal
bleeding should be checked.
Changes in vaginal discharge
Bloody, dark or smelly discharge is most likely a sign
of out-fection. It's best not to self-treat a
discharge with over-the-counter acidic medications. A
trans-vaginal ultrasound diagnositc examination is
necessary to determine if the discharge is due to an
out-infection or something more serious, such as a
cancerous condition.
Unexplained Weight Gain or Loss
Weight loss by exercising and eating healthy alkaline
foods and drinks should not be a concern. But if you
suddenly lose more than 10 pounds without changing
your diet or exercise habits, that could be caused by
the body transforming body cells into blood cells,
which is also know as body wasting due to congestion
or damage to the intestinal villi where primary stem
cells are made and then converted to blood and body
5. A bloated belly
It’s common to feel bloated after eating or drinking
an acidic constipating meal, especially during your
menstrual cycle. But if you feel bloated and
constantly full with no appetite for more than two
weeks or after your period ends, you should have an
abdominal thermography and ultrasound to see if there
are any blockages.
Acute Fatigue
The American Cancer Society defines fatigue as
"extreme tiredness that does not get better with
rest." So if you're often fatigued, you are
suffering from stage 1 acidosis and need to evaluate
your lifestyle and diet. Leukemia, colon, or stomach
cancer -- which can cause blood loss, are what I refer
to as stage 7 acidosis and may be the reason for your
extreme fatigue. Fatigue is always a precursor to
inflammation and inflammation is always a precursor to
a cancerous condition. So fatigue is the body's lack
of life-force energy to remove its own acidic waste
products that are building up in the connective and
fatty tissues. This build-up of acidic waste from what
you eat, what you drink and what you think is what
causes gradual weight gain and fatigue and tiredness.
Change in the Appearance of a Mole
Keep an eye on any changes you notice on your skin all
over your body. You can follow the ABCD method
recommended by the Skin Cancer Foundation and the
American Academy of Dermatology to help detect
possible problems:
If the mole is A, asymmetrical; B, has uneven borders;
C, has changed in color; or D, changed in diameter,
then you are eliminating acidic waste products through
the pores of the skin which can lead to a cancerous
condition. It is important to open up the channels of
elimination to remove toxins or dietary and/or
metabolic acids out through urination and defection
rather than through the pores of the skin. Removing
waste products through the skin is always problematic
and is the cause of all skin problems.
Swelling in legs or persistent pain in joints
Swelling in one leg can mean a blood clot. If it's in
both legs, it could be a sign of lymphatic circulation
blockage which may lead to kidney or liver dis-ease.
Chronic or constant acidic pain in joints could mean
something more serious than arthritis, such as latent
tissue acidosis or sometimes diagnosed as lupus or
rheumatoid arthritis, which will require lymphatic
drainage through massage, infrared sauna and colon
hydrotherapy in order to improve circulation and then
elimination via the bowels and kidneys. Remember that
the lymphatic system is the vacum cleaner of acidic
waste from the tissues and to function needs pleanty
of water (up to 6 liters of alkaline water at a pH of
9.5) and exercise to pump acids out of the body via
the pores of the skin or the urinary tract system.
Congestion or Constipation of the bowels
This is where health or ALL disease begins. A healthy
core means a healthy body and especially healthy
breasts. Breasts are primarily fatty tissues and a
depository for acidic waste products that are NOT
properly eliminated via the four channels of
elimination - bowels. kidneys, lungs and skin. When
the bowels are congested or constipated then toxins or
acidic waste products from diet and metabolism seep
into the blood and are then pushed out into the
connective and fatty tissues, including the fatty
breast tissues. Since acids are the cause of breast
cancer, the focal point of breast cancer begins in the
small and large bowels. Proper elimination of toxic
acidic waste products is extremely important for a
healthy body and healthy breasts. Ideally a woman or a
man should be eliminating the bowels 6 tmes a day and
at least 4 times a day to prevent ANY cancerous
condition including breast cancer. Anything less than
4 bowel movements a day is a sign of constipation and
a huge risk for breast cancer.
Big Breasts is a Big Risk for Breast Cancer
Why? Because the body uses the fatty breast tissues as
a depository for dietary and/or metabolic acids that
are not properly eliminated through the four channels
of elimination - bowels, kidneys, lungs and skin.
Thus, the bigger the breasts, the more potential
acidic wastes can be deposited into the fatty breast
tissues. This increases the risk for breast cancer in
women who have big breasts. Today, 20 percent of all
breast cancers diagnosis are men. Breast cancer is on
the rise in men beacuse they are growing breasts as a
result of their lack of exercise, stress, hormone
laced foods, GMO foods and acidic diets. So the
smaller the breasts the lower the risk for breast
cancer in both women and men.
Persistent cough and shortness of breath
Any persistent cough -- one that lasts more than 2 or
3 weeks and is not due to an allergy or upper
respiratory outfection, or one that produces blood --
needs to be checked via thermograhy, ultrasound and
3-D whole body functionality testing. What's more, if
you’re having continual or increased problems
breathing, make an appointment to have these three
tests done - full-body thermography, full-body
ultra-sound and full-body 3-D functionality testing.
Change in Lymph Nodes
Swollen, firm lymph nodes are often caused by increase
acidic which leads to poor blood and lymphatic
circulation. Enlarged lymph nodes are the result of
increased poor lymphatic circulation and the increase
of toxic acidic waste products which have
significantly built-up over time from an acidic
lifestyle and diet. All cancerous conditons from lung,
bowel, neck, and stomach always involves the lymphatic
system and its inability to remove toxins from the
connective tissues. It is important to improve blood
and lymphatic circulation with an alkaline lifestyle
and diet and especially increased hydration with
alkaline water at a pH of at least 9.5. The increased
alkaline hydration will help to reduce inflammaton and
decrease lymph node swelling.
