The Contagion
The Real Pandemic
Dr. Baker Not Accepting Vaxxed Patients -
Depopulation Drugs in Fast Food Meals
Dr. Buttar's Death Analysis
Vax Shedding - Even Non-Vaxxed Get Blood
Effects from Vaxx Shedding and the Cure
for Being Around the Vaxxed
Carson Tucker on Vax Genocide
The Jabbed are "Vaccinating" the Unjabbed
Military White Hats Destroy All Vaxxed
Blood Stockpiles
Graphene Growth and Transmission
(shedding) to Non-vaxxed in Blood Stream
How To Detox After An Injection
COVID Vaccine Shedding to Unvaccinated?
Dr. Robert O. Young on 3, 4, and 5G
Pulsating EMF and Transfection of Graphene
and Parasites
5G Interaction with Graphne and Dating
Sites for Uninjected
Vaccination Spike Protein is the
Vaccinated Superspreaders
Vaccines in the Air & Relentless Poisoning
of Humanity
Nanobots, graphene oxide, immortality, 95%
genocide, gene deletion, spike protein -
chlorine dioxide detox and more
Heart attacks spreading to the
unvaccinated due to the spike protein
Scientific data shows that the fully
vaccinated have become covid "super
Stay Away from the Vaxxed, from Pfizer's
Own Documents
Unvaxxed Can Be Contaminated Through
Intercourse with Vaxxed
Most New "Virus" Sicknesses Involve the
Vaccinated - It Doesn't Work
Transmission Is Real
Mike Adams' talk about spike
protein transference (contagion).
Dr. Ryan Cole - What the vaccine spike
protein does to the body while acting like
a poison for organs...
Doctors warn of possible transmission of
the spike protein created by the injected
mRNA to unvaccinated people
Graphine Oxide Slowly Killing the
The COVID-19 Vaccine is a Bioweapon
COVID Vaccine Injuries and
Possible Antidote for the V-Serum and the
Current Spike Protein Contagion
Before It's News Contagion Articles and
Women Experiencing Miscarriages After
Being Around Other People Who Have
Received the Shot
Dangers of Just Being Near COVID-19
Vaccinated People and
Possible Antidote for Spike Protein
Stay Away from COVID-19 Vaccinated People
- Pfizer's Own Documents
Who Will Be Left to Bury the Dead Vaxxed?
BBC Presenter Lisa Shaw Dead at 44 After
AstraZeneca COVID-19 VAX
David Icke and the Human Antenna -
Broadcasting the Vaccine Frequency
The COVID-19 Vaccine/Bioweapon and Side
Billions of Vaxxed Contaminated with
Kerry Cassiday on High Level COVID Vax
Technology and Biofeedback
Duplicating mRNA Gene Therapy Outside of
the Body - Video
COVID Lies They Told Us
Carson Tucker on Vax Genocide
Trump Was Lied to About Everything
The Dutch Cover-up: They Knew About
Vaccine Injuries and Hid the Data
Global Surge in Child Heart Failure Caused
by COVID Shots
73.9% Attributed to the Vax
Autopsy Findings in Deaths After Covid-19
Global Research - COVID
COVID Blood Clots - They Admit It Now
Bigger Than the Holocaust
"Hot Lots" of COVID Vaccines
Cancer Depopulation Event from Vax
There Never Was A New Corona Virus - Or A
Sepis Epidemic Among Vax Victims - Hands
and Feet Amputated
Innoculations Are Changing the Human
Biofields - Dr. Robert O. Young
Ed Doud's Websites (Interviewed in the
above Tucker Carlson interview)
There Was No Pandemic
Dead Doctors Who Took The Shot
People Who Recommended the Shot - And Are
Now Suddenly Dead From It
Shot Dead
Nose Swabs; Fibers and Morgellons
Fauci Plotted to Break the Law for the
Cause of Money...
Justin Treadeau Using COVID Money to
Enrich His Friends
Dr. David Martin: Who Pulled Off The COVID
Dogs Can Smell Who Is Vaccinated and Who
Is Not
People Who Got the COVID Jab Now
Displaying Major Personality Changes
Stemming From Vaccine-Induced Neurological
Damage, Experts Warn
COVID Vaccine Death Data Leak Sparks
Arrest: "It Blew My Mind."
Depopulation Drugs in Fast Food Meals
How Pfizer Hid 80% of COVID Trial Deaths
From Regulators
The Zombie Factor in the Shots Now Being
The Big Reset Movie
Those Who Promoted The Shots Are Being
Dealth With By The Military
Vaccinations Causing Massive Amounts of
REMEDY - The Truth About Vaccines
Military Tribunals Taking Place Now
FDA Admits Graphene Oxide Is In Vax
Vaccine Genocide and Karma - Jab Zealots
Are Dropping Dead "Suddenly"
Vax Causes Brain Damage
Babies Born with Heart Disease - Stew
The Pandemic of the Unvaccinated?
Former Pfizer VP Dr. Mike Yeadon says
COVID-19 pandemic never really happened as
was claimed
The Corona Virus Exists Only On Paper
CDC Admits Red States Got “Rapid Kill”
COVID Vaccine Batches
Midazolam Murders - When a Common Sedative
Becomes an Execution Drug
Died Suddenly - Ontario Canada Truck with
images and stories
Vaccines and Christianity
Vaccination Causes Abortions
Medical Murder in the Hospitals During
Everyone Has Been Graphinated - Dr. Robert
O. Young
COVID Vax Designed to Kill
Military Tribunal Convicts Moderna CEO
Stephane Bancel
Military Arrests Vaccine Scientist on
Charges of Accessory to Mass Murder
Orders Destruction of All COVID-19
Vaccines in Russia
Military Being Decimated by Vax
JAG Arrests Past and Current COVID Task
Force Members
Military Arrests of Vaccine People
Cult Behind Deadly COVID Vaccine Push -
Dr. Michael Yeadon
Collapsing Athletes Videos
National Citizens Inquiry
NCI Videos and
Here And
Doctors Say They'll Be Refusing More COVID
CDC Deputy Director Arrested for COVID
Former FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn
Marines Arrest Vaccine-Loving Deputy
Director of the Defense Health Agency
Died Suddenly - The Movie
Billion Dead Worldwide - 7K Die Every Day
in USA - Dr. Eads
COVID-19: Evidence for an Intent to Harm
Injections Added to Childhood Vaccine
Vaxxed Helicopter Pilot Crashes
Vaxxed Pilots Should Not Be Flying
Sudden death Is the #1 Cause of Death for
Those Under 65 Who Got the Jab
Graphic Video of Vax Reactions
6-Month-Old Baby Dies from Cardiac
Conditions 10 Days After Receiving 4 Vax's
Vaccines and Christianity
Masks Make Little Difference
The Fall of the Cabal #26 - COVID 19
1616 Athletic Heart Attacks from COVID
Military Arrests Covid-19 Coordinator Jeff
US Military COVID-19 Statistics
Don't Get the Vax Unless You Are Ready to
Suffer and Die
Only 42% of All Chiropractors are Antivax
MDs and nurses: 8-13%
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on Vax Trojan Horse
Fauci Arrested and on
David Zublick's video and
Executed Here
Dr. Jane Ruby: The Jabbed Are Growing
Animal Venom Glands and Ducts
Microscopy Photos of Vaccine Blood Clots
The Real Anthony Fauci Movie - FREE from
the 18th to the 27th
FAUCI UNMASKED - Complete Expose Movie
COVID Vaccine Injures Heart in All
CDC Excess Deaths and Insurance Data
Sounding Major Alarm Bells
Military Medical Martial Law Now A Reality
Dr. Robert O. Young on Graphene in the
Dr. Robert O. Young on 3, 4, and 5G
Pulsating EMF and Transfection of Graphene
and Parasites
18 Million Vax Injuries in USA- Dr.
Robert O. Young
Read Dr. Young's article on
Oxygen Deprivation of the Blood and Lungs
Died Suddenly News on Facebook
Kingston Research
Baby Dies from Blood Clot Following Blood
COVID and Christianity
Iron/Graphene Oxide Even in Old Drugs As
Viewed in a Live Blood Cell Analysis
20 Million Dead and 2 Billion Injured
CDC Admits NO Documentation for the
Existence of the Monkey Pox Virus
Ultimate Video on People Suddenly Dropping
Identify the Vaxxed on Sight
50 reasons to Give Your Child the COVID
Shot (not)
World Pioneers Dr. Robert O. Young, Del
Bigtree, and Dr. David Martine on COVID
Militarism of Mandatory Shots
Pfizer Batch Codes
How Bad Is My Batch?