Breast Skin itching
When the skin of the breasts are itichy this is the
result of dietary and metabolic acids being eliminated
out of the breast tissue through the pores of the
skin. You can scatch and scatch or use steroidal
creams but this will not solve the problem. The way to
solve acids being pushed out through the pores of the
skin is to increase circualtion through
super-hydration of alkaline water at a pH of 9.5.
Discoloration, spots or rash on the breast skin
When the body is throwing dietary and/or metabolic
acids out through the pores of the breast skin this
can cause irritation or stage 2 acidosis, white, red
or brown spots on the breast as well as a rash.
Calcium deposits in the breast tissue
Calcium deposits can be seen with Ultrasound without
harmful acidic radiation or stress and/or damage to
the breast tissue via a mammogram. Calcium deposts are
the chelation of metabolic and/or dietary acids that
have not been properly eliminated through urination or
defecation. The body will buffer these acids to
protect the breast tissue from acidic breakdown. As
acids built-up in the breast these acids spoil cells
and begins the process of cellular degeneration or
cancer. Calcium deposits on the breast show-up as
white spots on Ultrasound.
Inflammatory ducts leads to Inflammatory ductal cell
All inflammation is caused by dietary and/or metabolic
acids which have not been properly eliminated through
urination or defecation. When acids are NOT removed
they spoil or ferment breast cells, even ductal cells
which leads to inflammation and then to cancer or
carcinoma. The inflammation of the breasts and ducts
is seen via a breast thermography.
Breast lesions
Breast lesions or ulcerations are always the result of
the body depositing dietary and/or metabolic acids
into the fatty breast tissues when these toxic waste
products are NOT being properly eliminated through
urination, defecation, respiration or perspiration.
These lesions or ulcerations are best seen by a breast
Breast cysts
Breast cysts are the encapsulation of dietary and/or
metabolic acids and are generally not considered
cancer by current medical doctors. However cancer is
NOT a cell but an acidic dietary and/or metabolic
liquid which is cancer causing. Acids are poisons that
posion body cells, including breast cells and are the
cause of ALL cancerous conditions. The cyst is the
body's attempt to protect healthy breast tissue.
Breast cysts are best identified with a breast
Breast tumors
Breast turmors are the body's defensive mechanism to
stop the degeneration of breast cells. When breast
cells have been spoiled by dietary and/or metabolic
acids the body will create a protein called fibrin to
form a tumor to encapsulate spoiled or rotten
unhealthy cancerous cells. The formation of a turmor
protects healthy breast cells from being spoiled by
the unhealthy breast cells where one spoiled breast
cell spoils another healthy cell, in a protective
process I call the 'domino effect." Tumors are
best seen using diagnostic ultrasound which can also
see if the tumor is solid or if the tumor has blood
supply. Tumors that are solid without blood supply are
generally non-malignant. Tumors with blood supply are
active turmors and are generally cancerous or
malignant and are capable of expanding in size. The
healthy process in breast healing is for the tumor to
encapsulate the spoiled cancerous breast cells and cut
off any blood supply resulting in a hard clot or tumor
which will eventually become as hard as a rock.
Eventually these rock hard tumors will stop their
progressive 'domino effect' growth and will begin to
shrink and then breakdown without radiation or
chemical therapy.
The cure for breast cancer is found in its prevention
NOT in its treatment. Healthy breasts are alkaline
breasts. The human body is alkaline in its design
although acidic in all of its functions. Breathing,
thinking, eating, moving all produce acidic waste
products if not eliminated will be deposited into the
connective and fatty tissues causing irritation, then
inflammation, then induration, then ulcerations, and
finally degeneration or cancer. There is only one
cause and one word that describes cancer -
ACID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Prevent acid build-up in the
connective and fatty tissues with an alkaline
lifestyle and diet and you will prevent and/or reverse
ANY cancerous condition, including breast cancer.
learn more about Dr. Young's self-care to a self-cure
for breast cancer read The pH Miracle for Cancer and
Reverse Cancer NOW!
learn more about not-toxic, non-acidic and
non-invasive diagnostic thermography and ultrasound go
Robert Young's List of 25 Cancer Causing Foods
cure for cancer is found in its prevention NOT in its
treatment" Dr. Robert O. Young
anti-cancer lifestyle and diet is an important
strategy you can use to reduce your risk for ANY
cancerous condition. The American Cancer Society
recommends, for example, that you eat at least five
servings of fruit and vegetables daily and eat the
right amount of (alkaline) food to stay at a healthy
weight. In addition, researchers are finding that
certain plant foods or herbs may be particularly
useful in protecting and reversing many cancerous
condition. The following article covers several of
these medicinal herbs and their benefits in the
prevention and treatment of brain cancer, lung
cancer, breast cancer, blood cancers, prostate
cancer, oral cancer, liver cancer thyroid cancer,
kidney cancer, bowel cancer, stomach cancer, skin
cancer and pancreatic cancer.
words; cancer, chemotherapy, herbs, spices, natural
cancer treatments, garlic, turmeric, ginger,
cayenne, alkalizing, liver disease, oral cancer,
prostate cancer, blood cancer, breast cancer,
thyroid cancer, stomach cancer, skin cancer,
pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, bowel cancer]
room in your diet for the following foods and drinks
to prevent cancer. Why? Because an ounce of
prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. The
following are eleven herbs or spices that have been
shown to be effective in the prevention, treatment
and reversal of many cancerous conditions.
can order Dr. Robert O. Young's publication at:
Cancers Are Preventable and Treatable!
of ALL sickness and disease, including cancer,
diabetes, and heart disease are caused by what we
eat, what we drink and what we think! These factors
are ALL under our control! Therefore ALL cancers,
diabetes and heart disease are ALL preventable and
ALL treatable!" Dr. Robert O. Young -
Here is my list of 25 cancer causing foods never to eat or
drink from The pH Miracle for Cancer.
1) Alcohol - alcohol is an acid that is a known carcinogen
increasing your risk for liver cancer.
2) Bread - constipating and associated with the cause of
breast cancer.
3) Chicken - highly constipating and destructive to the
aliminentary canal especially the intestinal villi
increasing risk for diabetes and colon cancer.