Really Happened to Tiffany Dover? Is
She Dead?
Vaccine Research Foundation
Coronavirus Genocide Planned in 1956
The COVID Hoax is Collapsing
400 Doctors and Professionals Declare
International Medical Crisis Due to Covid
Vaccine Injuries and Deaths
The FDA Death Protocol: Remdesivir
Latest Updates on the Shots, Monkey Virus,
and 5G by Dr. Robert O. Young
Nurses Who Are Sick From the Vax
Chips/Circuit Boards in Vax
25X More Likely to be Injured and 20X More
Likely to Die With the Shot
All Shots Are Deadly
Inhaled Vax for Children
COVID Shots 7,402% Deadlier Than All
Combined in UK
Black Box (Death) Warnings on Remdesivir
and/or the Equivalent Drug If You Are
Hospitalized - Genocide
4,358 Fetal Deaths from Vaxxed Mothers
Even the Doctors Are Dying in Mass
UK COVID Deaths Highest Among Vaxxed
Live Creatures in Vaccines
Cancer from the Shots - and 4 Remedies
87 Thousand Doctors and Nurses Against
82% of Pregnant Women Getting COVID
Vaccine Have Miscarriages
Detox Suggestions
How to Remove Graphene Oxide From Your
COVID/Coronavirus Does Not Exist.
The COVID Shots Are Killing People
Heart Inflamation Among Vaccinated
Graphene Growth and Transmission
(shedding) to Non-vaxxed in Blood Stream
Your Water May be Poisoned with Snake
Venom to Prevent COVID (see video
Why the Above Venom Information is False
Ammandha D Vollmer on COVID (and
Robert O. Young and Graphene Vaccination
VAERS Death Statistics and PIctures from
Dr. Robert O. Young
Insurance Payouts Skyrocket 258% as
Post-Vaccine Deaths Rapidly Accelerate
100% Vaccinated Cruise Ship Hit With
Hospitalizations Jump Among Vaccinated:
CDC Data
U.S. Leads World in Calculated Genocide
The CDC Admits the Virus Hasn't Been
Nobody Talking About Dead Pilots
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko's COVID-19 Protocol
Hackers Crack Pfizer, Moderna & Pfizer
Servers. All Vaccine Death Data Now Public
From All Companies Thanks to Hackers!
Data located
Court Convicts Big Pharma and Others of
Trudeau's Vaccination Faked
Vaccination is Doing Evil That Good May
495 Athlete Cardiac Arrests - 291 Dead
After COVID Shot
Proof 5G Will Soon Cause Mass Genocide a
"Smallpox Outbreak" When It Is Fully
COVID-19 Vax Casualty and Death List with
5G and the Coronavirus - Dr. Young
5 Frontline Nurses Speak Out About What Is
Going On
Autopsy Results of the Vaccinated
How Bad Is My Batch (of Vaccinations)?
Lies, Murder & Idolatry: 10 Terrible Facts
about Vaccination They Won't Tell You
Vaccine Injury and Death Stories of
Doctor Dead Hours After Publishing the
Secret of the Vax
U.K. government says vaccinated are dying
at a rate 286% higher than uvaccinated
Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide - A Simple
Remedy for COVID-19
Adverse Effects of COVID Vaccines
COVID-19 Vaccine Identified Ingredients -
Dr. Robert O. Young
Vaccinated and Sudden Death Medical
Facebook Victims of the C-19 Vaccine
CDC Lying About Vax Injuries and Death -
FDA Admits COVID Antigen Tests Cannot
Accurately Detect Omicron
CDC Admits COVID Tests Are Invalid as of
Spike Protein Discovered in Nucleus of
Living Cells
Why I Am Not Taking the Covid Injection
The Top 9 Reasons People Are Dying After
the Vax
COVID Lies and Misinformation - Del
Del Bigtree Exposed
Medical Proof the COVID Jab is "Murder" -
Dr. Vernon Coleman
How the Graphene Hydroxide Destroys the
Body and Cannot be Detoxed from the Body
FDA Documents Over 150K Serious Adverse
Events in First 3 Months of Pfizer Jab
It's graphene hydroxide, not graphene
oxide in the vax according to murdered
German chemist
Dead German Whistleblower
Doctors - Graphene Hydroxide
Destroys Red Blood Cells
Doctors Dropping Like Flies from the Shot
9 Ways People Are Dying
Vaccinated Adults Die at Twice the Rate As
Dr. Thomas Jendges, Head of German
Clinic, Commits Suicide Over CV-19 Vax
German Physician Says Corona Vax Are
Programmed Self-Destruction of the Body
Vaxx Mandate Does Not Exist. It's Just A
Press Release.
Pro-Vax Cardiologist Dies After Booster
Compilation of Athletes Dying from
COVID-19 Vax
Big Pharma's Kill Chart
Fauci Book (RFK, Jr.) Review
Inventor of mRNA technology Warns Against
Blood Crystallizes from Graphene Oxide in
Millions Dead from COVID Vax - Dr.
Robert O. Young
16 Critical COVID Videos
More COVID Vax Videos
Pfizer Whistleblower Sinks Vaccine Trial
There Are Living Creatures Inside the
Vaccine Death Report and
Autopsy Results of the Vaccinated -
Live Tenacle Organism Found in Vaccine
the Vaccine will cause your
death”. Dr Sean Brooks, PHD, Oxford,
48 publications, 23 Books.
Del Bigtree - The Highwire
Video - Shocking COVID
Spanish Court Rules There Is
No Covid
Vaxxed Developing Acquired
Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Conquered by a Fake Pandemic,
We Can Kiss America Good-bye -
Lew Rockwell
Project Veritas - ER Doctor
Documentation of Death with No
VEARS Reporting
Vaccine Vials Examined by U.S.
Lab - Horrific!
Crimes Against Humanity -
3,000 Doctors
Fauci Documentation of Genocide Through
the Use of Remdesivir
Health Professional Testimonials on the
Dangers of the Shot
Children 5 years old will experience a
polio-like outbreak, August through
November. It's from the flu shot and the
CV-19 shot.
Graphene Oxide in COVID-19 Vaccines
Graphine Oxide - How to Eradicate it.
Watch this video on what will happen to
Alberta, Canada, Court Case Proves
Corornavirus Cannot Be Isolated and
20 Times Increase in Cancer from Shots
Rand Paul Grills Vax Attorney
20 Times Cancer Increase with Shot
Physician Horribly Injured After Vax
Young Mom Dies of Vaccine-Induced Blood
Coronavirus Articles by Dr. Robert O.
Dr. Robert O. Young Interviewed by Stew
Peters On Vaccine Graphene
If you die within 14 days of receiving the
vaccination, you are listed as dying
COVID: The Lockdown (video)
Forced Vaccinations in America: The
Disturbing Truth
America's Frontline Doctors
1,000 COVID Stories
Hospitals Killing for Cash
Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood and
Bioterrorism Full Length Documentary
Graphene Oxide and Glutathione
Ivermectin and COVID-19
European Vaccine Injuries and Deaths
COVID Vaccination Danger Videos by Top
Israeli Forced Vaccination - Doctor Tells
the Truth of Why They are Not Needed -
India govt. declares most populated state
officially COVID free after widespread use
of ivermectin
the Vaccine will cause your death”
Dr. Sean Brooks, PHD, Oxford, 48
publications, 23 books.
CDR J.H. Furman warns, "The
forced vaccination of all military
personnel with the present COVID-19
vaccines may compromise U.S. national
security due to the unknown extent of
serious vaccine complications."
CDC admits it
cannot isolate the virus
(actual statement on PDF page 41, printed
page 40) or any other disease-causing
virus for that matter.
Doctor Calls Out CDC at School Board
Baylor Medical Doctor Warns Against the
Only 30% of Americans Have Taken the Shot
Graphene Creates Morgellons Fibers Via
Electrical Charge - Video
COVID-19 Vaccine Shot Mandatory by
What To Do If They Knock On Your Door
Dr. Robert O. Young Many Articles on
COVID-19 Vaccine Death Pictures -
Recognize Anyone?
Dr. Judy Mikovits - Dr. Christiane
Northrup - Antidotes - Depopulation
COVID-19 Bioweapon Articles and
COVID Vaccines Are Killing Babies
70% of Children Receiving the Shot Are
Nebulize for Detox
Magnetic Meats and
Graphene Oxide Put Into All Shots Going
Back Several Years and Is Activated by All
Types of EMF
Glutathione Allegedly Removes Magnetic
Graphene from the Body
Graphene Oxide Not Listed on Ingredients
of Vaccines - A "Trade Secret"
Graphene - Morgellons Video
PCR Swabs Are Coated With Ethylene Oxide
Saline Solution Given Instead of COVID-19
Shots - Is This Why Many Do NOT Experience
Side Affects?