4) Dairy products - high in the acid lactose increasing your
risk for reproductive cancer.
5) Corn and all corn related products which are high in
fructose a strong cancer causing acid.
6) GMO foods - genetically altered food that are know to
increase the risk of cancer.
7) Soda drinks including soda water - contains carbonic acid
and phosphoric acid which increase your risk for cancer.
8) Processed meats - contains cancer causing
nitrosomines. Deli
meats, summer sausage, hot dogs, bacon, and many other meats
sold at the grocery store are often loaded with sodium
nitrite and other chemical preservatives that have been
linked to causing heart disease and cancer.
9) Vinegar - it is pure acid containing acetylaldehyde a
known neurotoxin.
10) Peanuts - loaded with mycotoxins from yeast and mold
which are cancer causing.
11) Soy sauce - a strong fermented food that is highly
acidic increasing your risk for cancer.
12) Ocean Fish - contaminated with radio-acitive iodine and
cesium from Fukashima, Japan nuclear melt-down increasing
your risk for cancer.
13) Pork - a highly acidic meat with the risk of parasites
increasing your risk for colon cancer.
14) Tabacco - the smoke contains burnt sugar that increases
your risk for lung cancer and the main addictive ingredient.
15) Eggs - contain over 38 million bacteria and are highly
acidic to the blood and tissues.
16) Chocolate - contains two cancer casuing acids of
methylbromine and ethylbromine including sugar which
increases your risk for cancer.
17) All sport and energy drinks - have a very low pH from
the sugar nad/or caffeine they contain increasing your risk
for cancer.
18) Black tea - contains tanic acid increasing your risk for
19) Coffee - has the perfect pH for keeping cancer cells
20) Dehydrated fruit - contains 3 times the cancer causing
ingredient fructose than fresh fruit.
21) Any form or type of sugar including dextrose, maltose,
fructose, sucrose, lactose will all increase your risk of
22) All mushrooms - are all poisonous to a lesser or greater
degree. They acitivate the immune system when ingested and
increase your risk for cancer.
23) Yeast - yes even nutritional yeast will increase your
risk for cancer.
24) Enzymes - enzyme is another word for acid and will
increasse your risk for stomach and intestinal cancer.
25) Margarine - Hidden in all sorts of processed foods,
margarine, a hydrogenated trans-fat oil, is something you
will want to avoid at all costs for your health. Margarine
is highly congestive and will increase your risk for cancer.
Did you know that the word CANCER is one of the most feared
words in the English dictionary? Why? Because those who are
diagnosed with it know that it's a KILLER.
This year alone, over 1.7 million Americans will be told
that they "have" cancer and 33% of those people
will die. Every 30 seconds somebody is diagnosed with
cancer. And the numbers continue to grow worse with each
passing year, despite more medical inventions and technology
promising early detection. It is a known fact that current
treatments like radiation, chemotherapy and surgery have
been gigantic failures.
Are you aware that there are early warning signs of cancer
growth and tumor formation inside your body? Knowing what
they are could be a matter of LIFE and Death.
Cancer prevention is possible, but only when you possess the
RIGHT knowledge.
Would you like to discover and learn about the most powerful
ANTI-CANCER strategies that exist today?
Click here and learn more!

Inger Hartelius Shares Her Story with
the World of How She Reversed Terminal
Metastatic Lung Cancer - Pulmonary
Adenocarcinoma Lung Cancer with a Life
Expectancy with NO Cure 6 to 12 months!
The following story
was published in the Tidslerne, February
1st, 2018
When I got back to my
future I chose to say no to chemo radiation
and today - six months after a lifetime
diagnosis - no signs of cancer in my body. I
found cancer in one lung and in lymph nodes
around and around esophagus in July 2011. In
a small dark office without windows at the
Lung Division in Roskilde, I and my husband
were informed that in the tests from a
PET-CT scan, adenocarcinoma was found in
stations 2, R7 and 4L, T1bN3MO, a diagnosis
that was so serious that the doctors at an
interdisciplinary conference had opted for
chemotherapy and radiation therapy in Herlev
the following week. As stated in my journal,
I said, although I was "relevant crying", no
thanks to the offer and the follow- also
went to an orientation about treatment
options, side effects and possible effects
of hospital facilities.
An offer that,
according to the doctor, could not cure for
life. And it was a short extension of life,
it was about what the statistical material I
applied for also confirmed. Maybe half a
year without symptoms of cancer Even before
I got the final diagnosis, I did not
consider receiving chemotherapy or radiation
therapy. The interview time between the
study and the answer had sought-after
alternative treatment methods. Today, I have
no symptoms of cancer. A CT scan in April
2016 confirmed my experience of being
healed. I've done it in many ways better, I
found cancer. I am 64 years old - and I
think that I have many healthy years in
front of me. "Did they give you the right
diagnosis?" It asked the doctor who gave me
the answer to the CT scan in April 2016,
loudly, even when he was reading my journal.
Is honorable one of the lucky ones for some
reason following the statistics (about one
year's lifetime), or is what I chose to do
instead of receiving chemo and radiation,
which is why I live today and feel good? Who
Extremely courageous
to say yes to chemotherapy Although it may
be difficult for safety to clarify why I
have survived, it is important for migrants
to tell the world that some of us actually
survive cancer without receiving
conventional medical treatment, thus
avoiding the medicine's bivirk - and get
many gains from what we choose instead.
Several people asked me: How dare you?
Indeed, it always raises me because it was
not the way I thought. Several tell me they
think I'm brave. Before I got diagnosed, I
thought the many men-nes who choose the
conventional treatment are extremely brave.
How do they dare to fill the body with
chemo, which gives many very unpleasant side
effects, which often cause violent injuries
outside and inside the body? To be
completely surrendered to the doctors' busy
decisions about standardized cancer packing,
and where you can not afford to have an
overview or control over your life. "Put
your life in the hands of the doctors" If I
only lived for a few months, I would not at
all spend them at a hospital. Perhaps the
prayers would also help to shorten my life.
I could not do what the nurse reluctantly
suggested after the conversation with the
doctor: "Put your life in the hands of the
doctors." On the contrary! That is the
remark, I am very grateful for from the
nurse. It was in that second when I was
resolved by Patient History: Lung Cancer By
Disperience to the
diagnosis and the notions that I would never
experience my grandchildren, the atlas or
anything else within me was connected. I
gathered together, dried my eyes,
straightened me up and took my final
decision. Neither did I die of the cancer,
nor would I find another way to get well on.
A long, conventional cancer treatment
process I would not expose myself or my
family to. I left the sick house shook but
decided to search for other roads. Times
gave time to listen Already when I was told
that I should have taken enbiopsy from the
area in my lungs and from the enlargement
lungs, I sought a volunteer of the Temporary
contact persons. I had googled the risk of
getting the tag biopsy and was aware that
there was a 25 percent risk that the cancer
would spread after an intervention. There
was no one in the hospital who had informed
me about it. Therefore, I needed to talk to
others. At the same time, the conversation
strengthened me in following my need to be
outgoing and believe in other possibilities.
There are many others before me who had done
good. I went to find a solution I read the
book: Andreas Moritz: "Cancer is not a
disease. It is a survival mechanism ". Some
other possibilities were META medicine,
healing and Dr. Robert Young, known to have
a particularly effective approach to the
treatment of people with cancer. In Denmark,
I sought advice and guidance from special
doctor Claus Hancke in Lyngby, who
recommended high dose intravenous vitamin C
and vitamins and minerals supplements. In
addition, I consulted Frede Damgaard's
Clinical Complementary Treatment Center in
Aarhus. They focus on dietary information
supplemented with natural medicine / herbs,
vitamins and minerals. His recommendations
built a comprehensive analysis of my corps
resources and weaknesses. With the
California family Descriptions of Dr. Robert
Young's live and dry blood test combined
with focus on the body's resources and the
regulation of the body's pH balance appealed
to me. I wrote an email to him and was
subsequently instructed to call him up. In
the subsequent conversation, one of Dr.
Young's assistants I was encouraged to come
to California with husband and children. I
was lucky. There was a house available to us
if we knew within a few days. They believed
that I would be seriously diagnosed with
greater chance of survival if I invested in
a stay at Dr. YoungspHMiracle Center. It was
a miracle: Being with my husband, my two
children and my son's boyfriend were
amazing. Living in a avocado and grapefruit
plantation in California and living in a
house together was like being in a goddess
of the greatest nightmare of my life. While
we were there, I repeatedly asked myself: Do
I dream? For some When I think about the
stay today, I am deeply grateful that I
could have the family around me. That meant
they were fully aware of how they could
support themselves. At the same time, they
were themselves inspired by all the new
things we learned. They, like me, wanted to
integrate it into their everyday lives when
we got home. The created community that kept
me up.
February a day ago I
suggested that I die. Instead, I was now in
a paradise where we were inspired in many
ways to change our view of why people get
cancer. At the same time, we were informed
daily about how we live, like Dr. Young
recommends, could prevent cancer and release
it by building up the body's resources so
that it no longer accumulates cancer cells.
Live and dry blood tests Dr. Young's blood
tests showed that I did not need to fear to
die of the cancer the doctors had discovered
in the mink body. I had a lot of resources
that I could activate, thus cleaning my body
for cancer. The blood test took place in a
large classroom, where there was ample room
for all of us five and one of Dr.Young's
assistants. Here we were surrounded by
planes of breathtaking teaching material. A
small stiki finger was enough to deliver a
living blood sample and seven drops that
would subsequently dry on a glass plate. I
was sitting next to Dr. Young at his
computer and followed. The others saw the
samples on the wall. Hanan brought the blood
from my finger onto the glass plates and
placed the plates under a microscope
connected to a computer and a projector. It
was amazing immediately to look at my own
eyes. There was no waiting time, and
Dr.Young interrogated me in how he
interpreted the samples. It was personal and
caring: "Try to see the many regular round
blood cells flowing free of mediums with
clear liquid between them. The more of that
kind of blood cells and the cleaner the
fluid is between them, the better your blood
can cleanse and bring oxygen and nutrition
to your body. The liquid melon cells show no
indication that the cancer is yet a serious
threat to your body. Here the cells clump
more together, indicating that you need more
water. And the shape of the cells here shows
that you need more nutritious oil. "
In the dried samples,
Dr. Young aware of the patterns of blood
clotting. Experiences show that the patterns
can tell a lot about a person's health story
and current challenges and resources. In my
samples it was clear that I should primarily
focus on my immune system and my digestion.
In addition, there was evidence that I had
many heavy metals in my blood - perhaps
because, for many years, I had eaten a lot
of fish. Alkaline (basic) plan against
cancer In addition to blood tests, I tested
the morning and evening values in my
saliva and my urine There was room for
improvement. The pH in my saliva and my
urine is 5 and 6. It would be very much like
both at least 7.4. A little higher than the
pH in the blood. From the interpretation of
the blood samples and the pH-sampled Dr.
Young the plan he would suggest, I suppose
what special supplements I supposed to have
supplemental meals with and what activities
I should go about. First and foremost, I
would drink about four liters of liquid each
day as well as a glass of salt water every
morning and evening . Liquid skull consists
of juice of vegetables and water with high
pH value, preferably with a freeze-dried
vegetable powder-rich chlorophyll. In
addition, I should every day an example of
unhealthy blood vs healthy blood from
"microscopy of living blood" unhealthy
blood: the red blood cells clump and plasma
cells are filled with fibrous wires that
further restrict the movements of red blood
cells. The red blood cells are round and
filled and flow freely between each other,
and the plasma is clear.
in various ways be
physically active and enter into various
therapeutic treatments. It was very
extensive and I have to admit that I had a
hard time considering everything.