80% Saline Solution in First Round of
Shots Vaxxed Symptoms
Some claim
pine needle tea can help.
Graphene in the COVID-19 Shots is What
Causes Magnets to Stick to People
Graphene Toxicity
My experience is that people who get Covid
injections become vectors of contagion to
the un-injected.
Read about the
graphene oxide here
The Real Cause of COVID-19 (Not a Virus) -
Graphene Oxide
Natural Antidote to the Covid Contagion
Possible Antidote for the V-Serum and the
Current Spike Protein Contagion
May 25, 2021
COVID-19 Vax DNA Side Affect Transmission
via 5G - David Icke
Dr. Carrie Madej - Covid "Vaccines"
Redesign Humanity, Human 2.0 Cyborg
Dr. Sherry Tenpenny - Her Personal History
and Vaccination Stance
Miami Private School
COVID-19 Vaccinations
Mandates, Exemptions, and Legal Action
Against Employers
60% Health Care Workers Reject the
COVID-19 Vaccine
FDA Will NOT Authorize or Approve COVID-19
3,150 COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries in the
First Week
6,000 COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths Deleted in
Ine Day
18 Reasons to Not Get the COVID-19 Vaccine
Evidence of COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries and
Dr. Kary Mullis, Inventor of the PCR Test,
R for Resistance - Latest coronavirus
truthfull news.
Israel Mandatory Vaccines and
No Travel to Israel - CDC and
Israeli Vax Refusal and
Depopulation by Vaccination, the Massacre
Vaccine Depopulation Evidence from 12
Years Ago - Info Wars
Why You Can't Catch A Virus
Merck Stops COVID Vaccine - Better Off
Without It
Moderna Admits Their Vax Jab is an
Experimental Trial with Known Serious Side
Affects for Which There is No Cure
54% of Doctors say they are aware of
patients suffering severe adverse
reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines in
COVID-19 Vaccine - Avoid at All Costs -
RFK, Jr.
COVID-19 Vaccine - World Doctors (Ask
the Experts video)
Doctors Around the World Say Don't Take
the Shot
50 Million Pople Will Die in America from
the Vaccine - Dr. Judy Mikovits
Slovak Republic Confirmation of Genocide
(microscope pictures)
Seeing 2020 - The Censored Science of the
COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 Adverse Reactions & Deaths -
Updated and
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting Nurse Tiffany
Dover is Dead and
Here and
Here on Facebook
Tiffany Dover (Fainting Nurse) Death
Certificate and
COVID-19 Vaccination Horror Stories
COVID-19 Worldwide Vaccination Death VideoVaccine
Mandates, Exemptions and Legal Action
Against Employers
CDC Comes Clean (video)
How Safe Are the Nanoparticles in
Moderna's Vaccine? (
The Top Four Reasons Why Many People,
Doctors and Scientists, Refuse to Take the
COVID Vaccine
COVID-19 Vaccination Injury Schedule Video
- Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
COVID-19 Swiss Man Dies 2 Hours After Shot
COVID-19 Health Care Worker Dies Right
After 2nd Shot
COVID-19 Doctor Dies 2 Weeks After Getting
COVID-19 Deaths and Reactions List - Mike
COVID-19 3% Have Irreversible Damage
COVID-19 Deaths Start a Few Months After
COVID-19 Vaccine Kills Miami Doctor
COVID-19 Dr. Simone Exposes the Lies
COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Reactions
COVID-19 PCR Test a Complete Fraud
COVID-19 - Vaccine Nightmare - The
Marshall Report
COVID-19 Gates Foundation Scientist
Predicts Mass Genocide
Pfizer VP - Mass Depopulation and
COVID-19 Vaccine Not a Vaccine
COVID-19 Vaccine Nanoparticles Detox - Dr.
COVID-19 Second Nuremburg Tribunal
Only 1% Adverse Reactions reported to
Is the CDC Altering the Figures?
Depopulation by Vaccination
Vaccination Made Intentially Harmful
Most N.Y. COVID-19 Patients on Ventilators
Silence on COVID-19 Vaccine Silence
U.S. COVID-19 Deaths
The Duty of Pastors to Warn About the
Vaccine Genocide
Moderna Admits: MRNA Jabs Are an
"Operating System" Designed to Program
Humans and
CDC's Website Admits Coronavirus Cannot
Be Isolated
CDC All But Admits COVID-19 Is Fake
COVID-19 Adverse Vaccine Reactions Hushed
COVID-19 Do You Want to Be First?
COVID-19 Vaccines "Biological Weapons of
Mass Destruction"...
COVID-19 VAERS Results
COVID-19 No statistical or scientific
basis for an Emergency in Victoria or
in fact any State of Australia.
COVID-19 De Facto Employment Vaccination
COVID-19 - A Coming Covid Catastrophe -
Dr. Geert Bossche and
COVID-19 Genocide
Israeli People Committee's April Report on
the Lethal Impact of Vaccinations
Israelis Cry Out to the World to Stop
Mandatory COVID Injections as Lawsuit is
Filed in International Criminal Court Over
Nuremberg Code Violation
( and
COVID-19 CDC/VAERS Vaccine Adverse Events
- Including Death
COVID-19 Vaccinated People Test Positive
for COVID-19
COVID-19 - A Shot in the Dark - Dr. Sherri
COVID-19 Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines
COVID-19 Pandemic Planned Years in Advance
COVID-19 Vaccines May Destroy Millions of
Lives - Dr. Mercola and Judy Mikovits
COVID-19 is Fake - Clinical Lab Scientist
COVID-19 Vax Testing to Be Completed in
2023 - Dr. Young
COVID-19 - Dead After 2nd Shot.
COVID-19 Genocide of 2020 Video
- Claire Edwards
COVID-19 Video by Janet Ossebaard
COVID-19 Nine Facts that Explode the COVID
COVID-19 Vaccine is a Bioweapon - Henry
COVID-19 Vaccine Trials - Not Approved
COVID-19 Vaccine is Coming, and Death is Coming
With It! - Lew Rockwell
COVID-19 Vaccine Sterilization Ingredients
- Dr.Carrie Madej, DO
COVID-19 Test is a Scam
COVID-19 Vaccine Fake Success - Jon Rappoport
COVID-19 Vaccine Mind Control - Henry
COVID-19 Test May Contain "Worm-Like"
CDC/FDA VAERS Data Drop of Vaccine Deaths
and Injuries
Deaths Will Start A few Months After First
MRNA Vax and
Empty Major Los Angeles Hospital
Vaxxter -
Scientific Articles Exposing Vaccine Myths
and Pharma Foibles
The Supreme Court Did Not Deem Vaccines
"Unavoidably Unsafe," Congress Did
Sherri Tenpenny - Leader in Vaccine
Dr. Bhakdi - Microbiologist - Says NO to
the Shots
What Happened to the Flu - Dr. RoberT O.
Dr. Mark Trozzi - Hospitals Empty - Never
Once Saw a COVID-19 Patient
Attorney Reiner Fuellmich Exposes
Coronavirus Pandemic
Fake Syringes Video - What the leaders will
use to demonstrate how safe the COVID-19 vaccine
will be.
Healthy Doctor Dies 2 Weeks After COVID-19
No mRNA (Gene Therapy) in Pfizer Vaccine
It's the Graphene
Remove Graphene Oxide from the Body
Magnets Will Stick to Vaccinated People
Magnetism Added to VAX
Magnet Meat
Spike Proteins
7 Important CV Questions and Answers - Dr.
Robert O. Young
Detox Suggestions
Faucie Email Confessions
5G Dangers
- Videos and Articles
5G Dangers
- The Real Pandemic
I & II: Indoctornation and
COVID-19 Genocide of 2020 Video
Coronavirus Development - David Martin,
London Real
COVID Vaccine Bio-Teror Decades in
Vaccines and Christianity (Deaths and
Why Hydroxychloroquine Seems to Work
Be aware that there are also non-listed
ingredients in the COVID-19 vaccination,
picture below. Those ingredients will
cause sterilization, DNA genetic
manipulation, and nano particles that are
receptive to certain 5G radiation signals
to cause pain, disease, and/or death. An
alkaline body may help minimize these
Detox procedures may help eliminate
the poisons.
God's protection might help avoiding
the poisons altogether. Shockingly,
most religions of the world are are
either silent on the matter or condone
mass poisoning through vaccinations.