Fortunately, my son was good at helping me
create an overview so that I could deepen
After a blood test, we moved the focus from
the cancer of my body that we could all
build healthier and more well-functioning
bodies. An exciting journey into the
pH-Miracle lifestyle. We got a focus on how
to keep our blood alive and healthy, and
strengthen the body's ability to maintain a
high pH. It was a matter of what we ate and
drank, and how we out of the way demanded
ourselves both physically and mentally. The
days were filled with exciting activities:
YoungaYoga the morning followed by Dr.
Young's lectures, breakfast with delicious
avocado smoothies, juice vegetables and
almond milk, cooking classes, infrared sauna
storage, salt baths and activities in the
center-wide training machines and walking
and running roundtimes. A life-provoking
place in Dr. In addition, Young's plan for
me was terautomatic intestinal rinses with
20 liters of liquid consisting of high pH
water, freeze dried alkaline vegetables,
salt and chlorophyll powder. I also had a
minimum of massage, especially targeted
activation of the lymphatic system. There
lived others on the spot, and visitors who
we trained together ate along with exchanged
experiences with.
It was exciting to
live that we all followed the same
progression and had the same ups and downs
in cleaning and building up our body's
resources. It strengthened my belief that I
was the right place. Everyday the fridge in
the house was filled with alcine-line food.
There were two types: A cleansing menu
consisting primarily of smoothies, vegetable
juice, soup and almond milk, and a slightly
more varied menu of medwraps of sprouted
grains and pesto in different versions.
Young or one of his assistants visited the
house to hear how we had it to introduce a
device that could support body cleansing -
to take a walk, play tennis or just talk to
us. This allowed us to question what we had
not understood. The care and attention we
received greatly helped to feel comfortable
at Dr. Young's treatment plan. Dismissed the
return trip The plan was that we all had to
go home after a week. A blood test showed
exactly that progress, Dr. Young had
expected, like the pH, my saliva and my
urine were on its way up, but it turned out
to be very swift. It was very convincing at
the result of what I had done that week. At
the same time, I also saw that improvements
were still needed. At that time, however, I
was completely exhausted by the changes in
my body, I was unable to concentrate and
could not overlook my return journey. I saw
it as if brain not functioning at all. I was
confused and changed all the time between
that would not be able to complete all that
I'd have to go with when I got home. Young
urged me to stay longer, Dahan thought it
was important for my process to continue as
long as I had before him on my return home.
I decided to stay, and mindmates could
happily stay there with me. Others went
home. Ready for return After another week we
were ready to go home. I left a little bit
on the floor and glad that my daughter was
with me. My blood tests showed great
progress again. To further promote the
process and support to continue my new
lifestyle, Dr.Young recommended to
contact Pernille Knudt Zone, specialist,
when I got home. Pernille would be able to
supplement the cleansing of intravenous salt
as well as regularizing the process in my
body with the same type of blood test at Dr.
Young. A plan to keep home.
At home we started
cooking alkaline food, and I started
training to run five kilometers. Initially
it was just a little trip where I live. Then
I was exhausted. Later on, there were longer
walks on the beach. In order to make it
easier to prepare the food, we invested in
an efficient blender and a juicer. In
addition, we purchased an infrared sauna, a
bathtub (for salt bath), a rebounder (to
jump on), a colonic board (so I could
regularly clean my bowels with 20 l water)
and a Chanson pH water machine. The purified
ionized water, especially, contributed to
seeing a change in pH in my saliva and urine
- both morning and evening. The pH rose
steadily and landed somewhere between 9 and
10 in my urine and 7 and 8 in my saliva.
Still consulted. I consulted specialist
Pernille Knudtzon, psychologist and a zone
therapist. At specialists JohnArnved at the
Lung and Allergy Clinic in Copenhagen, I
regularly tested my lungs and mine allergy
response to mold. My own doctor followed me
with blood samples so that I could keep eye
on the medal and vitamin levels in my body.
I was busy and at times I was completely
shocked by the changes in my body and the
doubt: Was it right now that I had gone
occupied with? Why did I continue to lose?
Would I be quick? Imagine if ... I had no
confidence in my body, maybe my heartfelt
growing work was getting rid of the message.
The support from family, friends and the
people I contacted for help was very
Current follow-up
after three months, I received a one-month
interval of medical thermographic scans. The
answer to demlog something out of me. The
American doctors who interpreted the
pictures recommended that I get in
traditional treatment when the images showed
that the cancer might have spread. To Spain:
I therefore decided to go to Spanientil
Pernille Knudtzon, who would supplement that
I Self-help do to heal, with one-week
intensive cleansing and body and soul
building. The ups and downs of the week
together with Pernille Knudtzon gave me new
tools for how to work with my thoughts and
feelings so that they did not stand in the
way of all the things I did to get well.
After a week with my sister in Spain, I
returned home. For Italy: In April 2012 Dr.
Young a retreat in Italy, where I was given
the opportunity to get inspiration and
support to intensify my healing process. My
husband and daughter brought along and we
had a wonderful week. My blood tests again
showed great progress, so Dr.Young
encouraged me to continue my process of
taking care of myself and my health. In
September of that year, Dr. Young migrant to
retreat in Italy to allow me to become a
thermographer and get an ultrasound scan
from his partner, Dr. Galina Migalko (MD,
NMD, RDMS). There are two test methods that
do not stress the body. The samples showed
everyone's joy that I had managed to build
my immune system.
Status: It was now a
year since I had had the cancer diagnosis,
and none of the tests showed signs of cancer
in my body. I also had no symptoms, had more
energy, and again began to gain weight. "10
Steps to Perfect Health 2012" When I got
home, I decided I would tell you a story. I
needed to share my experiences with others
to confirm to myself that I succeeded. It
could motivate me to stay alive. Along with
a large group of people, tell me how the
lifestyle I had chosen made me feel quick to
commit myself to. I knew now that the best
way to ensure that my health was maintained
on a daily basis was the best way I could
prevent it from receding cancer in my body
I also had no
symptoms, had more energy, and again began
to gain weight. "10 Steps to Perfect Health
2012" When I got home, I decided I would
tell you a story. I needed to share my
experiences with others to confirm to myself
that I succeeded. It could motivate me to
stay alive. Along with a large group of
people, tell me how the lifestyle I had
chosen made me feel quick to commit myself
to. I now knew that just providing for the
maintenance of my health every day was the
best way I could prevent my body from
spreading cancer. Look at YouTube: "10 Steps
to Perfect Health 2012," a little film about
the lecture, I held the National Museum in
Copenhagen together with PauloFernandes.Al
the fear without reason As I saw my blood
samples after a appendicitis that ended with
a blasted appendix, it was clear that now I
should intensify my cleansing activities.
During that time I started coughing again,
losing weight and getting wet. The fear that
the violent intervention meant again would
bring cancer into my lungs, renewed
strength. I felt weak and powerless I had at
the Allergy and Lung Clinic in Copenhagen
that my lungs were not seriously affected by
the host. Specialist John Arnved dared to
say that so positive the tests would
certainly not fail if the cancer again grew
in my lungs. Såhan called me to resume my
runs on the shore so I could cough it up,
sad and annoyed-they my lungs. A great
advice - I ran again for life and hosted
violently on the beach for a few days. After
a while, I realized that I was not actually
coughing down! Such! All that fear for no
reason. The fear of dying toned As I said, I
chose the contact with the hospital from. I
understood from what I had read that it was
very boring for the body to be scanned. In
addition, I was conscious of the
psychological challenges that exist in it.
Both the experiences of lying in the
scanner, the waiting time, which is from
scanning to response, and nevertheless the
heavy mood I experience, the answer is being
translated. It is not so easy to maintain
the belief in life that universe.
In general, however,
I succeeded with the help of all those who
believed in my choice. The periods I
initially had with disagreements about how
it would be to die breast cancer showed out
so in 2016 I took courage to migra decided
to be CT-scanned. I would know if such a
test also confirmed that I was fast. CT scan
five years after the CT scan in 2016 showed
that the area that was lacquered in my lung
still had the exact size and there was no
longer any enlarged lymph nodes. According
to the doctors, there were signs that it was
scar tissue after the original cancer, they
could see the lung. In addition, there was
now a small intake further down the lung of
eight millimeters. The little spot they
would like, so I had another test done a few
months later. The next test showed that
there was still no slight change, not even
in the small eight millimeters. Therefore, I
decided again to say no thanks for entering
the hospital's program for further
The worsening had not
changed over five years, and there were no
signs of enlarged lymph nodes or signs of
cancer in my body elsewhere, I would not
provoke the body with more physical and
psychologically stressful studies. My GP,
Thomas Børresen, wrote an enumeration that
I'm going forward if I'm in doubt: "The
patient sought help from Dr. Robert Young,
Valley Center, CA, initiated a course that
not only resulted in full but even lasting
remission of the patient's cancer, which
alone and entirely can be attributed to the
given course, as the survival of
conventional medical treatment and radiation
therapy is 0%. "I no longer have
life-threatening cancer in my body - and I
also have documentary evidence that it is
correct. Alkaline as healing and lifestyle I
will continue to live alkaline no longer
because I think I need it, but because I
experience it's life-assertive on many
levels. It gives me a very special energy
and a life that I want to control. It's
amazing and reinforces my idea that I still
have many healthy and healthy years ahead of
me. I have plenty of time to be there for
those I love and those I can share an active
working life with. In addition, I have the
belief that there will be many years when I
can grandmother my grandchildren when they
day up. I've got the future back and will
enjoy every single day of it.
Robert Young (MSc,
DSc, PhD, ND). He has been awarded titles
for various doctoral degrees in the United
States. Has studied microbiology in Germany.
Sompraktiker works as American naturopath.
He is also author of several books and
YouTube videos about alkaline diet and
lifestyle. After a few years, he now
practices again and produces well-tasting,
organic, alkaline (basic) products:, and
- Artemisinin Cancer
98% of cancer cells
destroyed in 16 hours using artemisinin
(derivative of wormwood) using pure science
and not blind hope, voodoo or quackery.
The artemisinin
produces two oxygen atoms in the presence of
very high concentrations of iron (prevalent
in cancer cells and viruses) and destroys
the cancer cell within 16 hours. The
science, studies, protocol, a short 6 minute
video and where to source are all listed
- Share
If you want to share
this post then simply click on the following
link and share from there as most groups
have sharing turned off...
- Share Link:
- Pubmed Studies on
Artemisinin and Cancer:
- Artemisinin Cancer
The following has
been used successfully, with my suggestion,
in 14 prostate cancer cases, 5 breast cancer
cases, 1 thyroid cancer case and 1 leukemia
case (and 3 dogs all with metastasized
cancer growths). Each time the result was a
100% remission of the cancer and in each
case it was achieved in less than 6 weeks.
At no point was it suggested that the
participants (or pets) withdraw or stop
their normal medical treatment as the
protocol is meant to be used with normally
prescribed treatments as there are no
contraindications. My profile is small, and
as a result, the sample size and the
accomplishments are incredibly significant.
You will find similar claims on Google.
Watch the enclosed 6
minute video for a full medical appreciation
of same. The link for the pubmed studies are
also enclosed as are the links to acquire
the artemisinin from reputable sources.
- Step by Step
Artemisinin has to be
taken in pulse form (on and off). I suggest
three days on and 4 days off starting
Thursday nights since the artemisinin/cancer
interaction will make you incredibly tired
and it will be difficult to work.
Thursday night # 1
(week 1):
1) 20 ml (2 caps) of
liquid iron supplement (Floradix etc from
your local health food store) at night with
your meal (eat anything you wish as long as
you take the iron supplement). The iron is
vital so do not miss the iron
2) No food after 8:00
Friday morning # 1
(week 1):
3) 5 x 100 mg of
artemisinin at 6:00 am with fish oil (or any
oil) since the artemisinin is fat soluble.
4) Fast between the
first session of artemisinin and the second
5) 5 x 100 mg of
artemisinin at 10:00 am with fish oil (or
any oil) since the artemisinin is fat
Fast until noon.