17, 2021
This is
my story...
name is Chantal, I'm a 37 year old
Police Officer from Western
Australia and I had a severe
reaction after receiving the
Pfizer vaccine.
To the
people who threatened me with
defamation charges and
disciplinary action for telling my
story, I am disappointed. I'm
disappointed that your priority is
to silence me for your own ego and
agenda rather than ask if I'm ok
and offer me any help! At no time
have you asked if I'm ok or cared
for a second about my health or
welfare. You decided that putting
me under more stress, when that
stress can cause further risk to
my life is your priority. It makes
me question humanity and how any
person can have such a lack of
empathy towards another.
defamation and disciplinary action
is what you deem suitable than I'm
not afraid. I've done nothing
wrong, I did what you wanted and
look what happened. No one has the
right to take away anyone else's
experiences or tell them how they
should feel. Please believe me
when I say, there is nothing that
you can do to me that will even
compare to what I am currently
experiencing. Treating someone in
this way is never ok and if people
can take any lesson away from this
then please stand up for yourself.
Set standards as to how you should
be treated and don't ever be
silent if someone is treating you
poorly regardless of their
relationship to you.
To all
the people who have told me that
my experience isn't real and that
this could never be true. Before
you tell anyone that they are a
liar or voice your opinion, ask
yourself two things. Firstly. Do I
have all the information to voice
my opinion and challenge the
experience of another and
secondly, am I qualified in
voicing this opinion.
August, my employer announced that
anyone who was not vaccinated
against COVID would be treated
differently by having to wear
masks at all times in the
workplace; excluded from buildings
and moved out of their positions
that they have worked hard for
into office type roles if they are
not vaccinated. (confirmed by an
industrial relations staff
member). This announcement is no
secret to the community as it was
published on the front page of the
West Australian newspaper.
Prior to
this announcement, I had decided I
was not getting the vaccine. I am
entitled to my choice. Please note
that I am not an anti-vaxer as
some may call it, but I make
decisions based around having
sufficient information available
to me which I believed and still
believe I do not have. My reasons
for not getting the vaccine should
not be anyone else's business but
for the purposes of this post I am
including it. For me, there are
insufficient studies on long term
health issues and the vaccine
didn't meet the usual safety
checks which makes me
uncomfortable. I had never had a
flu vaccine in my life and I had
not had a flu since 2009. I
believe in good nutrition and
always use nutrition to cure
ailments wherever possible. I
created a company based on this
premise and I am very successful.
I had also had a reaction to an
unknown allergy and wanted to wait
to speak to an immunologist prior
to making a definite decision.
However, this appointment was two
months off. I felt as though I
didn't really have a choice. I was
worried that I would be moved out
of my position which is seen as a
privileged role.
morning of my appointment, I was
really scared about getting the
vaccine as I knew it wasn't right
for me. I spoke to the doctor
about my concerns and she was
willing to write me a letter to
delay it but asked me what would
that mean for my job. I didn't
know and it worried me. That day
she had spoken to a lot of people
from my job and she said that a
lot of them felt threatened and
put into a position to make a
choice that they didn't want to
and whilst in the waiting room, my
colleagues told me the same thing.
The doctor told me that she was
concerned about giving the vaccine
to people who weren't doing it
freely by their own choice. Sadly,
I joked with the doctor saying
"I'll be the one the vaccine
kills." Sadly, it could have.
Within 10
minutes of getting the Pfizer
vaccine, I got vertigo and nausea
and within 15 minutes I had hives
all over me. The doctor and
ambulance officer got the rash
under control but as soon as I got
home I had a fever, chills and
felt very unwell. For the
following 3.5 weeks I suffered
rashes every day, fevers as high
as 39.7, aching muscles, flu like
symptoms, nausea, vomiting,
diarrhea, pressure in my sinuses
and a cough so bad that it felt
like my blood vessels were going
to explode in my face. Some days I
cried because I thought I was
going to die. I was so sick. When
I thought I was starting to get
better, I still had extreme
fatigue and was constantly light
headed. I went back to work but
spent a lot of time laying on my
office floor and struggling to get
through the day.