Eat however and
whatever from noon until 8:00 pm.
Repeat that for two
more days (3 days in total including the
once just described) - 30 pills of
artemisinin in this session - 30 pills
Take 4 days off of
the routine and eat normally and act
normally but take the iron each night on
your days off.
Repeat for another
three day session:
Thursday night # 2
(week 2):
1) 20 ml (2 caps) of
liquid iron supplement (Floradix etc from
your local health food store) at night with
your meal. This is vital so do not miss the
iron supplementation.
2) No food after 8:00
Friday morning # 2
(week 2):
3) 5 x 100 mg of
artemisinin at 6:00 am with fish oil (or any
oil) since the artemisinin is fat soluble.
4) Fast between the
first session of artemisinin and the second
5) 5 x 100 mg of
artemisinin at 10:00 am with fish oil (or
any oil) since the artemisinin is fat
Fast until noon.
Eat however and
whatever from noon until 8:00 pm.
Repeat that for two
more days (3 days in total including the one
just described) - 30 pills of artemisinin in
this session - 60 pills total so far.
Take 4 days off of
the routine and eat normally and act
normally but take the iron each night on
your days off.
Thursday night # 3
(week 3):
1) 20 ml (2 caps) of
liquid iron supplement (Floradix etc from
your local health food store) at night with
your meal. This is vital so do not miss the
iron supplementation.
2) No food after 8:00
Friday morning # 3
(week 3).
3) 5 x 100 mg of
artemisinin at 6:00 am with fish oil (or any
oil) since the artemisinin is fat soluble.
4) Fast between the
first session of artemisinin and the second
5) 5 x 100 mg of
artemisinin at 10:00 am with fish oil (or
any oil) since the artemisinin is fat
Fast until noon.
Eat however and
whatever from noon until 8:00 pm.
Repeat that for two
more days (3 days in total including the one
just described) - 30 pills of artemisinin in
this session - 90 pills total.
The artemisinin
bottle should now be empty.
If you have something
going on (cancer) then you will be tired,
exhausted and not hungry because of the
artemisinin. There should be no other side
effects. Wait 6 to eight weeks to repeat if
necessary. Thereafter do it twice a year.
- Where to source the
The links to buy
artemisinin are here (I have always used
Doctor's Best)...…/Doctor-s-Best-Artemisinin-100-…/7592
And you can buy the
Floradix and the fish oil at any health food
- Conclusion:
Finally, there is
much more out there on the subject but
sometimes those inflicted should do their
own due diligence. Note that any
veterinarian is familiar with artemisinin as
they use it on dogs with cancer all the time
(talk to your local vet). I do this protocol
at least twice a year as a preventative
measure. There are millions taking
artemisinin for malaria and hundreds of
thousands taking artemisinin for parasites.
I have yet to come across a single article
or claim that artemisinin caused harm and/or
death. All these people use artemisinin for
the same reason...cancer/parasites/viruses
sequester iron. The artemisinin is attracted
to the iron, produces two oxygen atoms in
the presence of iron and causes cellular
death to the cell (cancer/parasite/virus).
This is science and chemistry. It is not
hope or voodoo.
July 1, 2018
- Artemisinin – A
Cancer Smart Bomb
Now there is a
natural herbal “Cancer Smart Bomb” that has
been discovered, called Artemisinin. Life
Sciences, Cancer Letters and Anticancer
Drugs have published research on
Artemesinin, which is a derivative of the
wormwood plant commonly used in Chinese
medicine. The research confirms that
Artemisinin can kill off cancer cells, and
do it at a rate of 12,000 cancer cells for
every healthy cell.
Despite the favorable
results in treating cancer with this all
natural herb, there are still only two
approved treatments for cancer, which are
radiation and chemotherapy. However, there
may come a time when the medical community
will be forced to open up to new options
such as Artemisinin therapy, when it comes
to cancer treatment.
Especially in view of
the fact that scientists have discovered
that chemotherapy fuels cancer growth and
kills the patient more quickly.
Henry Lai and his
team of researchers from the University of
Washington synthesized the compound, which
uses a cancer cells appetite for iron to
make them the target. The great thing about
Artemisinin is that alone it can selectively
kill cancer cells while leaving normal cells
“By itself,
artemisinin is about 100 times more
selective in killing cancer cells as opposed
to normal cells. Artemisinin is 34,000 times
more potent in killing the cancer cells as
opposed to their normal cousins. So the
tagging process appears to have greatly
increased the potency of artemisinin’s
cancer-killing properties.” – Henry Lai
So even though the
Artemesinin compound is licensed to Holley
Pharmaceuticals, it has yet to be used for
cancer treatment in humans.
“We call it a Trojan
horse because the cancer cell recognizes
transferrin as a natural, harmless protein.
So the cell picks up the compound without
knowing that a bomb (Artemisinin) is hidden
inside.” – Henry Lai
Artemisia (a wormwood
extract) was used many centuries ago in
China for healing purposes. Fortunately,
even though the treatment became lost over
time, it has now been rediscovered thanks to
an ancient manuscript containing medical
remedies. As it kills 12,000 cancer cells
for every healthy cell, this means it could
be turned into a drug with minimal
Artemisinin is
currently FDA approved for the treatment of
malaria, it’s very safe and easy to use.
It’s inexpensive and works on all cancers,
but has yet to find its way into the
mainstream. It’s really time to move beyond
just radiation, surgery and chemotherapy for
the treatment of cancer.
Some seven years ago,
Dr. Lai, aware of the high accumulation of
iron in cancer cells and his colleague, Dr.
Singh, conducted experiments in laboratory
documenting a 100% kill rate of
breast-cancer cells in just hours. More
importantly, it left normal breast cells and
white blood cells unscathed. It has an
intermediate half-life, is very safe, and
also can cross the blood-brain barrier,
which is very important in treating
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the most
common and most aggressive malignant primary
brain tumor.