On a
Tuesday night, I noticed that my
eyes felt weird. They had a heavy
feeling and felt like they needed
rubbing all the time. The next
morning I woke up to go to work
and one eye wouldn't open and the
other wouldn't close. The one that
wouldn't close also wouldn't
blink. I thought that I had
allergies so I took an
antihistamine and drove one hour
to work. By 9:00am, I felt my top
lip go a bit funny and my work
colleague told me that my face was
drooping sideways and she was
taking me to emergency. I will be
forever grateful for her making me
go as she saved my life.
Within 1
minute of being at emergency,
everyone was rushing around me and
I started to panic. Next second
I'm getting wired up to machines
and a stroke specialist and
multiple other doctors and nurses
were in my cubicle. I was admitted
to hospital.
The next
morning, I got up and had a shower
but instead I ended up having a
stroke. I was in the shower by
myself and my body started waving
uncontrollably and the right side
of my body got a weird sensation.
I could no longer stand and I was
on the floor scared. My right side
got really heavy and felt numb
with a weird pins and needles type
of sensation. At this stage the
left side of my face was fully
paralysed and I had extreme muscle
weakness in my left arm and leg.
I was
taken for more tests which showed
that the main artery to my brain
had a rupture and I had suffered a
mini stroke (TIA). I was
transferred to the stroke ward at
a different hospital that day and
from that moment on, I was
monitored hourly.
I can't
tell you how scary it was being in
a stroke ward with all elderly
patients thinking what the hell am
I doing here. I was tested for
every illness and nutrient
deficiency that could cause a
stroke and the doctor said I was
perfectly healthy and had no
possible cause to what had
happened to me.
While in
hospital, I was monitored hourly.
It was crazy. No sleep, and I was
constantly scared that it would
happen again. I couldn't eat or
drink properly and dribbled
everything down the side of my
face. It was humiliating. This was
a minor issue for the doctors but
for a 37 year old girl, it was a
big deal. I was told that there
was a 25% chance it wouldn't heal
and if it did, it would take
months. This by itself was highly
I cried
multiple times a day. It was
mentally hard to get through every
moment. I was not allowed to move
at first but the nurses let me
have bathroom privileges because
going to the bathroom in a tray
was too upsetting for me. If I
moved too much or too fast I could
have another stroke.
I was
unable to have any treatment as
the doctors deemed it too unsafe
so the only thing that the doctors
and I could do was wait and hope
that my artery will heal itself.
This will take a long time and in
the mean time, my usual activities
are on hold.
When I
was discharged from the hospital,
I was really happy as I couldn't
stand being locked up in the
hospital. Don't get me wrong, my
nurses and doctors were amazing
and I can't say one thing wrong
about their efforts and caring
nature. However, it was so scary
being home without the constant
care. I wasn't allowed to be left
alone and the risk of having
another stroke was and still is
very high. I was in constant fear
and even though my confidence is
increasing, I still worry every
second. I am further away from
instant care and the risk of
permanent brain damage is very
real. I now also suffer constant
nose bleeds and painful joints.
I was
booked in for an appointment at
the vaccine safety clinic. Sadly,
there were about twenty other
women the same age as me sitting
around waiting. I didn't really
understand what the appointment
was about until I was taken into a
private room with a doctor who
tried to tell me that the vaccine
had nothing to do with what had
happened to me but then also
couldn't tell me that it didn't.
He sat
in his chair stating that it was
worth the risk of having another
stroke to get my second Pfizer
shot. How can a doctor sit there
and tell someone those things. He
was willing to risk my life to
meet what I believe his goal to be
of getting as many people
vaccinated as possible. He didn't
care about my safety and even
asked after I refused the vaccine
if I wanted him to call me back in
three months time to see if I
changed my mind. There was no
respect for my decision.
mental side of this is very hard
and has required a lot of
strength. I am a very active and
busy person and to go from that to
only being aloud to walk around
the house is highly distressing. I
have to be very aware of my mental
health and I can't thank my
partner and friends enough for
dropping everything to help and
support me. I am very lucky.
I don't
want anything from telling my
story accept the acknowledgement
that no vaccine or medical
procedure is safe for everyone.
This is not my opinion, this is
fact and the COVID vaccine is no
exception. No one has the right to
tell someone else that they have
to put something in their body as
they don't know the risks to that
person. It is causing a sad
division in our society and not
making anyone happy. If you choose
to have the vaccine then great and
if you don't then that is ok too.
Please be kind to each other and
treat each other fairly and
equally, we all deserve it.
* Photo
was me in hospital showing left
side facial paralysis.
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