Cancer cells have an
unusual high-level of iron and in order to
reproduce, cancer cells need more iron than
normal healthy cells. Artemisinin works well
in an iron rich environment. Artemisinin
works by releasing an avalanche of free
radicals when exposed to an oxidizing agent
like iron. The free radicals attack and kill
iron-rich cells.
Since cancer cells
tend to contain much more iron than normal
cells do, they are particularly attractive
to Artemisinin. When exposed to cancer cells
Artemisinin gets activated and sends out
free radicals that attack those cells,
destroying the cancer in the process. When
the artemisinin products contact the iron –
boom! A huge burst of free radicals is
unleashed, virtually blowing up the cell
harboring the free iron and destroying the
malaria parasite and cancer virus.
Dr. Singh is
currently following many cancer patients.
While not reporting remissions or apparent
cures, he says all patients are responding
and have at least stabilized. He has found
no type of cancer unresponsive to Artemisia
derivatives in his studies.
Dr. Hoang recommends
treatment for two years. Cancer could be
like the malaria parasite. If just one cell
remains, it can find its way back. Thus, as
in malaria, although the parasite is cleared
in a few days, prolonged treatment best
prevents relapse. And, the beauty of this
treatment is that it is non-toxic, so you
can continue taking it indefinitely with no
expected sided-effects.
The mechanism works
something like this: Cancer cells use iron
to grow, so they tend to hoard it (malaria
parasites do this as well). Cancer cells
have been known to store up to a thousand
times as much iron as normal cells. When
Artemisia plant extracts come into contact
with iron, their two joined oxygen atoms
separate. This chemical reaction leads to
free radicals, which are essentially charged
atoms that attack cells. It’s like
Artemisinin contains a tripwire that cancer
cells trigger, leading to their death.
Therefore, if a
person has cancer it is highly recommended
to first get a basic iron level (ferritin)
test to make sure your iron levels are
normal. A ferritin test is often done with
other tests to check the amount of iron in
the blood. If you are iron deficient take ½
cup (125ml) of liquid chlorophyll for 1 week
and then start on the artemesia therapy.
Artemisinin – put 6
drops 2 times a day and hold for 30 seconds.
Best to take at the same time as you consume
the Flaxseed Oil and Cottage cheese mixture.
Take for 4 days and then 3 days rest.
Artemisia works when the iron levels are
normal. We recommend a blood test for iron
or the VEGA iron test.
Due to the increasing
popularity of this product, the consumer
should exercise extreme caution and buy only
from the most reputable supplier. Not all
Artemisinin supplements are ‘created equal’
and therefore only the ones that have been
tested and approved will give the proper
results. We have tested several formulas in
capsule and liquid form. We are now able to
offer the most potent mixture, but not too
strong to cause intolerance.
Only genuine and pure
artemisinin should be used, and only buy
from sources you are familiar with. There is
tremendous variation in the potency of the
herb warns Dr. Lai.
Since the herb comes
from China and South-east Asia, proper
quality assurance on purity and
standardization is of tremendous importance.
High-grade Artemisinin must always be
confirmed by independent laboratory analysis
on a batch by batch basis to ensure
consistence and purity. Not all Artemesia
Herbs work.
Please note that many
Artemesia herb products are not the same as
the concentrated forms of the derivatives we
are talking about in this report. The
highest concentration of artemisinin (the
active agent) in the raw herb under the best
conditions does not even get beyond one half
Furthermore, there’s
concern by Dr. Singh that unscrupulous
dealers will label Artemisinin content
without performing a proper analysis.
Apparently some products have only 10 to 20%
of anticancer activity against cultured
cancer cells compared to pure Artemisinin.
Although Artemesia is
offering very promising results, remember
there is no ‘silver bullet’ that will
miraculously cure cancer. Always a
‘comprehensive and holistic approach‘ is
needed such as the Dr. Budwig Flaxseed oil
and cottage cheese/Quark, Detoxification
(herbal formulas, coffee enemas, saunas,
Rebounding), PH Acid/Alkaline Balancing,
Essential oils to enhance the vibration of
the cells and immune system, selected
supplements based on a full body VEGA (Bio
Resonance) test, proper diet, exercise, rest
and emotional healing as in EFT (Tapping).
When all these incredible therapies and
remedies are used together it creates a
synergistic power house in stopping cancer
in its tracks and destroying tumors in the
shortest time possible!
Here is a link to
order your alkaline salts.... green powder and
Potential of hydrogen pH.
Today our water is toxic... our air is toxic. Our
food has been made toxic.
The human body is
alkaline in its design 7.3 to 7.4. Maintaining the
alkaline body, knowing the ph of our blood, saliva and
urine. Urine should be 7.2 or greater. Saliva the
same. Blood 7.4 to 7.5. Dropping to 7.3 you're on
your way out. When fish are sick what would you do?
Treat the fish or change the water? Change their
environment of which they live in. When the human
body becomes acidic it pulls calcium from the bones to
maintain the ph balance. If we can manage the fluids
of the body we can help prevent sickness and disease.
Change the water that you're drinking to a 9. Ph or
more. Waste products of life are fructose, glucose,
sucrose. We need sodium, salt, to restore critical
elements to maintain life. Organic Himalayan pink sea
salt. Thoughts produce acidic waste products. Maybe
meditation and prayer give us peace heal us. The
stomachs main purpose is to produce sodium bicarbonate.
To alkalyze the food to 8.4. The focal point of bone
cancer is the gut. Your teeth are your digestion.
Animal protein does not liquefy... it does not digest.
Watch his video here.
This information is provided for
educational use only. It is not provided in order to diagnose,
prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition
of the body. Responsibility nor liability will be incurred to
any person or entity with respect to any loss, damage, or
injury caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly
by the information contained above. Consult your health care
professional if necessary.
FDA Disclaimer
All information presented on this website is
intended for informational purposes only and not for
the purpose of rendering medical advice. Statements
made on this website have not been evaluated by the
Food and Drug Administration. The information
contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat,
cure or prevent any disease.